amazing why......................!


Mar 26, 2021

The Quran draws our attention to a very important characteristic of mountains:

“Did We not make the earth a resting place? And the mountains as stakes?” (Quran 78:6-7)

The Quran indicates that mountains have deep roots by using the word stakes to describe them. In fact mountains do have deep roots, and the word stakes is an accurate description for them. A book titled ‘Earth’ by Geophysicist Frank Press explains that mountains are like stakes, and are buried deep under the surface of the earth. , the height of which is approximately 9 km above ground, has a root deeper than 125 km.

The fact that mountains have deep ‘stake’ like roots was not known, until after the development of the theory of plate tectonics in the beginning of the 20th century.
"the Quran miracles" The formation of mountains(1/3
"the Quran miracles" The formation of mountains(2/3

عثمان بن فاروق يفاجئ زوجين غير مسلمين مؤدبين بمعلومات من الكتاب المقدس

هاشم في حوار جديد مع مسيحيين حول نبوءة الكتاب المقدس عن رسول الله

طبيعة يسوع - أنور و مبشر في ركن الخطباء

أوروبا تحتاج للإسلام - حوار حمزة مع زائر


Mar 26, 2021
Sky’s Protection

The sky plays a crucial role in protecting the earth. The sky protects the earth from the lethal rays of the sun. If the sky did not exist then the sun’s radiation would have killed off all life on earth. It also acts like a blanket wrapped around the earth, to protect it from the freezing cold of space. The temperature just above the sky is approximately -270oC. If this temperature was to reach earth then the planet would freeze over instantly. The sky also protects life on earth by warming the surface through heat retention (greenhouse effect), and reducing temperature extremes between day and night[5]. These are some of the many protective functions of the sky.

The Quran asks us to consider the sky in the following verse:

“We made the sky a protective ceiling. And yet they are turning away from Our signs!” (Quran 21:32)

The Quran points to the sky’s protection as a sign of God. The protective properties of the sky were discovered by scientific research conducted in the 20th century.

Scientific Facts in the Qur'an: SKY'S Protection

The Scientific Miracles of the Qur'an (Perfection of the Creation of the Sky)



Mar 26, 2021

Iron is not natural to the earth. It did not form on the earth but came down to earth from outer space. This may sound strange but it’s true. Scientists have found that billions of years ago the earth was stuck by meteorites. These meteorites were carrying Iron from distant stars which had exploded[4].

The Quran says the following on the origin of Iron:

“We sent down Iron with its great inherent strength and its many benefits for humankind.” (Quran 57:25)

God uses the words ‘sent down’ for Iron. It is clear from the verse that Iron is not an earthly material, but was sent down for the benefit of humanity. The fact that Iron came down to earth from outer space is something which could not be known by the primitive science of the 7th century.

Islamic Miracle, Quran Iron Core Miracles معجزات القرآن الكريم

بريطانية تريد معانقة شمسي بعد نطق الشهادتين



Mar 26, 2021
Origin of Life

Water is essential for all living things. We all know that water is vital to life but the Quran makes a very unusual claim:

We made every living thing from water? Will they not believe? (Quran 21:30)

In this verse water is pointed out as the origin of all life. All living things are made of cells. We now know that cells are mostly made up of water[3]. For example, 80% of the cytoplasm (basic cell material) of a standard animal cell is described as water in biology textbooks.

The fact that living things consist mostly of water was discovered only after the invention of the microscope. In the deserts of Arabia, the last thing someone would have guessed is that all life came from water.



Mar 26, 2021
The Sun and Moon.

Whereas the Bible talks of the sun and the moon as two lights differing only in size, the Qur’an distinguishes between them by the use of different terms: light (noor) for the moon, and lamp (siraaj) for the sun.

“Did you see how Allah created seven heavens, one above the other, and made in them the moon a light and the sun a lamp?” Qur’an, 78:12-13

The moon is an inert body which reflects light, whereas the sun is a celestial body in a state of permanent combustion producing both light and heat.
Stars and Planets

The word ‘star’ (najm) in the Qur’an ( 86:3 ) is accompanied by the adjective thaaqib which indicates that it burns and consumes itself as it pierces through the shadows of the night. It was much later discovered that stars are heavenly bodies producing their own light like the sun.

