Former Witch Speaks On Halloween


Jan 29, 2018
Its was civil law that said witchcraft was punishable by death. If you've ever read the testimony of those put to death most were in fact guilty. They were all practitioners of what would be known today as folk magic. Some claimed to have familiars and much more. Read a book for once in your life. There's quite a few to choose from. You can even read the original testimonies still on record.

Any and all persons who practised anything other than Islam would be put to death during that time. That is unless they choose to be slaves paying outrageous taxes. Either that or you die in 17th century islam. Hypocrites
As usual, you found a way to be simultaneously wrong and offensive with your excuses for Christian barbarism while attempting a distraction via mentioning a different religion, one almost completely unrelated to the topic. You better hope your Granny aint got a whuppin stick.


Oct 24, 2021
As usual, you found a way to be simultaneously wrong and offensive with your excuses for Christian barbarism while attempting a distraction via mentioning a different religion, one almost completely unrelated to the topic. You better hope your Granny aint got a whuppin stick.
There's no distraction at all. So Puritans put witches to death, so what? I never once denied it. The bible puts a death sentence on those who practice divination and sorcery and I agree. Me pointing out your opposition to it while Islam did the same, and worse just proved your hypocrisy once again. You're a walking contradiction. Are you sure you're a Muslim? All real Muslims I spoke to in the past would agree that divination and sorcery is a capital offense in Muslim countries.


Sep 3, 2018
Wicca was brought to the US by Gerald Gardner, and Gardner had Aleister Crowley write the Wiccan rituals. Yes there is human sacrifice in Wicca. I'm talking about real Wiccans, not a bunch of tree hugging butch dikes out in the forest playing dressup.
You are absolutely wrong. I KNOW real Wiccans, and have been invited to join covens, and have done rituals (positive only). I shouldn’t really LABEL myself.. ignorant people like you are too quick to automatically group everyone in the same category am a free spirit, and refuse to live my life according to ANY “book,” or any other human being’s sole opinion. I am 100% against ANYTHING that douchebag Aleister Crowley wrote. I have bought books on Wicca, and have never read ANYTHING regarding “human sacrifice.”


Oct 24, 2021
You are absolutely wrong. I KNOW real Wiccans, and have been invited to join covens, and have done rituals (positive only). I shouldn’t really LABEL myself.. ignorant people like you are too quick to automatically group everyone in the same category am a free spirit, and refuse to live my life according to ANY “book,” or any other human being’s sole opinion. I am 100% against ANYTHING that douchebag Aleister Crowley wrote. I have bought books on Wicca, and have never read ANYTHING regarding “human sacrifice.”
More like you knew poser wiccans who use feminism and Ecology mixed with a bit of new age paganism. There's a difference between that and real Wicca. Real Wicca is practised by those like Damian Echols of the west Memphis 3 who killed three little boys in a real Wicca sacrifice of the triple death.


May 11, 2020
You are absolutely wrong. I KNOW real Wiccans, and have been invited to join covens, and have done rituals (positive only). I shouldn’t really LABEL myself.. ignorant people like you are too quick to automatically group everyone in the same category am a free spirit, and refuse to live my life according to ANY “book,” or any other human being’s sole opinion. I am 100% against ANYTHING that douchebag Aleister Crowley wrote. I have bought books on Wicca, and have never read ANYTHING regarding “human sacrifice.”
You are defiling yourself by practices that open up doors and give legal rights to evil spirits. Jesus said to take heed that the light that is in you be not darkness. God created you. You should seek after him and not destroy yourself through these evil practices that pollute your body and mind with spirits.


Mar 23, 2021
The very first Wiccan order established in the United States was in 1962 by Raymond and Rosemary Buckland. This is a known fact. The "new age druid" has their facts wrong. The Bucklands were Gardenians.
DUDE its all the SAME!!! If this is a fantasy video game they would be the female version of the druid in the game...
ROSE any other name is still the same evil BS entities don't get caught up with their rebranding. ITS EVIL and evil by any other name.....

I don't care about their lineage thank you for sharing it however. And yes did know this. But others need to i guess even though again janus coin same evil BS.

As you see with other posters claiming i went to a wiccan ritual it was all white magic harmless...LOL see what i mean.
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Jan 29, 2018
There's no distraction at all. So Puritans put witches to death, so what? I never once denied it. The bible puts a death sentence on those who practice divination and sorcery and I agree. Me pointing out your opposition to it while Islam did the same, and worse just proved your hypocrisy once again. You're a walking contradiction. Are you sure you're a Muslim? All real Muslims I spoke to in the past would agree that divination and sorcery is a capital offense in Muslim countries.
Puritans were not even who/what I was discussing. You are unable to follow along for a few sentences, let alone extended dialog and multiple paragraphs smh.
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Lil axe

May 11, 2020
talk about witch trials, i remeber watching a show while back discussing salem with trials, where they thought some of the strange behaviour may have been linked to eating moldy rye bread, guess it's close to lsd


Oct 24, 2021
Puritans were not even who/what I was discussing. You are unable to follow along for a few sentences, let alone extended dialog and multiple paragraphs smh.
You mentioned Salem in a post. I thought maybe you were talking about the same thing everyone else here is talking about, you did say "christian" correct? Lol it seems you're having problems following the discussion.


