the peadophile agenda (careful this is the next big thing)


May 10, 2022
Nowadays the internet is the best doctor in town because we can fully research our maladies and end up knowing more about them than the medics, and keep a check on how they're diagnosing and treating us..:)
I hear ya, but what I needed at that time was a hospital with competent doctors and a change of lifestyle.


Jun 5, 2023
Where does it give permission to "beat wives" in the Quran? From what translation? It essentially says you can tap her lightly with the equivalent of a mishwack stick. Your ignorance is your shield, apparently.
You ignored the jihad which you book tells you to do. Stop deflecting.


Jun 5, 2023
Thank you for sharing this. And thank you for being willing to call out things like Planned Parenthood, which are eugenics-based death houses.
Your stupidity and misogyny is astounding lol. What else can you expect from someone who follows a book that tells you to commit jihad. You keep evading that by the way.


Jun 5, 2023
Where does it give permission to "beat wives" in the Quran? From what translation? It essentially says you can tap her lightly with the equivalent of a mishwack stick. Your ignorance is your shield, apparently.
"Tap her lightly with a stick"?? WTF is your deranged cult? Is she a dog that needs to be trained with violence? Sickos. Funny how the wife isn't allowed to "tap him lightly" in return. You are worse than the elites.
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Jun 5, 2023
I rarely comment on these threads anymore because, well, life is hard enough without arguing online with total strangers. That being said...

Though this thread is completely derailed and is not really about abortion I felt compelled to comment on the discussion that is taking place. So, this is such a hard subject to discuss. Most folks on the forum know that I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, but I was not always... <<taking a deep breath here>> When the topic of abortion comes up there is this sort of standard argument that takes place. But I find that women who have gone through with this rarely speak up about the the reality of the horror and trauma of abortion because of shame. If they speak up then the conservatives will shake their heads and the liberals will just scream and scream like they do. But if one really cares about women then they should be honest about the reality of abortion. It is awful. It is not a fun, liberating experience. The negative effects on a woman who goes through this "procedure" are intense and can last a lifetime. It's physically and emotionally traumatic. I don't care how hardened the women is, it's difficult to go through.

Of course from a biblical standpoint abortion is murder. I don't think there is any disputing that. But if I was arguing from a non Christian perspective I would say the system that carries out these procedures is extremely broken and corrupt. They could not care less about women, and I know from personal experience... So, I went to the hospital because I had no insurance and I knew something was wrong. I had just overcome a hard opioid addiction, cold turkey (still clean after 13 years). I was pretty surprised when I found out I was pregnant, for reasons I won't disclose. But after hours and hours of waiting they couldn't tell me what was going on. So around 6 a.m I just left. Then I was panicking. I was having major symptoms of a pregnancy gone wrong. So, I went to "the clinic." When they did the "exam" I tried to get answers about what was wrong with me. They said they couldn't tell me that, they could only do what they do there. When they handed me my pills I knew in my heart I shouldn't do it, but I did. They just sent me on my way. The cost of the "medicine" $600 and change. Go figure.

I took the pills as directed. At first it wasn't too bad, then it got worse. Much worse. I will not go into detail but I almost bled to death, alone. When I was able to call the next day the lady on the phone was unconcerned. She acted like what I was going through was completely normal. I can assure you nothing about what I experienced should be considered "normal". I bled for weeks. I couldn't stand up without passing out. I was white as a sheet. Now I know I was badly in need of a blood transfusion. But I never went to the hospital and endured it alone. Four days in (I was not a Christian at the time mind you) I knew I had done something horribly wrong. Not to me, but to God. I was sobbing, consumed by guilt. I looked in the mirror and I told God I was sorry for what I did. He knew it wasn't because of what I was going through physically but it was because I knew in my heart I had made the wrong choice and was repentant. And as God is my witness I felt a huge weight come off of me and I began the healing process. But I put myself in that position. That was my fault and I was suffering the consequences of my actions.

However, if there is an extreme case like r*pe, or there is incest r*pe, of course this is absolutely horrible. Anyone who can't feel for the pregnant women or girls who are forced into these situations has no heart in them. Or maybe there's some underlying health issue where the mother's life is possibly at risk. This is a very hard situation. I would say at best, again, from a non Christian perspective these procedures should be performed in a hospital only. The woman should receive free counseling afterwards if she wants. And only for the extreme situations that have been highlighted in this discussion. r*pe, incest r*pe, major deformities effecting fetus or mom. Abortions are NOT birth control. A life is being terminated. Period. I've known girls who have had multiple abortions and you can see it in their eyes, they're all hollowed out.