In the Qur’an, a different word, kawkab, is used to refer to the planets which are celestial bodies that reflect light and do not produce their own light like the sun.

“We have adorned the lowest heaven with ornaments, the planets.” Qur’an, 37:6

Amazing Miracle of Reflected Light of the Moon in the quran Koran

Rotation of the sun and expansion of the universe

The Glorious Qur'an is compatible with modern Geology

Dr. Zakir Naik - Does God exist?



Mar 26, 2021
The Day and Night
The Qur’anic description of the sequence of day and night would, in itself, be rather commonplace were it not for the fact that it is expressed in terms that are today highly appropriate. The Qur’an uses the verb kawwara in chapter az-Zumar to describe the way the night ‘winds’ or ‘coils’ itself around the day and the day around the night.
“He coils the night upon the day and the day upon the night.” Qur’an, 39:5
The original meaning of the verb kis to coil a turban around the head. This is a totally valid comparison; yet at the time the Qur’an was revealed, the astronomical data necessary to make this comparison were unknown. and observed the earth spinning on its axis, that the dark half of the globe appeared to wind itself around the light and the light half appeared to wind itself around the dark.

"the Quran miracles" The alternation between day & night(1/3)

"the Quran miracles" The alternation between day & night (2/3)


Mar 26, 2021
تعلم الإنجليزية (من القرآن سورة الفاتحة )

لماذا أحرق عثمان المصاحف؟ | منصور في حوار مع مسيحي متعجرف

أحاديثكم دُونت بعد مئتي سنة | منصور في حوار مع مسيحي متعجرف

1_2 مبشر مسيحي يستخدم أسلوباً غريباً _ هاشم في حوار مع مبشر مسيحي

لماذا تقرؤون القرآن كالغناء" رجل يسأل الأخ منصور عن القرآن و اللغة العربية | ركن الخطباء مترجم



Mar 26, 2021
The Solar
The notion of a settled place for the sun is vividly described in chapter Yaa Seen of the Qur’an:
“The sun runs its coarse to a settled place That is the decree of the Almighty, the All Knowing.” Qur’an, 36:38
“Settled place” is the translation of the word mustaqarr which indicates an exact appointed place and time. Modern astronomy confirms that the solar system is indeed moving in space at a rate of 12 miles per second towards a point situated in the constellation of Hercules ( alpha lyrae ) whose exact location has been precisely calculated. Astronomers have even give it a name, the solar apex.



Mar 26, 2021
Among the achievements of modern science is the “conquest” of space The prediction of this event surely springs to mind when we read the chapter ar-Rahmaan in the Qur’an:
“O assembly of Jinns and men, if you can penetrate the regions of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate them! You will not penetrate them except with authority.”
Authority to travel in space can only come from the Creator of the laws which govern movement and space. The whole of this Qur’anic chapter invites humankind to recognize God’s beneficence.

At this point, we must ask ourselves the following question: How could an uneducated man in the middle of the desert accurately tackle so many and such varied subjects at a time when mythology and superstition reigned supreme? How could he so skillfully avoid every belief that was proven to be totally inaccurate many centuries later?

very cool


Mar 26, 2021


A young man asks why the dress of Muslim women has not changed with the passage of time, like the rest of the religions || Amazing reply Dr. Zakir Naik



Jun 28, 2020
Among the achievements of modern science is the “conquest” of space The prediction of this event surely springs to mind when we read the chapter ar-Rahmaan in the Qur’an:
“O assembly of Jinns and men, if you can penetrate the regions of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate them! You will not penetrate them except with authority.”
Authority to travel in space can only come from the Creator of the laws which govern movement and space. The whole of this Qur’anic chapter invites humankind to recognize God’s beneficence.

At this point, we must ask ourselves the following question: How could an uneducated man in the middle of the desert accurately tackle so many and such varied subjects at a time when mythology and superstition reigned supreme? How could he so skillfully avoid every belief that was proven to be totally inaccurate many centuries later?

very cool
Muhammad Abdul Jabbar is one of my favorite speakers. Some years ago i guess he got stabbed and stopped giving lectures. Least i heard something to this effect.

Al Qadr media has been a dead channel for years. But MAJ himself can still be found speaking on various topics.

I'll leave a link to his channel.


Mar 26, 2021
Muhammad Abdul Jabbar is one of my favorite speakers. Some years ago i guess he got stabbed and stopped giving lectures. Least i heard something to this effect.

