LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)

May 18, 2018
How much does it cost?
If i was in USA, and wanted to be a 'man', have hormones, have mastectomy, have fake penis installed, how much $?
Can it be free? Funded by charity body or such?
Does insurance pay for it? Will insurance keep paying for lifetime hormone treatment and follow up for unsatisfactory outcome?
Its a multi billion dollar industry already. Not only for the surgeries but the lifelong drugs and science that it takes to twist someone into an approximation and mockery of natures perfection
Mar 15, 2019
Exactly! The destruction of the traditional family unit is critical for their satanic transgender/transhumanist/ pedo agenda to work.
Their history. They can write any story they want about wars, conquests, revolutions, victories, oppressors and oppressed, warriors and terrorists. When internet censorship becomes total and parents are eliminated, the truth only exists in God.

Lil axe

May 11, 2020


Jun 9, 2022
This current language that republicans are using is alarming and a throw back to the 1980’s rhetoric. Gay and Lesbian Americans since they refuse to absolutely distance themselves from the trans/non-binary agendas are going to lose everything. They are getting lumped in and soon it maybe too late to stop it. They just need to step up and vocalize their absolute disdain for the social engineering masters and they need to call this bull*#!t out. As for that state seceding from the rest of the US, I think it’s a huge mistake. Look at what’s happening to people living under Brexit. So many things are falling apart over in the UK, many there are regretting it now.

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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
vc's new article (disturbing) -
It's incredible the disproportionate amount of transgendered children who parents are high profile entertainers. It's hard to comprehend just how much sexual abuse and/or incest occurs. That combined with rampant SRA and MK programming. These kids have no chance.

Now the controlled pedo friendly media are focusing their attention more than ever on these deranged families normalizing their sick behavior so other kids and their dumbed down brainwashed parents will follow in their foot steps.


Jun 9, 2022
It's incredible the disproportionate amount of transgendered children who parents are high profile entertainers. It's hard to comprehend just how much sexual abuse and/or incest occurs. That combined with rampant SRA and MK programming. These kids have no chance.

Now the controlled pedo friendly media are focusing their attention more than ever on these deranged families normalizing their sick behavior so other kids and their dumbed down brainwashed parents will follow in their foot steps.
don’t know why so many adults are not letting kids just be kids. When I was a kid if I did something that wasn’t right, I was told by an adult that it’s unacceptable and explained to why and then the message sunk in and I moved on. Most kids used to do that it seemed to me. Now parents seem to fuel a kid’s insecurities and stretch out the part of the brain that obsesses too much over stuff that is not so important. It’s like yeah let’s really dig into why you’re feeling you’re this but not that blah blah blah…no wonder there are so many obsessive compulsive cases now more than ever. It’s unbelievable. Kids are just being treated like accessories now. Especially by the Hollywood elites. I have my own ideas as to why people like Mia Farrow and the Queen of Botox Jolie ensnared so many children. They need the continual adoration when they’re not in front of a camera and doing press and award shows. Great let me hold a bunch of kids hostage for my own private audience of adoring fans. Who do they think their fooling anyway. So many adopted kids by these absolute narcissistic celebrities wind up distancing themselves from their famous adopted parents when they become adults anyway.
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Jan 29, 2018
Yeah, and yet they tell us it's all a natural progression in human evolution.

(despite the the obvious shot at "white men" I thought this article was worth posting)
If we are being honest though, this is an agenda being primarily pushed and controlled at its upper echelons by rich Caucasian and Jewish men. Everyone plays their part who is associtated with it but its pretty clear who is directing and funding the lgbt-holdthamayo agenda.


Jan 29, 2018
Worthwhile article. The madness continues.
This is in Fairfax VA. right?... the unhinged abortion legislation they tried to push through, this garbagio, some of the most restrictive Covid laws and lockdowns in the nation... for such a supposedly conservative state, the people who control its government seem hell-bent on outdoing the "liberals" pushing these agendas elsewhere. Why, its almost as if the conservative/liberal divide is an entirely false front meant to keep us distracted, fighting each other and continuing to rely on "government" to straighten it all out for us... all while this united duopoly advances their true. solidified agenda.


Jan 29, 2018
vc's new article (disturbing) -
Im disturbed about that ridiculous birdbrain Chet Hanks and his "rapping career"... for real, why cant some good old-fashioned rap venue parking lot-violence make it his way after one of his forays into hip-hop indulgence out here with the rest of us unwashed masses? The game will still be played, but get him off of the board already.


Jun 9, 2022
Im disturbed about that ridiculous birdbrain Chet Hanks and his "rapping career"... for real, why cant some good old-fashioned rap venue parking lot-violence make it his way after one of his forays into hip-hop indulgence out here with the rest of us unwashed masses? The game will still be played, but get him off of the board already.
supposedly Chet the genius is making porn films now and using his parents’ home as his sets. Enty dropped an entry on his blog crazydaysandnights last week as a blind but most comments are pointing to Chet as his post seems to highly suggest that it’s Chet. Also his parents are aware and are very very not happy about it. Chet’s taking advantage of their home since his parents have been traveling everywhere doing press junkets and interviews for the Elvis movie so they aren’t home much these days. Oh Chet won’t you ever learn?


Jan 29, 2018
supposedly Chet the genius is making porn films now and using his parents’ home as his sets. Enty dropped an entry on his blog crazydaysandnights last week as a blind but most comments are pointing to Chet as his post seems to highly suggest that it’s Chet. Also his parents are aware and are very very not happy about it. Chet’s taking advantage of their home since his parents have been traveling everywhere doing press junkets and interviews for the Elvis movie so they aren’t home much these days. Oh Chet won’t you ever learn?
Oh Im sure his degenerate parents know all about it and Im sure they approve. Not for the public to see of course but still... I also have an idea of what his "films" would be like and they are probably a real life horror show. Could you post a link to the CDAN blind item thread about this?


Jun 9, 2022
Oh Im sure his degenerate parents know all about it and Im sure they approve. Not for the public to see of course but still... I also have an idea of what his "films" would be like and they are probably a real life horror show. Could you post a link to the CDAN blind item thread about this?


Jun 9, 2022
We need to stay on top of this because imo this could/will ultimately expose Tom Hanks himself.
this is the only place I’ve heard it could be him. Don’t know what enty means by pseudo offspring though. He clearly looks like his pedo dad. He’s a hot mess though. Maybe he’ll be exposed soon because white boy summer begins next month through august and so he might slip up. No pun intended.


Jun 9, 2022
Another highly informative video/talk by prof. Hamamoto. The video a couple of hours ago was experiencing some very suspicious glitches. Probably the trans/genderfluid/radical extreme left lgbt mobs and their corporate donors were messing with the video. When you see this, you can understand why someone wants to take it down as the month of June doesn’t belong to all of us anymore but for these maniacs. It seems to be working now though. He really narrows down a lot in this. A lot the stuff happening now is partly because of three specific gender studies radical tenured professors and another guy called John Money. Seriously people need to watch this video. He does an amazing job of breaking down and identifying the main players that started all this mess. Prof. Hamamoto wants to save the American universities. He wants the psycho gender studies/CRT/queer studies flushed out and wants to bring back the true Humanities. Art, Music, Literature and The Classics. History is happening now is what the prof. is saying and people need to keep reading and investigating what happened in the past in order to understand why things that threaten us now are bombarding us today.

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