Recent content by Smol Gremlin

  1. Smol Gremlin

    Woman with thousands of alters from abuse -MK Victim

    I have said this on another channel, but it bears repeating here- while there's no question that this woman has Dissociative Identity Disorder, I dont see much evidence that she is a programmed multiple (a butterfly alone does not a Monarch victim make.)
  2. Smol Gremlin

    Fighting a Common Enemy

    One thing that i've become keenly aware of over the years is this increasingly tense divide between republicans and democrats in who they think is the bad guy in the situation. Like you've got this one side who sees this group of rich and powerful people (celebrities, politicians, etc.) and...
  3. Smol Gremlin

    Woman with thousands of alters from abuse -MK Victim

    It's true that the creeps all protect one another, in fact its actually a lot of them happen to be cops and judges themselves. I've also known a few pastors involved, one of them was a pastor of a Mormon church and another from a protestant one, my grandfather (who i suspect is a programmer, i...
  4. Smol Gremlin

    Woman with thousands of alters from abuse -MK Victim

    Mecca, i agree strongly with you, except for one thing- in that monarch programming is very real, but its not a government conspiracy to overtake the world or anything. From my experiences, what it is was more like, some numbskulls thought it would be cool to see if they could make a real live...