Al Qadr media has been a dead channel for years. But MAJ himself can still be found speaking on various topics.

I'll leave a link to his channel.

Thank you
Do you want to publish any of your topics?
Or any other topics for our Muslim brothers here
So that Muslims can benefit from it


Jun 28, 2020
Jzk but i have several threads that can use updates. May Azawajal reward you for your efforts.


Mar 26, 2021
Death is often a frightening thought, but one that we should not be scared of. When you truly understand death you will no longer have to be scared of it.

When we are able to understand that Allah (SWT) made this Dunya (Arabic for the temporal world) a test for the believers and that this is not our real home; you will truly be able to find peace within your heart. You think that death is scary, but this Dunya is scarier. The reality of this Dunya is that we often excuse our poor behaviour of the neglection of Allah (SWT) due to our worldly responsibilities.

You may be thinking well what will happen after death in Islam . In Islamic tradition, the following is what occurs after an individual passes away. The occurrence is not always as you may expect, and it can strike you at any time whether you like it or not. Allah (SWT) sends his angel Azreal, known as the angel of death, to retrieve the soul from the human. After Allah (SWT) has instructed Azreal (AS) to take your soul, you are then declared dead in the world of the Dunya.

“Allah takes the souls at the time of their death.” 39:42, Holy Quran

After you have died, your family and Muslim community will conduct your Ghusl (full-body ritual purification) and then proceed to your Janazah (funeral prayer) which is a part of the Islamic funeral rituals. After this and many prayers, your body is then buried six-foot underground, alone and by itself.

After some time in your grave, you are then visited by two angels, known as Munkar and Nakir. They are assigned to test the faith of those dead within their graves. When they arrive, they sit you up in your grave and ask you the following: “Who is your Lord? Who is your Prophet? And what is your faith?”.

When this is completed, you have been determined to either rest in peace until the day of judgement or you are severely punished by the angels until Allah (SWT) determines otherwise, until the day of resurrection. You will have now entered the stage of Barzakh, the veil or barrier which stands between two things that are not able to meet. You can easily interpret this stage as a waiting period until the day of judgement, a separation between the living and the hereafter.

“That I might do righteousness in that which I left behind. No! It is only a word he is saying, and behind them is a barrier until the Day they are resurrected.” – (23:100) the Holy Quran.

The stage of Barzakh is a world similar to this world, but different. The treatment and style of living they receive with the inter-space of Barzakh is a reflection of their deeds and actions performed in the Dunya. It is believed that if the individual was a firm and devout servant of Allah (SWT), they are expected to receive many pleasures during this middle stage. If they have committed many sins or are kafirs (disbelievers), they will face a hard time during this stage.

When Allah (SWT) commands this stage to be over, the day of resurrection will arrive and all of Allah's (SWT) creations will be brought before him to be judged.

Day of Judgement (Qiyamah)

It is not known to man when the day of judgement will occur, however, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has told us the signs which will occur in preparation for this day. There are many minor and major signs which will indicate that the time is near. The most well-known of them will be the appearance of the Dajjal (False-Messiah) and the return of Prophet Isa (Jesus) (AS).

The day, which will last 50,000 years, is a day in which Muslims spend their whole lives preparing for. All of mankind will come bearing the book of what they did within their lives; all their sins and good deeds will be judged by the ultimate judge.

The day of resurrection is the final test all of creation will have to face before they reach their final destination for eternity, whether that be hell or heaven. In Islam, we believe that we will all be resurrected according to the way we lived and the way we died. Whether that be in good deeds or sins, Allah (SWT) will bring you back to that state.

We pray that Allah (SWT) makes our journey across the Sirat (bridge) to paradise easy and prevents us from falling into the fires of hell.

You have the opportunity before it is too late to seek the right path

God says in the Qur'an

(85) And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.

Cardiac arrest and brain Death, Dr Zakir Naik

What Happens to a Person After Death? - Dr Zakir Naik

Life After Death in Hinduism and Islam - Cycle of Birth, Death and Rebirth in Hinduism - Zakir Naik

Is there any Sign or has anyone Seen After a Person Dies, whether he goes to Heaven or Hell?



