Orange Man Peddling Maga Bibles $59.95 Each

Oct 20, 2021
I think this is somewhat disgusting to be honest. I have many Bibles and they were all free. His true loyalty is to Israel like almost all Satanic Washington DC. He is rich enough to give anyone who wants one for free. I doubt he has ever read a Bible but who knows. I know he is the lesser evil of the two running for president but still it would be nice to see him do something that wasn't motivated for a quick buck. I also think he is possibly mocking the Bible by doing this. What's next selling pictures of Jesus with his autograph?


Jun 28, 2020
Trump is a salesman. It's literally what he does. He tells people what they want to hear. He has a large Christian fan base, so he caters to them. I remember when he sold trading cards of himself for $99 each, and they literally sold out.

The Bible should be free, to an extent. As the materials and time to make it cost money. $60 a pop is Trump trying to cash in though.

We won't have to endure him for much longer, he's 77 years old. He can pretty much go at any time. Life expectancy for an American man is about 73. Trump has a foot in the grave. If he does get back in DC, how long before he becomes a potato like Biden?
Oct 20, 2021
The problem we have today is that everyone is trying to sell you something that is intrinsically worthless. People used to have honest jobs but these were all shipped out to other countries. Now there is a new species that evolved that has produced things we are better without. The Dark Ages return with unimaginable horrors far more advanced than was ever known. The Evil Ones require as many people as possible to feed off and take everything they can. They are not human and do not care. Insects do not care when they bite you and infect you with the latest disease. The Evil Ones have minds similar to insects but also highly intelligent. This is why we must avoid them if at all possible. Who knows when or why and only one thing is guaranteed.


Nov 8, 2022
His role goes perfectly. He Is The Salesman

(Joe is just a figurehead for accumulating decline and increasing hope of rise at Donnie's return.)

Expect the next, even bigger sale of the Father of Vaccine. It will be a historic deal.
(Let's not forget, though, that he is only a salesman, albeit the Preferred Salesman.)


Nov 8, 2022
100% biblical figure. (Somewhere from the biblical end or penultimate times.)

Imo, along with the Bible, he should also start selling the Qur'an and the Talmud.


Nov 8, 2022
I do not interfere with them, but, in my opinion, if they were united with Vlad the Light-Bearer, they would be an irresistible pair of great sellers. They are already symbols of prosperity, so they can make a wonderful deal with the right (and not with decadent leftists, who already easily buy any mainstream scam).

Oh wait, they are already an (unofficial) couple and have already made a (spiritual) deal with the moronic right.
So it's ok


Apr 11, 2017
I hate to break it to you guys, but when I worked at Barnes & Noble, I found out that the Bible is the best selling book of all time. It never goes out of style.

It's also the most frequently stolen book in the whole store. Clearly, there is still, despite the machinations of the media, politicians and policy makers, a huge demand for The Good Book. While I agree it is tacky and tasteless way to earn back some of the money he has lost, it is nonetheless a viable and even understandable tactic for Trump to take. "Sell people a high-demand item at a profit." It's kinda what he does.

Did you want to change the law and make it legal for "Everyone Except Trump" to sell Bibles? Would that make you feel better? How about "Everyone Except Trump" can run for president?

How about a law that says "Everyone But Trump" can r*pe kids and get away with it? Because Biden's been getting away with that sh*t for 40+ years. Along with the Clintons, half the House, most of the Senate, and all of their many friends in the DC/NY/LA network. Everyone Except Trump.


Nov 8, 2022
Of course, everything is very unfair to the Father of the Vaccine. He has an inalienable right, like everyone else, to profit from selling Bibles while launching warp speed and persuading Americans to transhumanist and deadly "vaccinations", rap*ing children and making all sorts of dubious deals, while not being disturbed and examined under a magnifying glass (which doesn't happen to the nasty Biden and everyone else).

#I support Trump for president and for chipping the Americans.


Jun 28, 2020
I hate to break it to you guys, but when I worked at Barnes & Noble, I found out that the Bible is the best selling book of all time. It never goes out of style.

It's also the most frequently stolen book in the whole store. Clearly, there is still, despite the machinations of the media, politicians and policy makers, a huge demand for The Good Book. While I agree it is tacky and tasteless way to earn back some of the money he has lost, it is nonetheless a viable and even understandable tactic for Trump to take. "Sell people a high-demand item at a profit." It's kinda what he does.

Did you want to change the law and make it legal for "Everyone Except Trump" to sell Bibles? Would that make you feel better? How about "Everyone Except Trump" can run for president?

How about a law that says "Everyone But Trump" can r*pe kids and get away with it? Because Biden's been getting away with that sh*t for 40+ years. Along with the Clintons, half the House, most of the Senate, and all of their many friends in the DC/NY/LA network. Everyone Except Trump.
Bibles are free in many places you go. For example, you'll find one in practically every hotel you visit. I don't believe people are stealing it. Especially from Barnes and Noble.

Trump is a rapist. Just ask Jeffery Epstein's girls. Court documents and court testimony revealed these facts over a decade ago, but none can step into DC unless they can be controlled anyway.