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  1. P

    All About the Prophets in both the Old and New Testaments.

    Prophets were individuals in the Bible who received messages from God and communicated those messages to the recipients—whether through speaking or writing. Their writings, known as prophetic books, comprise a huge part of the Bible. So who were these people? And why did God choose them to be...
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    I believe someone who already has or had an account on these forums is posting gross, pornographic content from accounts with vulgar usernames.

    I believe the person is disgruntled by some things that are happening/have happened on these forums and is retaliating especially against the Muslims but Christians too including me. Recently I've been trying to post as much as possible so their threads and posts are not as visible and go to...
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    Contradictions in the Bible - Do They Really Exist?

    Especially if you’re reading the Bible for the first time, you might find yourself raising an eyebrow as you come across what might seem like conflicting Bible verses. The Bible is supposed to be the Word of God, right? Isn’t it an inspired work of literature meant to guide people into a...
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    Satan: Who is he?

    Evil originated with Lucifer, who rebelled against the government of God. Before his fall he was a covering cherub, distinguished by his excellence. God made him good and beautiful, as near as possible like Himself, (Ezekiel 28:12-15).
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    Assorted biblical topics.

    Usually I post threads on one topic at a time. Sometimes I post different topics related to the thread topic. In this thread I will post on different subjects.
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    Judgement now!

    There is a recurring theme today, Judgement is Coming! And this is not scaremongering. There are those who feel deeply impressed that this is where we are heading, but they have many questions and half remembered scriptures. This is to bring together, many Bible verses on the subject of Judgement.
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    What Does the Bible Say About Modesty?

    The Bible teaches that modesty, a form of humility and respect, is a valuable quality in everyone—men, women and children. It has to do with how we present ourselves, which should exemplify our inner relationship with God. Christians in general try to ensure their outward presentation and...
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    The 70 week prophecy according to the Bible.

    The seventy week prophecy in the book of Daniel begins in chapter 8 where Daniel is told, " ‘For two thousand three hundred days; then the sanctuary shall be cleansed’ ” (verse 14). We should always remember that biblical prophecies are couched in symbolic language that need to be unravelled...
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    Babylon according to the Bible.

    The Bible uses Babylon to symbolize the enemy power that will war against God in the end times. Studying ancient and modern Babylon will help us understand the prophecies about the coming end-‐time Babylon, and the battle for our hearts and minds that has been taking place throughout history.
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    The Mark of the Beast according to the Bible.

    The Bible predicts in the book of Revelation that just before the end of the world, the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:1-10) is going to be enforced upon the whole human race. If you do not consent to receive this mark or worship the image, to the beast you will not be able to buy or sell...
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    What does it mean to be a prophet according to the Bible?

    There’s no one-size-fits-all description for what every prophet is like or what they’re called to do. Here’s how God can use ordinary people to do powerful things, and how to test between true prophets and false prophets. When you hear the word “prophet,” what comes to mind? Do you think of a...
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    Spiritual gifts in the Bible.

    We all have a special talents that we’ve found to be useful. For some of us, it might be musical skill or athletic prowess. For others, it might be a good eye for logistics or a knack for understanding other people’s feelings. Our talents come in a thousand different shapes and sizes. God has...
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    Close of probation in the Bible.

    The words "close of probation" are not found in the Bible. However they are used to mean a time when God closes the door of mercy so that even if people repent, God will no longer forgive them. Many Christians believe there is a close of probation, even though they don’t use the phrase. This...
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    The privilege of prayer.

    What is prayer? Prayer is opening our hearts as we would to our best friend. It is how we communicate with God. As mysterious as it might seem to talk directly with the Almighty, the Bible assures us that prayer is a two-way conversation between God and us. Prayer does not bring God down to us...
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    Conversion and Repentance

    Conversion. In John 3:3, Jesus Christ says that, unless we are born again, we cannot see the Kingdom of God. This shows us that the conversion experience (also called the new birth experience) is quite important if we expect to go to heaven. The power for the new birth comes from God, not us...
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    What the Bible teaches about the God Head.

    I will use the word Godhead instead of Trinity because Trinity is not used in the Bible. According to the Bible there is one God that comprises of three co-eternal Persons. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is immortal, all-powerful, all-knowing, above all, and ever present. He is infinite...
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    What is heaven like & where is heaven according to the Bible?

    There seems to be a lot of confusion about the subject of heaven! People have many different ideas about what heaven is like. Some think it’s unreal or just a state of mind. The man on the street isn’t the only one confused. Prominent religious leaders expressed their ideas to the press. In the...
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    How to Understand the Bible

    Some people think that the Bible is so difficult to understand that they are afraid even to try. Others wonder why, if the Bible really can be understood, there are so many different denominations, all claiming to believe the Bible and yet teaching different things. The reason for so many...
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    Rumors of War

    This was written before Russia invaded the Ukraine. The stage is set. The continent of Europe is home to numerous nations and diverse ethnic groups and religions—almost all with competing economic and conflicting political interests, differences that over the centuries have often led its...
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    Jesus' Human Nature

    Was Jesus born with a fallen sinful nature or with a sinless nature? How important is this subject? The very core of the gospel is rooted in this subject. A misunderstanding of this subject will lead to a misunderstanding of topics such as - Sin, Salvation, Perfection of Character, Keeping of...