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  1. F


    It is so difficult to listen to the host of the podcast. Out the gate he takes on the demeanor that he doesn't believe the SRA survivor's story at all. Ian Carroll admits it is a lot to take in, but still gives the man the benefit of the doubt.There is nothing wrong with being a sceptic and...
  2. F


    Wow! You have certainly have given us a lot of information to read through. Thank you for taking the time to post it all.
  3. F

    Suicide & Euthanasia

    I have heard talk they are running out of the drugs they use to "humanely" execute inmates on deathrow... I have also heard they are even talking about going back to some of the old school methods...
  4. F

    Suicide & Euthanasia

    What you're describing is not quite assisted suicide, though. Your mom was ready to go home to God. It was a mercy to let her slip away. However, the people who sign up for A.S. have months of preparation leading up to the actual procedure. It is sterile, clinical, cold. I don't care how many...
  5. F

    Suicide & Euthanasia

    I'm not very knowledgeable about the practical aspects of assisted suicide. I have heard of these death pods: From the article: The pod called Sarco, which is a futuristic-looking...
  6. F


    That is fair enough. However, my exact words were "though you may not believe." I am not certain what you believe spiritually. I was reacting more to: . And: So while my post was reactionary, I wasn't really defending my beliefs. I was more defending the sincerity of others' claims to believe...
  7. F


    The plan to destroy all of the world's old religions is well underway. It has been for a long time now. This plan is clearly laid out in Albert Pike's letter to Giuseppe Mazzini. The letter has been posted before, but here it is again. Though some claim the letter is a fake, it has been...
  8. F


    The world religion, as others have already pointed out, will be the New Age religion. Though there are a declining number of people joining the established organized religions, there are less people claiming to be atheist and more who say they believe in "higher power." There is a huge increase...
  9. F


    With all due respect, some of what you have said here is generalization. I agree it is difficult to conceive of a religion that would be all things to all people. However to make a statement that people who claim to believe in God do so only because they are poor and desperate is ignorant. For...
  10. F

    Who is Kamala Harris really?

    I haven't seen too many that point out the fact that this woman was almost non-existent for the majority of her vice presidency. When she was first selected and put into position she performed so poorly the powers that be swept her so far under the rug she was invisible. Maybe that was part of...
  11. F

    Assassination attempt on Donald Trump

    I just had to share this headline from an article in my local mainstream news. I literally laughed out loud... See guys, the FBI says it was all legit so stop speculating :D
  12. F


    . I felt compelled to comment... And you have the right idea, take it one day at a time. Hang in there. Keep leaning on the Lord. Definitely read your Bible if you can make time. It will be a comfort because He feels the same way that you do about the way people are dressing these days! Not to...
  13. F


    Well said.
  14. F


    Oh just to be clear, when I said "getting compliments all day can make one self conscious and neurotic" I don't want to sound like im talking myself up. I only say that to make the point that we are constantly getting some kind of pressure or feedback or whatever about our appearance. This...
  15. F


    This used to be me. I really do understand. And I am not better than you. I struggle like you. I just got tired of being angry and it took years of work to overcome it. I was a bartender for crying out loud lol! Everyday day of my life I was told about how I looked. And let me tell you, even if...
  16. F


    Of course I care about little girls being exploited. I was speaking more to your remark about anonymous strangers on the Internet "being your downfall."
  17. F


    This is not the way to receive the kind words of others. With sarcasm and the close mindedness you claim to dislike in others' posts. It is obvious my intentions were well meaning. When I say "who cares" it is me speaking for myself. I truly do not care what others think of me. Only God.
  18. F


    You're just very angry and lashing out. I'm trying to speak from a calmer mindset. I spent years of my life boiling with anger feeling the exact same way as you about the exact same issues. So I really do understand. I also acknowledged that it isn't easy to get these feelings under control. And...
  19. F


    Honestly, you have to stop letting people get in your head. Im not being condescending. It can be difficult to engage with others, especially online, and not let their words effect you. But at the end of the day words are just words... Unless you give them power over you. It can be difficult to...
  20. F

    Assassination attempt on Donald Trump

    I personally believe that the whole of American politics is completely fake. It's all a dog and pony show orchestrated and performed with the specific purpose of giving the American people the "illusion of choice." They go through great lengths to convince us that we have some level of control...