Daylight Savings Time Conspiracy?

Oct 20, 2021
Senate passed bill making daylight savings time permanent. Normally I probably wouldn't care but these days I am getting suspicious of anything they do plus the name of the bill is The Sunshine Protection Act as if it is related to climate change or some such propaganda. As if we need Congress to protect the sunshine that God gives us whether they like it or not. The next thing will be a Sunshine Tax. So in the final analysis: dioxin nuclear bomb goes off in Ohio, people getting killed by poisonous deadly vaccines, untold billions being sent to homosexual degenerate in Ukraine while our infrastructure is falling apart, drag queens running amok everywhere and now this The Sunshine Protection Bill. Can anyone blame me for being suspicious?
Jun 26, 2022
Im just annoyed because i think they want to make it permanent to have it be dark by 5pm, not the long day option. Could be wrong, i tend to get it confused which one is called daylight savings...

Switching the clocks is annoying tho, i usually dont and just go by my cell phone/tablet


Jul 24, 2022
DST has always interested me, simply because it is oxymoronic. No one is saving any time or any daylight. Most everyone IS just moving their clocks and adjusting their sleeping habits and work schedules to make it seem so. I have always envied those who do not abide by DST. The few communities in the U.S. who stay on "standard" time are near the Continental Divide if I recall correctly (or maybe it was in Michigan or in Idaho).
Oct 20, 2021
DST has always interested me, simply because it is oxymoronic. No one is saving any time or any daylight. Most everyone IS just moving their clocks and adjusting their sleeping habits and work schedules to make it seem so. I have always envied those who do not abide by DST. The few communities in the U.S. who stay on "standard" time are near the Continental Divide if I recall correctly (or maybe it was in Michigan or in Idaho).
Arizona has managed to avoid it somehow.
Jul 20, 2019
Daylight savings is just an incompetent cover for the fact that 24 hour time is not real.
What do I mean?
Time is not digital, the duration it takes the earth to go around the sun changes every day. It is a natural process, not a mechanical one.
Traditional pre-clock methods of telling the time are actually more accurate and predictable than 24 hour time.
In a similar manner, the days in a month/year in the Gregorian calendar is also fairly off.

In the 21st century our brains are so accustomed to digital clocks that it probably sounds crazy to some people to hear that nature isn't digital.