Alright you Goddamn pathetic stand-for-nothing follower, lets get it straight:
First off, you posted no proof the video wasnt authentic, just someones "warfare analysis" tweet so as usual, you offer no proof or anything to back up your blind support for the pedo-promotion crowd.
Second, perhaps the video is inauthentic... do we really know? What we DO know is that there are numerous threats such as this made CONSTANTLY! In your delusional state of capitulation to the fake-Muslims and their r*pe agenda, you focused on only one video... no doubt because you though the twitter "analysis" was sufficient cover for your attempt at minimization.
Third, you goddamn mewling good-for nothing weakling... other videos have been released. There is no confusion. The officers approached the fake-Muslims because of the Muslims own behavior... the fake Muslims refused to comply, then they started a physical altercation... then they started swinging on the officers, including a female who ended up with a broken nose all while the innocent, pious "Muslims" were SCREAMING VULGARITY AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS! You pathetic fraud... that old fat, fake-Muslim heifer inserted HERSELF into the conflict her family started, REPEATEDLY... and for the most part, the cops just tried to ignore her. So yeah, its playing out about like I thought it would... typical, low impulse control/savage and subhuman inbred fake-Muslims started a conflict (as usual) kept it going (as usual) refused to comply with officers (as usual), started a fight the couldn't finish (as usual) and now... are playing the victims (as usual). Except their compromised state of being wouldnt allow them to come up with any decent lies or even a semi-coherent cover story so now after riling people up to riot on their behalf... its exposed that this was ALL their issue. ENTIRELY. Also exposed that them and their lawyer (more on him later) lied through their teeth in an attempt to frame themselves as victims, set the stage for a bunch of demands/payouts and call for unrest. Pure Fitna, based of their previous fitna and lies.
You and your wretched bunch of fake-Muslims... do you remember it was just a short time ago the Palestinian cause had overwhelming support in England? People who didnt mix with Muslims were literally stepping out of their safe-spaces to engage with/support Muslims. But I figured it wouldnt last... not because they aint decent people, but because the fake Muslims would screw it up and sure enough... here we are. It really does take a special kind of loser to accomplish that. The fake Muslims never cared about them or even Palestine... if they cared so much, why did NONE of them, go to support and fight? Because they are fake Muslims who dont care... this provided the impetus for the fake Muslims to start an open push for confrontation as they are now openly attacking police, citizens and demanding "shariah law" (which they never follow anyway) but those filthy, raping molesters miscalculated. They are greedy, shortsighted and extremely stupid... they have acted on their miscalculation that their partial majority in some areas is sufficient to begin a guerilla/civil campaign and win. They will be destroyed and in the process Islam and Muslims will become more vilified and hated. And except for the converts, they will have earned it all. These subhumans are being used as the flashpoint impetus for the larger Zionist conflict (once again, the stooges cant figure out how to NOT do exactly what the Zionists want them to) we have all been speculating about for so long here and elsewhere... well here it is. We went from UK people literally fighting in the streets side-by-side in support of Muslims to now... where groups of UK citizens are showing up and confronting the Muslims at their riotous street actions... which they will simply use as a pity-party to continue playing the victim card with. This is why Quran said "Never disrespect anothers religion, because it could inspire them to return the favor" and as we see, Quran didnt lie.
Every r*pe/molestation and etc. led to here... you people never wanted to exert any control over yourselves or each other... and you thought the Westerners would stay weak and mesmerized by the Politically Correct ID Politic machine... but now the bill is almost due for the fake Muslims to pay, but they cant cover the tab. It will be covered for them. They will be destroyed, and replaced with new Muslims. Real Muslims.
And as for the fake Muslim lawyer representing your fake Muslim victims?
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