Mar 26, 2021
very cool

لو صفعت منصراً هكذا فهل سيدير لي خده الآخر؟ - ش. عثمان بن فاروق

من حياة العصابات والمخدرات إلى أشهر داعية في أمريكا - قصة ش.عثمان بن فاروق



Mar 26, 2021
Allah says in the Quran what means


{Glory be to Him Who made His servant to go on a night from the Sacred Mosque to the remote mosque of which We have blessed the precincts, so that We may show to him some of Our signs; surely He is the Hearing, the Seeing.} (Al-Israa' 17:1)

There is no doubt that Al-Isra (the night journey) followed by Al-Miraj (the heavenly ascension) was one of the miracles in the life of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). According to the most accepted view, it happened on the 27th of Rajab, the seventh month of the Hijri calendar, in the tenth year of Muhammad's prophethood.

It is reported in Hadith literature, that the Messenger of Allah was carried from the Sacred Mosque in Makkah to the "Farthest Mosque" (Al-Masjid al-Aqsa) in Jerusalem on a creature called Al-Buraq in the company of the archangel Gabriel (peace be upon him). There he led a congregational prayer of the prophets of God.

Then Gabriel took him to the heavens where he met the prophets Adam, John, Jesus, Idris, Aaron and Moses (peace be on them all). In the seventh heaven, he met Abraham (peace be on him).

He was then brought to the Divine Presence. The details of this encounter are beautifully detailed in the beginning of surat An-Najm (52).

Prayer: God-given Gift

During this time, Allah ordered for his nation fifty daily Prayers. But on the Prophet's return, he was told by Prophet Moses (peace be on him) that his followers could not perform fifty Prayers. Thus, he went back and eventually it was reduced to five daily Prayers. After this, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) returned to Makkah on the same night itself.

Therefore, Muslims should be thankful to Allah for this gift. They should take care of it and never neglect it. It is the thing that allows the Muslim to communicate with the creator five times as day.

Time and Space Are Not Bound for Allah

One major lesson of that miraculous event, was that space and time which are bound by laws of nature for humans, are not so bound for Allah. On that night prophet Muhammad bridged time and space and this world, traveling to the heavens by Allah's will.

I believe that for those who study philosophy the abstract as well as the symbolic implications of the event might be very stimulating indeed. The gap between the reality of this life and that of the life to come simply diminished. This is illustrated by the Prophet's encounter with other prophets who were long since dead as far as we normally think of it but who, in reality, live as beings in a different form somewhere else.

The implications of the night journey cannot be overstated. The miraculous nature of the Prophet's journey established his divine-stated legitimacy as the seal of all prophets. Allah brought him to Him to show us his true worth in the sight of Allah.

All religious traditions share the concept of miracles, that is, something that defies logic, nature, or the established constitution and course of things.

We will limit our discussion to legitimate miracles from Allah, which are by definition the only true miracles. When the forces of disbelief are strong, typically the prophetic miracles that oppose them are stronger.

Prophet Moses was given several miracles, which included his staff that turned into a massive snake and culminated in his parting of the Red Sea, as a divine response to the extreme infidelity of Pharaoh.

Similarly, Prophet Jesus was given even the power to raise the dead, in order to establish his legitimacy before the Jews who would ultimately condemn him to death for blasphemy. Nevertheless, his miracles were undeniable by their nature, and it was only the obstinacy and arrogance of the people to whom he was sent that enabled them to deny him.

Muhammad's night journey was obviously not easy for the pagan Makkans to believe. Nevertheless, the Prophet proved it logically by describing the approaching caravans that he overtook on his miraculous return.

Thus, this particular prophetic miracle not only established the Prophet's eminence for Muslims as discussed above, but it also helped to prove his prophethood to the non-believers of his time.

Celebrating the Event

As far as the Muslims are concerned, there is no particular celebration, fast or prayer to commemorate Al-Isra and Al-Miraj. But in some places, the Muslims themselves have started to have commemorative functions, where the story of the night journey is told in poetry or lectures.

While the Prophet himself did not establish these practices, there are scholars who maintain that gatherings meant to remind the Muslims of the importance of Al-Miraj in the history of Islam, or to remind us of the importance of love for the Prophet and the significance of the city of Jerusalem, are permissible.


Isra and Miraj (Night Journey) - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

هل الشاب البريطاني يعتنق الإسلام؟ مقابلة مثمرة #شمسي
