Anne Heche

Jun 26, 2022
We should investigate rather than speculate...y'know, find the evidence to see if it was a blood sacrifice rather than just saying it was because we think or feel it is. If there are things that don't add up in Anne's car crash other than what's being reported, that information should be scrutinized further.

I posted a bit about Anne Heche's suspicious death in this thread before there was a thread just for her.

I agree that at this point its just speculation, but here is my "evidence"

There was a full moon/supermoon as well as meteor showers on 8/11-12. The elites have been known to use astrological events as timing for sacrifices. In general, i would say the month of august is sketchy and a time that sacrifices often happen, similar to late april.

Then theres the matter of her alter ego/split personality/ break down 20 years ago. I admit i don't have it figured out but i think it has something to do with Diana worship and the timing would indicate that as well.

The Nemoralia (also known as the Festival of Torches or Hecatean Ides) is a three-day festival originally celebrated by the ancient Romans on the Ides of August (August 13–15) in honor of the goddess Diana... It is possible that, as originally celebrated, the Nemoralia celebrated a descent of Diana into the underworld in search of Hippolytus or Virbius, followed by her ascent as queen of heaven and the full moon on the third day. Similar celebrations were recognized in the ancient world involving both Demeter and Isis, with whom Diana was often identified.[4]

Anne's father died of aids on 3/3/ 1983 when she was 13. She claimed that he r*ped her throughout childhood, and that she didn't know how he made money. This could point to her having been "sold" into some form of slavery, whether s*x slavery or some form of spiritual slavery.

3 months later her brother died in a car crash, aged 18(6+6+6).

The car crash was on 8/5 (13), she went into a coma on 8/8 (88), and even thought date of death is 8/12 she was declared "brain dead" but kept on life support for organ donation since 8/11 (88).

All this was just off her wikipedia except for the full moon stuff. It IS just speculation but i think there is enough smoke here to think theres a fire (no pun intended).

Or it could be just a LOT of weird coincidences, we just cant know for sure.


May 15, 2017
it's easy for tptb to pull w/e strings and
have so anyone is on drugs or killed themselves
with money and power right

if she fell into a coma how long does one wait
to declare there is no chance of her waking up
and pull the plug would that be the family that
does that or can the drs if it's not specified any
where that family is to do so

surgical intervention for burns yet didn't look
like she had a mark on her body strange that
it's a pulmonary injury is a se of the xav and
the new rules in hw were anyone wanting to do
work needed to be dexav right

guess no need to investigate as she was high
crashed her car and that's that right



Mar 19, 2018
Sure, but to call every death a blood sacrifice trivializes the authentic blood sacrifices in Hollywood. We should be critical and discerning when we label certain things as it can sully and weaken any real investigative truth in the issue.
I agree. We should investigate rather than speculate...y'know, find the evidence to see if it was a blood sacrifice rather than just saying it was because we think or feel it is. If there are things that don't add up in Anne's car crash other than what's being reported, that information should be scrutinized further.
Voice of reason.


May 15, 2017
slowing the video down all the way
I can on rumble at marker 0:17 We can
See a strange "burn" on her right ankle
it really doesn't look severe or maybe it
is a piece of the pants they didn't cut off?
almost looks like a restraint mark or something

at the point of her sitting up it doesn't look
as though she is severely burnt on the front
upper part of her body and her back upper
body looks fine not even a red mark her left
hand looks as though the could be a reddish
colour "burn"

its also a lil weird that if she suffered that severe
of burns why is all of her hair in tact as that would
be one of the first things to burn least Ya would
think in that little space no?

at the point of sit up and entry into the ambulance
the firefighter grabs her arm like he is going to lay
her back down but then let's go and they just lift
her in

why is there another gurney out on the road?
0:57 the 2nd fighter that comes in on the right
side top corner does he have something in a hand
behind his back?he keep his hand behind the whole
time since they Know she is not dead and she was
awake why does there seem to be a gawk fest instead
of rushing to get her to the hospital

is there any video of the actual car after the accident
or just the similar angles We See in the video I shared?

also could be nothing but the number in the ambulance
63 one could read as 6x3 for a 666

edited to add the ladybug in the driveway that Anne's car
passes the one that recorded her passing 3 bugs all with
6 spots again a 666

searched ladybug occult and this came back
ladybugs can be assumed to represent mystery, the occult,
hidden things, and the spaces in between worlds
but reading what it came back on its not mentioned
that I could See it was a quick skim though for the
most part they're considered Good
Last edited:
Aug 12, 2020
Aug 12, 2020
exactly Doomsday Cult Mom
there is enough strangeness with
this accident to raise some questions
I agree at first I was skeptical about the sacrifice theories but I am starting to believe it now plus I don't trust Ellen Degenerate at all. I think she messed her up. Plus they trying to push it's just crazy Anne Heche driving under the influence narrative too much. Believe it or not she appeared to me in a dream two nights ago.
Jul 12, 2022
From all the speculations and things people have noticed, definitely seems like something behind the scenes is happening. The last post about Avicii and Chester and them all dying because they are trying to uncover a trafficking ring.. the satanists at the top are doing everything in their power to cover all of this up so no one does anything about it. That's just horrible. No one deserves to be part of a trafficking ring..this kind of thing shouldn't even exist!


Nov 16, 2021
Anne Heche die after the incident, it sound like a blood sacrifice to me :

My theory is a family curse brought about by the father Donald Heche. All of Anne's sibling died early in awful cirxumstances, the father too. The only remaining members of the family; mother nancy and abigail are believers in Jesus Christ. My theory is that the two of them have been protected by God.


Nov 16, 2021
OK didn't know that
Donald allegedly raped and molested her from infancy to 12yo and lived a double life as a closeted homosexual, he died in his early 40s of aids. Anne's brother died 3mo later in what she called a suicide, he died of a high speed collision similar to herself. I believe Anne suicided. She was no threat to illuminati as a hollywd has-been. She's only hyped now because she died.


Jun 26, 2022
Donald allegedly raped and molested her from infancy to 12yo and lived a double life as a closeted homosexual, he died in his early 40s of aids. Anne's brother died 3mo later in what she called a suicide, he died of a high speed collision similar to herself. I believe Anne suicided. She was no threat to illuminati as a hollywd has-been. She's only hyped now because she died.
Omg she's going through a lot


Dec 18, 2020
Watch this video,, especially beginning at the 1:30 min mark.

It looks like she was prematurely put in a bodybag and was she trying to escape?

I certainly do not believe she was a blood sacrifice.

But i'ts just very strange. If you read the comments, some paramedics commented that they don't understand why her head was in a bag, no IV, no oxygen etc.

You never cover live injured like that.
I never seen someone injured having their face covered like that + of all the possible numbers, it was ambulance #63.