Crazy Stuff--Insert Here


May 15, 2017
Sorry to say I watch it in video and still
I see what your trying to say Daze but
after careful inspection I still see an alien
looking whatchya macallit
as even with a mask and the glasses on it's head
ya would still not see this sorta illusion
the young/old lady isn't the same as ya can constantly
See both even zoomed a 100% and brightness a 100%
All I see is the face that is seen looks like a pointing ear
on the right side even and her glasses on her forehead
ok then why her hairline look like it's pushed way way back
and comes to a point in the middle

I guess some see one thing some see another
Why it's called illusion eh it's still weird either wayIMG_0420.jpg
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Jun 28, 2020
All the white in your image is from her grey hair reflecting under the light. Look at Johhny's post

I'm not sure how you can't see it? What you think is a "mouth" is actually her right eye and she's looking down at her paper work.

Franks depiction is accurate enough.
I guess it doesn't matter, people think there are reptilians in the white house.

Even more think the earth is flat so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


May 15, 2017
Nope all I see is similar to what Frank Badfinger posted
How her eye gonna look like a big mouth right down to
some reddish lipstick

There are something with them slit eyes out there
not sure if ya seen the videos or not but I have and I also
seen first hand when I used to watch tv on CNN
Say it's glitches all they want I do not think so
I have never ever experienced a glitch that gave any of my
pics snake,frog or w/e eyes or sharp shark teeth
we do know we share this world with others that may look
like us but they are NOT us

The flat makes a lot more sense than a spinning flying ball sorry
I also said all we can do is guess as none of us will know
for sure til we are dead by then it will not be anything that
matters to us


May 15, 2017
This is just nuts a zombie bird?
I have seen a few videos of this now
and still have no clue what it could be
I'm thinking something to do with the G5
since most places are at least 50% or higher

anyone else have any idea to what's happening



May 15, 2017
IMC I love this channel
always mind boggling,thought provoking
videos shared and this one has a few
crazy,weird,unexplainable things in it
The older man can he be 160+?no idea
he does look like a walking skeleton though eh
where'd the ocean go wouldn't it be a tsunami somewhere?
the car looks as though it comes out the poles on the corner
the dog I thought went through the showdows blended in
not so sure now lol
I'll stop with those don't wanna spoil all of it
I have not done a slowed,zoomed in look
at this yet but I will be so if I see some answers will
post em here



Jul 28, 2021
"40 mercenaries did what 93 000 UN soldiers could not while drinking beer"
1964, libreration of Stanleyville by Belgian paratroopers and international mercenaries during the Simba rebellion. Simba's were a tribe(who also liked to eat and torture people) and their rebellion was led by marxists and supported by the USSR. They fought the Congolese national army under Mobutu, a cruel corrupt dictator supported by Belgium and the US (Congo has alot of Uranium if i remember correctly,thats why USA,russia/UN/france,china etc are all been financing conflicts there to get their puppet to power). When Simba’s began starting slaughtering whites there was a intervention to relief them (UN sat back and watched the slaughter,mercenaries stole equipment from UN and went to action).Many of the mercenaries were WW2 veterans -British,German and even Russian.Many other were born in colonized territories and were now homeless and without a country (like those white Ugandan pilots u see in the video whose families got slaughtered after Uganda got cleansed off of white people).
It took mercenaries 10 weeks to clear an area the size of Germany from communist-cannibals.Several banks got their vaults blown up by the mercs during this process...
This is the documentary where the clips are taken from above "Mercenaries" video.Documentary about events what happened after colonization of africa came to an end and all kinds of chaos and slaugthter that followed it.Probably one of the most disturbing documentaries i have seen yet some of the footage in there is just so damn mindblowing.2 italians who filmed this almost got killed couple of times and u can also see those close calls in the documentary.Crazy stuff.
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May 15, 2017
warning crude,sick imagery
This is evil and twisted if true
I think it belongs here as it is crazy
but not unthinkable

I really do think We are approaching
the infestation of demons card in the
itanimuli card deck,We are Seeing alot
of this kinda activity

again I am wondering if it's because
We See an increase of Peoples on channels
on the social medias looking to contact other beings
and usually they are wanting it to be bad as that's what
gets the views/likes,that by doing so it brings forth
evil entities that is all that usually answers when
the Peoples ask whether it is Good or bad

are the Peoples doing so unwittingly
manifesting the evils or opening doors/portals
that the evils can walk through idk but it is becoming
more and more active everywhere around the World

Do We feed that evil just by watching
I believe We could if that is what Your
wanting is to See more and bigger each time
Ya watch

however I believe it could be the oppisite
as well if Ya Truely want that evil to leave the Peoples
Life and go back to where it came from and enough
Peoples are believing that and feeding that energy and intent

We can dispatch that evil just as in an exorcism
if Ya will,it's the same idea only no rituals or special
items are needed to doing so only Our Lights
focusing that same energies and intent Together


Jan 29, 2018
I've just been in the unfortunate position of being caught short for fuel on a British motorway so had to stop at a motorway service station to save running out of fuel.

I'm ashamed to say I have just paid £1.93 per litre of diesel. I could only force myself to put 5.18 litres in my car as I was struggling with anger issues due to putting myself in this position in the first place.

Most non motorway fuel stations are currently charging around £1.75.

This is how the exchange went between myself and the cashier.

Me: I've just put enough in to get me to a garage that isn't going to totally take the piss out of me like you guys are ....£1.93 a litre!?!?

Cashier: Hmmmm

Me: You should take that BP sign down from outside and hang a jolly rodger before trading standards gets tipped off.

Cashier: Mate I don't set the prices....we're all the same boat.

Me: Well I hope it's a f**king sail boat because if it's got an engine we're gonna have to make a swim for it.

Robbing bastards!!!

(Slaps ten pound on counter and exits...seething)
Saaaaaaaiiilinnggg... take me awaaaayyyyyyyyy...


Jan 29, 2018
This is just nuts a zombie bird?
I have seen a few videos of this now
and still have no clue what it could be
I'm thinking something to do with the G5
since most places are at least 50% or higher

anyone else have any idea to what's happening

Think of all the poisons we dump in/onto our environment, could be anything hurting our feathered friends... remember when people were like DDT is a good thing!


May 15, 2017
Yep TempestOfTempo

it could be anything We allow into
our environment that can be doing it
look at how much We still have that's so damaging
all the animals We have lost is usually due to
something We have done

I was thinking it could be the G5 since they
started turning it on everywhere and fluctuating
the frequency at which it runs

Omg DDT right We didn't question to much
back then when told it's safe and effective
to use now I question everything when I hear
that line specially since the last years