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  1. X-ta-C

    You Are Exiles

    I just finished part 1 now and so far it's been as intense as The Arrivals was to me when I first watched it. Anyone seen You Are Exiles? Your thoughts/opinions/convictions?
  2. X-ta-C

    Lana Del Rey Coup Programming Video

    I enjoyed a lot of her very first album but later on i realised the extend of her blasphemy in lyrics and videos. You're right it is on some creepy vibes...
  3. X-ta-C

    Lana Del Rey Coup Programming Video
  4. X-ta-C

    I Sexually Identify As An Attack Tyronecopter
  5. X-ta-C

    Magical books and Occult: Ars Notoria, Lemegeton and Goetia, Necronomicon, Thelema etc

    I've recently acquired a free version of Ars Notoria. Anyone here read that yet? What are your thoughts / opinion / experience or feelings from reading it?