Eugenics - Migrant detainees sterilized by ICE


Jan 10, 2019
I hate ICE and the fact the Immigration and Nationalization Service (INS 1933-2003) was weaponized as another means of monitoring and terrorizing people of the US. That said, these cases fall under the larger, heinous practice of over-prescribing hysterectomies in women. As the 2nd most common surgery for females, 500-600,000 each year undergo this procedure. Some websites are saying 2/3 of hysterectomies are unnecessary!

I don't see these acts as an example of eugenics (though the arrogance and carelessness of the doctor is of the same mindset) as much as medical malpractice for financial gain. We should all remember malpractice is the 3rd leading cause of death over here. Not trying to take away from the sickening nature of these crimes, I just look at it slightly different than the 1st video.


Mar 13, 2017
I keep waiting for this to become a story, but nothing seems to be happening on it, despite a lot of people going crazy.

As yet, there doesn’t seem to be any actual evidence. I saw a video bit from some pinko org with lots of dramatic music and ominous speculation from social workers, but the three women who they interview (by phone) are identified only by one initial each, and just one of the women had actually (allegedly) undergone a hysterectomy. Hardly compelling evidence of a program of mass sterilizations, but maybe my standards for proof are set too high.