Travis Scott's satanic ritual with 5G and Vaccine


May 11, 2020
Seems that way Lyfe
Because it is that way
we well most of us are the 99%
That are eaters and breeders
Those with money
Of course there is always exceptions to the rules
look as those in that 99% as just that
Leeches using up all their resources
Gates says it all in the one interview
That if we can drop the population enough
Then we can all live as luxurious as we please without worry
Like those worries anbout food shortages and such
They say it with the movies,tv shows,music videos and every other ms advertisements
The world has way too many people
they are always looking and think tanking ways
to lessen that population number
They showed how many times in how many ways
that a vaxxine can be used as a massive depopulation tool
With great results
They have bunkers and places they can protect themselves from reality
they have already showed us how they are living and where
They have the money n means to not have our worries
They are in the know on what is going on in the world
Because they have helped to engineer this world
How can you be so certain the truth they tell you is the actual truth
We have seen more than enough lies
to know they do not tell the whole truth when ever it suits their needs
Which usually means something to keep them where they are in status n life
I am sorry for me it is just logical to always ask questions
you cannot know the answers if your not asking the questions
Well to quote the Bible these people are of their father the devil. He was a murderer from the beginning and in him there is no truth. Everything he speaks is a lie. Its a war against God. These satanic music artists and illumnists are anti human and anti life. Whether they know it or not they are under the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience.

There is just a real sickness and satanic hold on the world right now. Nobody can even really deny it. You flip through television and you see people getting gunned down and blood gushing everywhere. That is what is normal nowadays. Its just a culture of death and inversion. I told God that I hated how it was polluting my soul and corrupting me and that I only wanted to pursue health and life after I renounced it all. Anybody who was wise would abandon ship right now before this stuff destroys them and their kids.


Oct 24, 2021
For me its only just a suspicion based on his dark image. How can anyone prove a ritual sacrifice? Unless they are in the occult or know the symbols? Maybe someone else can answer that for you, not me.
I think the music industry promotes these types of conspiracy theories. Its a fact that people are psychologically drawn to sex, death, and myst
They know how to buy young people and they buy it every time. Ignoring them by a few who know the truth doesn't reduce their recognition or help young people. Not discussing something that's already in the public knowledge means accepting it.
Not discussing something in no way means you accept it. Its obvious that music promotes occult symbology but why? It causes controversy and free publicity. Its a way of marketing as those who use it now know it will be talked about throughout the conspiracy community. I'm sure youve heard the saying "there's no such thing as bad publicity". Ignore it all and most of it will go away.
May 18, 2018
Its a way of marketing as those who use it now know it will be talked about throughout the conspiracy community. I'm sure youve heard the saying "there's no such thing as bad publicity". Ignore it all and most of it will go away.
the music industry isnt basing their entire thematic scheme on marketing to the conspiracy community. And most people do ignore the fact that modern pop music videos and show are satanic rituals, it doesn’t make it go away. When a bunch of people die and they realize the show was a satanic ritual, thats probably the first time a lot of people have ever not been able to ignore it
Mar 15, 2019
Not discussing something in no way means you accept it. Its obvious that music promotes occult symbology but why? It causes controversy and free publicity. Its a way of marketing as those who use it now know it will be talked about throughout the conspiracy community. I'm sure youve heard the saying "there's no such thing as bad publicity". Ignore it all and most of it will go away.
2021-11-08 01_09_53-News and Current Events _ The Vigilant Citizen Forums - Opera.png
There are only 2k views including those who have viewed several pages and several times. The number of followers of the people we are talking about is tens of millions, and the number of video views is hundreds of millions/billions. Conspiracy theorists can contribute 0.000... percent to their recognition. Before 2010s, when conspiracy theories became widespread, popular music already ruled the youth.


Oct 24, 2021
the music industry isnt basing their entire thematic scheme on marketing to the conspiracy community. And most people do ignore the fact that modern pop music videos and show are satanic rituals, it doesn’t make it go away. When a bunch of people die and they realize the show was a satanic ritual, thats probably the first time a lot of people have ever not been able to ignore it
I've seen YouTube "illuminat" in the music industry videos with 200 million views. More people are aware than you think.


