Crazy Stuff--Insert Here


Aug 11, 2021
Not sure if it has been shared
do they really expect people to stay
social distancing while they are all
hoping they will not die
this is nuts

"Hand sanitizer does not protect against fall out." I'm glad I learned that before the nuclear destruction.


May 15, 2017
Right Sibi
When I was a kid in our library
they had this book which I cannot recall
the name now but in it there was
How to prepare for nuclear disaster

In the blast zone students would hide under
the desks or behind the door
I always thought as a kid that
How would a little bit of bricks and wood stop a bomb?


Aug 11, 2021
Right Sibi
When I was a kid in our library
they had this book which I cannot recall
the name now but in it there was
How to prepare for nuclear disaster

In the blast zone students would hide under
the desks or behind the door
I always thought as a kid that
How would a little bit of bricks and wood stop a bomb?
When I was a kid we had to do emergency drills where we hid under the desk. I also thought that!


Jan 22, 2018
I've just been in the unfortunate position of being caught short for fuel on a British motorway so had to stop at a motorway service station to save running out of fuel.

I'm ashamed to say I have just paid £1.93 per litre of diesel. I could only force myself to put 5.18 litres in my car as I was struggling with anger issues due to putting myself in this position in the first place.

Most non motorway fuel stations are currently charging around £1.75.

This is how the exchange went between myself and the cashier.

Me: I've just put enough in to get me to a garage that isn't going to totally take the piss out of me like you guys are ....£1.93 a litre!?!?

Cashier: Hmmmm

Me: You should take that BP sign down from outside and hang a jolly rodger before trading standards gets tipped off.

Cashier: Mate I don't set the prices....we're all the same boat.

Me: Well I hope it's a f**king sail boat because if it's got an engine we're gonna have to make a swim for it.

Robbing bastards!!!

(Slaps ten pound on counter and exits...seething)


Jun 28, 2020
Check out who/what is sitting in the seat of the United States - at the 7:44 mark
I seen this one before. Its a little hard to make out but she's looking down wearing a mask with her glasses pushed up on her forehead.

Let me see if i can highlight it.

This is her right eye looking down.
right eye looking down.jpg

She is wearing a typical black face mask like this one.
1649788622858.jpeg facemask.jpg

Her glasses are pushed up on forehead.

I made the images larger so it is easier to see. But it is easy to look at the original, see her right eye as some kind of mouth and then the entire thing looks alien.

An optical illusion i guess, such as the famous drawing of a young / old woman.
There are 2 woman here, which one you see depends on how you look at it.
optical illusion.jpg The old woman's mouth is the young girls necklace. The young girls ear is the old woman's eye.