Cathy O'Brien, Mark Phillips, & Shaela Miller


Aug 11, 2021
Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips (C & M) are the authors of "Trance Formation of America." It is about how Cathy was a sex slave of a satanic cult that included the government and celebrities. Mark is her husband. He was an associate of her ex husband/handler. He was a CIA agent and knew about MK Ultra and decided to rescue Cathy and her daughter Kelly. He passed away in 2017. Shaela Miller is their administrative assistant mentioned on their website. She was rescued from her abusive father by C & M.

This is an interview with Cathy, Mark, Shaela. At 31:20 the presenter announces that part of the interview has been "mysteriously taken" and the real film "vanished mysteriously."

In the beginning notice how C & M don't change their facial expressions while the presenter is speaking.

At 53:59 Mark gives his inside knowledge of mind control.
  • Mark says religions are very controlling especially Mormons and Catholics. He says trauma based mind control is an ancient method.
  • Mark talks about advancement of technology and mind control. He says the government possessed technology that was 25-50 years ahead of the public in his time and these days it must be much greater.
  • He says the brain is a like a radio and its simple to tune into its frequency. He says for a few hundred euros he could build a mind control device.
At 58:19 he talks about a mind control machine he had in his home
  • If someone broke in, they would forget why they were there, not eat, not drink, not sleep, not move until he came home. If he didn't arrive in time, they would be dead. His machine stops their brain from logically reasoning.
  • He said when the United States was fighting in Middle East they sent fighter jets that did not fire but the fighters the voice of Mohammed telling them to put their arms up and stand there. Then US tanks ran them over.
He also discusses:
  • When you are walking through a store, reach a certain spot and hear a voice that tells you about a product. They play relaxing music that also causes customers to buy things impulsively. On a subliminal level there is a repeating sub audible command, "do not steal, do not shoplift."
  • Negative side effects are that employees cannot express emotion and are very mechanical. He asks cashiers if they hear the music, they say no. Do they hear it at night? No.
  • Airlines were the first to use mind control. At the turnstiles they had technology in the hand bar that was listening to your brain for ulterior motives by brain wave. If they suspected you, they would search your bags, and follow you around the airport.
  • HAARP was testing tesla ideas to use the earth's magnetic field to transmit power. They found if they sent 6-8htz they could control the attitudes of a mass amount of people, such as a voting area.
  • University of Alaska was in charge of HAARP. They had logs of all of its activities. It was worldwide. In May of 2014, the government shut down HAARP. So what did they replace it with?
  • Harmonic mind control - when hearing music it effects neuron pathways. It can cause you to remember where you were and what you were doing when you first heard the song. Cathy shares that her daughter Kelly at 2 years old could stand at attention in the white house and speak like an adult.
  • Harmonic mind control can be used through headphones. It was used in schools to have the children gain knowledge but could not apply it.
The video ends abruptly during the ongoing interview.

In a trance?

More information on Shaela.

Shaela Miller is their administrative assistant mentioned on their website. She was rescued from her abusive father by C & M.
  • She says she was sexually abused by her father like a second wife, not allowed to go to school, and had to be 100% obedient to him.
  • She says this is common in Mormonism and the community will cover up for each other.
  • She said child marriage is secretly practiced in Utah and the children can be as young as 8 years old.
  • She references the biblical story of Lot and his daughters that Mormon's use to show it is ok.
  • She began to have physical breakdown symptoms of the abuse and felt her father tried to kill her by restricting her food.
  • Her father contacted C & M for help dealing with her symptoms, Cathy & Shaela became close, and then C & M offered to help Shaela heal by coming to live and work with them.
  • Her father now believes that she is being mind controlled and sexually abused by Mark. He denies abusing her.