Anyway, when I hear women defending planned parenthood I wonder if they really know what they are fighting for. I would not wish my experience on any woman. It was beyond awful. I almost died. It took months to fully recover. And I have never fully emotionally recovered. They didn't warn me about any of this. They just handed me my brown paper bag, took my money and sent me on my way. Pure evil. My heart sinks like an anchor when I think about how many women must have died alone like I almost did.
What a crock of shit. Most women have NO regrets. and thankfully young r*pe victims are given abortion care by humanists and not your "christofascist" cult of sickos who know nothing of God truly. Abortion care has also saved countless women's lives. Thankful for the humanists who protect women and young girls from you and your repulsive cult that views women as non-human vessels for a clump of cells. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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Jun 27, 2019
What a crock of shit. Most women have NO regrets. and thankfully young r*pe victims are given abortion care by humanists and not your "christofascist" cult of sickos who know nothing of God truly. Abortion care has also saved countless women's lives. Thankful for the humanists who protect women and young girls from you and your repulsive cult that views women as non-human vessels for a clump of cells. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Is this what you mean by young r*pe victims being given abortion care by humanists, and how abortion care has saved countless women's lives?

Is this how humanists protect women and young girls from those who oppose your views?

Undercover Hidden Cameras - Abortion Clinics for Underage Sex Workers/Traffickers


May 10, 2022
What a crock of shit. Most women have NO regrets. and thankfully young r*pe victims are given abortion care by humanists and not your "christofascist" cult of sickos who know nothing of God truly. Abortion care has also saved countless women's lives. Thankful for the humanists who protect women and young girls from you and your repulsive cult that views women as non-human vessels for a clump of cells. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Lol. You are so worked up. I guess you have met and talked to most women then? Maybe you're just speaking for yourself.


Jun 5, 2023
Is this what you mean by young r*pe victims being given abortion care by humanists, and how abortion care has saved countless women's lives?

Is this how humanists protect women and young girls from those who oppose your views?

Undercover Hidden Cameras - Abortion Clinics for Underage Sex Workers/Traffickers
Women carrying dangerous pregnancies that have caused life-threatening situations for their health, you absolute fool. Go talk to the OB/GYN profession. My cousin is a labour and delivery nurse by the way. You gross religious extremists have no concept of medicine or biology or the risks of childbirth. Fool.


Jun 5, 2023
You aint the boss of me! And you cant prove a point to save your life here...
Hahahah you can't defend the fact that your book tells you to commit jihad so you write crap instead. You're backed into a corner because you can't defend your cult. You know it's wrong and you have no defense for it. So you try to deflect like a pathetic coward.


Sep 4, 2023
Where does it give permission to "beat wives" in the Quran? From what translation? It essentially says you can tap her lightly with the equivalent of a mishwack stick..
What the hell's a 'mishwack stick', an Arab baseball bat or what?..:)

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Sep 4, 2023
Nowadays the internet is the best doctor in town because we can fully research our maladies and end up knowing more about them than the medics, and keep a check on how they're diagnosing and treating us..:)
I hear ya, but what I needed at that time was a hospital with competent doctors and a change of lifestyle.
Speaking of changes of lifestyle, 40 years ago in my younger days I was always on the go, gallivanting all over the place, then was hit by an appalling spell of depression, so I slowed right down and took a more spiritual approach to life, and after 8 weeks it cleared up and i've never been hit by it again..:)


Sep 4, 2023
..Abortion care has also saved countless women's lives..
Yeah the Christian view is that abortions are only a possibilty if continuing the pregnancy would seriously endanger the woman's life, or if scans show the baby would be born seriously handicapped physically or mentally, seems a sensible approach to me..:)

PS- when my mother became preggers with me out of wedlock many years ago she could have had me aborted like many other women did to cover up their "shame", and her family and friends would probably have said "Oh well it was for the best" and wouldn't have minded.
But as the fetus in question, I might have minded..:)
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May 10, 2022
Of course I have and my cousin in a labor and delivery nurse. You are a trolling twit.
You are hilarious!! More! More! Yes, between you and your cousin you have talked to most women in the world. You must stay very busy! You are clearly the troll :D You're on this forum throwing a big baby tantrum and name calling because you don't wike da mean words the other people say that hurt your feewings. I know it's tough when people don't agree with you. You just want to scream and scream don't cha?


May 10, 2022
You claim to care about women, but when I said I was mistreated at an abortion clinic and almost died, you laugh. You only care about your opinion and being right. I bet I can picture just what you look like. A mean sneer on your face. A friendly passerby says hello and you glare at them. You are obviously a miserable human being. But your tantrums are amusing.
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