Jun 19, 2021
I think the music industry promotes these types of conspiracy theories. Its a fact that people are psychologically drawn to sex, death, and myst

Not discussing something in no way means you accept it. Its obvious that music promotes occult symbology but why? It causes controversy and free publicity. Its a way of marketing as those who use it now know it will be talked about throughout the conspiracy community. I'm sure youve heard the saying "there's no such thing as bad publicity". Ignore it all and most of it will go away.
It is what it is man. All Im saying is these are dark times and Im not suprised if that was an occult ritual.


Oct 24, 2021
It is what it is man. All Im saying is these are dark times and Im not suprised if that was an occult ritual.
No doubt these are the darkest times in history. My point is people are psychologically drawn to mystery, sex, and death. That's why its used as a means of advertising, and subverting society. Ever wonder why every television show has elements of sex and death? Its the old pagan idea of death and generation. Giordano Bruno wrote about ways of controlling people and society by similar means.he claimed it was much more easy to control a group of people than a single person through "Eros".


Jun 19, 2021
No doubt these are the darkest times in history. My point is people are psychologically drawn to mystery, sex, and death. That's why its used as a means of advertising, and subverting society. Ever wonder why every television show has elements of sex and death? Its the old pagan idea of death and generation. Giordano Bruno wrote about ways of controlling people and society by similar means.he claimed it was much more easy to control a group of people than a single person through "Eros".
I agree that people are drawn to mystery and perversion, but I would have to say that marketing it could possibly be deflection.


Jun 4, 2017
Helps push us closer to digital
by using these tragedies and past concert tragedies
as a reason why virtual is better for everyone
Essentially this ^^^.
Everything serves "the machine", if you will. It is advancing their cause.

--- * ---

As for the rest of the thread--
It can't really be a sacrifice because they don't even know the people who were affected, nor do they own them (yet). As @Journeyman illustrated-- words are important.

A sacrifice is something belonging to you, or someone -- either of which is personally very (very) dear to you. The loss or cost to you would have to be tremendous.

But an offering? Absolutely.
And the negative energy generated, based on the size of the audience, would be abundant.

I've never heard of this guy, nor am I familiar with his history-- but something clearly was "off" about the whole incident.

It doesn't need to be perfectly defined in order to understand that it was most likely engineered.


Oct 24, 2021
I agree that people are drawn to mystery and perversion, but I would have to say that marketing it could possibly be deflection.
Marketing it out in the open without dissent proves our society has already been 100% processed. Its a slap in the face to those who know, and induces apathy, and abulia In those who watch it, like Michael Hoffman has asserted for the past 30 years. People after watching such things look at the elite as invincible.
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Oct 24, 2021
Essentially this ^^^.
Everything serves "the machine", if you will. It is advancing their cause.

--- * ---

As for the rest of the thread--
It can't really be a sacrifice because they don't even know the people who were affected, nor do they own them (yet). As @Journeyman illustrated-- words are important.

A sacrifice is something belonging to you, or someone -- either of which is personally very (very) dear to you. The loss or cost to you would have to be tremendous.

But an offering? Absolutely.
And the negative energy generated, based on the size of the audience, would be abundant.

I've never heard of this guy, nor am I familiar with his history-- but something clearly was "off" about the whole incident.

It doesn't need to be perfectly defined in order to understand that it was most likely engineered.
I'm not buying it. Anyone whos been to a general admission concert knows how dangerous they are. Broken bones, and people being trampled on isn't uncommon. To say all these are "offerings" is ludicrous in my eyes. People know the dangers of being in crowds like that.


Jun 4, 2017
In 1991, right after USSR collapsed, Metallica, Pantera and AC/DC to Russia for the first time ever. And they make it free for all. And a million people attended. and nobody died.
True... good point.

*To be fair, and iirc-- people have been trampled at a Pantera concert before-- it was hardly encouraged though.