Shaela's Father's Blog - This blogger claims to be her father Scott Miller and met Cathy & Mark.
According to him:
  • He claims Shaela was "very psychic" and "extremely beautiful" and he used to take her to “psychic expos.”
  • Cathy & Mark met Sue Ford/Brice Taylor. Mark gave her "open eye hypnosis" which she said nearly drove her crazy. She also told "Shaela's dad" they took $75,000 from her and in the end, Mark said she wasn't abused after all.
  • Mark sent Scott an email that accused them of being bad parents with a "slew of bizarre reasons". Then he threatened that if we ever said anything negative about him or Shaela that he would come after me from beyond the grave. Backing up again, Mark had told me about how he was in a dispute with his ex-wife so he got two or three of his spook friends to “take care of it” for him. He said they put her in the trunk of their car and three days later she completely backed down and stopped hassling Mark. I asked what they did to her and he laughed and said “I don’t know”. Why did he tell me that?
  • Quotes
    • "For you researchers out there, consider what it means that Shaela is very psychic, she is extremely beautiful, and her first shot at leaving home landed her with these people who are experts in mind control. "
    • "Friends quit several years ago asking about Shaela. What reason can I give them that would explain why someone like Shaela would waste eight years so far of the prime of her life with people old enough to be her grandparents? "
    • "So I will state up front, there is no way I could have or would have ever done anything like that to any of my children or anyone else; it did not happen. And it never happened to Shaela unless someone else did something. Shaela’s initial accusations included a time period when she was about four years old where she claimed she was ritualistically, satanically abused or something like that. I don’t even know how to do that. "
    • "Mark was becoming the final word on everything, which, of course, stressed my ego. "
    • "Weeks went by then months went by without hearing from her. I know this was because Mark told her not to respond to me. I had this growing feeling that I was like their psychological experiment and I was to be dealt with only according to Mark’s instructions. Mark knew that this action would be very hurtful to the relationship Shaela and I had. "
    • "Shaela accused Tammy and I of all kinds of bizarre things including the above-mentioned ritual abuse when she was about four years old. She also informed us that she had her tubes tied because she can’t be responsible for perpetuating such bad dna. I will never forget the trauma of that day and I seem to remember every minute of it. I am blessed enough that each one of my other children informed me that it was obvious Shaela is totally brainwashed and that they know nothing like that stuff ever happened. They are awesome children."
    • "It was around the same time period that we got hold of the post made by Shaela’s childhood friend Jessie. It all came together like a ton of bricks falling on my head. Therapy? Surgery? Threesomes? Living with a mind-control expert that obviously lacked a conscience? Again, threesomes? With old people? My beautiful daughter with these old people?
    • "Abusing a man’s daughter right in front of him is one of the worst things that can be done to a human. "
    • "Note that Shaela has been ruthless to her siblings. It appears that her excuse is that it’s because they still have “anything to do with the parents”. I’m sure it’s because Mark knows she would feel the love from her family, which may actually cure the situation."
    • "Mark has no concept of families and the kind of love and tenderness that is usually there. "
    • "So, Sue Ford wasn’t abused, Ted Gunderson is a p***phile, and I am an abuser…yea right."
Also on the blog is "Kim" a family friend
  • "The “memories” Shaela has are false and by allowing her this platform you have done this family a great injustice. Which is ironic, in a way. I would think someone such as Cathy is used to having to defend her truth against injustice. To prove what she is saying is true, against huge odds. Now, because of one mixed up child’s false accusations The entire rest of the Miller Families integrity is in question. And who will give them equal platform to refute what has been said about them?"
  • " Has she become so emotionally distanced that she can callously sit there and say such things about her Dad? Promoting her new “schtick” at his expense! She is reminiscent of the girls screaming “witch” at the Salem witch trials, with nothing more then her words to back up what she is accusing Scott of. Shaela did and ate whatever she wanted, and behaved like a spoiled brat. She was far from being the controlled “slave” that needed to “escape” or be “rescued”. It is because they love their children so much that all of the Miller children were home-schooled.
  • "And, if the dress she was wearing for the interview was her own choice? May I suggest that she request her parents opinion of the appropriateness of what she wears…first!"
  • "In 2008, the youngest of my daughters moved in with the Miller family in Oregon. She would not have done so if Scott and Tammy were the people you are portraying them to be."
And Jessie:
  • Post 1 quote:
    • "recently i came across the video it was an interview in Germany and she was talking about being mind controlled by her father and her father was abusive to her and that he controlled everything she did everything she ate and I know that wasn’t the case I watched her grow up her and her father had a wonderful relationship I think strange that she would accuse him of anything like that her mother and her did not have a very good relationship I don’t know why she would accuse her father of such thing"
    • "she’s a beautiful young woman I don’t know why she would spending the Prime of her life living with two old people "
    • "she told me about her first sexual experience and it was a threesome she wouldn’t tell me who it was she told me that these people so kind and trying to help her with her past the experiences and that they here healing her through this sexual experiance I can only imagine it was mark and Kathy they only people she is with and she is never alone with others "
  • Post 2 quote:
    • "I am completely blown away that she would accuse her father of those things the relationship was wonderful her and her mother did not get along as well but only to the extent as any teenager with a parent"
    • "Her name is Shaela Miller they are now calling her sheila Miller" later on "in the interview with my friend Sheila..."
    • " I do feel that he is mine controlling my friend she is a gorgeous young woman and she is spending her life following these two old people around"


Mar 26, 2021
I stumbled upon this story years ago and thought that whatever O’Brien may or may not have endured, this seemed like an Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell type of exploitation of this girl.

Their isolation and strange intimacy with her, the fact that they convinced her to have her tubes tied; all very sick behavior from them.