Oct 24, 2021
DUDE its all the SAME!!! If this is a fantasy video game they would be the female version of the druid in the game...
ROSE any other name is still the same evil BS entities don't get caught up with their rebranding. ITS EVIL and evil by any other name.....

I don't care about their lineage thank you for sharing it however. And yes did know this. But others need to i guess even though again janus coin same evil BS.

As you see with other posters claiming i went to a wiccan ritual it was all white magic harmless...LOL see what i mean.
I never said Wicca wasn't wicked. Wicca isn't a female only religion, it was males who played a leadership role throughout its history, and many males are in Wicca.

I'm just pointing out that its not the same as other more older Pagan religions. Its a modern just like the church of Satan temple of set. Ray Buckland who brought Wicca to the US worked for British Airways, which was ran by British intelligence the same way Air America was ran by the CIA. The difference between Wicca and regular witchcraft and paganism is the rituals themselves. I don't like lumping everything together when you do that you can miss some of the smaller details that can be important in identifying the reason why these new religions started popping up in the 1960s like Wicca, and the Process Church of the final Judgement.


Jan 29, 2018
You mentioned Salem in a post. I thought maybe you were talking about the same thing everyone else here is talking about, you did say "christian" correct? Lol it seems you're having problems following the discussion.
Incorrect as usual Bubba Sparkles, I was referring to something different altogether entirely. One response I received regarded the Crusades (which I wasnt referring to) and another the Salem witch trails (also not what I was referring to) so I re-stated the historical phenomenon I was actually referencing. Its not just that you lack the knowledge to engage in honest discussion, you dont even bother to read the posts you are trolling for conflict with. You aint very adept at genuine or trolling communication.


Oct 24, 2021
Incorrect as usual Bubba Sparkles, I was referring to something different altogether entirely. One response I received regarded the Crusades (which I wasnt referring to) and another the Salem witch trails (also not what I was referring to) so I re-stated the historical phenomenon I was actually referencing. Its not just that you lack the knowledge to engage in honest discussion, you dont even bother to read the posts you are trolling for conflict with. You aint very adept at genuine or trolling communication.
So everyone here is talking about Salem, and you're trying to butt in with other topics? Aren't you the one not following the discussion or thread yourself? Honestly I stopped reading your posts unless they have only a sentence or two. I found out how much you like to stretch the truth after only a short discussion. I'm not interested in speaking with you anymore, but you spew so much nonsense its hard not to comment. Everyone here knows you've discredited yourself long ago.


Jan 29, 2018
So everyone here is talking about Salem, and you're trying to butt in with other topics? Aren't you the one not following the discussion or thread yourself? Honestly I stopped reading your posts unless they have only a sentence or two. I found out how much you like to stretch the truth after only a short discussion. I'm not interested in speaking with you anymore, but you spew so much nonsense its hard not to comment. Everyone here knows you've discredited yourself long ago.
Incorrect again.
I was engaged in dialog with others. You decided to inject yourself and your ADDDDDDDDDD+ addled version of speedreading comprehension into that dialog... which now has you spouting off like a fool, as usual. As usual you invited yourself into other posters conversations, one here which is over your head and which you didnt even bother to fully read in the first place... as usual. As usual you are trolling for conflict and as usual, you exposed yourself. Hooray for you?


Mar 23, 2021
I never said Wicca wasn't wicked. Wicca isn't a female only religion, it was males who played a leadership role throughout its history, and many males are in Wicca.

I'm just pointing out that its not the same as other more older Pagan religions. Its a modern just like the church of Satan temple of set. Ray Buckland who brought Wicca to the US worked for British Airways, which was ran by British intelligence the same way Air America was ran by the CIA. The difference between Wicca and regular witchcraft and paganism is the rituals themselves. I don't like lumping everything together when you do that you can miss some of the smaller details that can be important in identifying the reason why these new religions started popping up in the 1960s like Wicca, and the Process Church of the final Judgement.
I get that and if you want to do a synopsis on each occult branch etc. then that would be a good subject for another thread. The point i am saying is just because you slap lipstick on a pig to make it pretty still makes it a pig. Hint all the myths are the same just reskinned lol. Names dates & places where changed to protect the guilty "DUN DUN"

And yes old new beliefs being reskinned is all this is.


Oct 24, 2021
I get that and if you want to do a synopsis on each occult branch etc. then that would be a good subject for another thread. The point i am saying is just because you slap lipstick on a pig to make it pretty still makes it a pig. Hint all the myths are the same just reskinned lol. Names dates & places where changed to protect the guilty "DUN DUN"

And yes old new beliefs being reskinned is all this is.
You don't have to read my comments, nor do you have to comment on them. You claim they're the same, when they're not. If Wicca was the same as any previous occult religion, then why did Gerald Gardner go through the trouble of writing all new rituals and books on the subject of his new religion? Why didn't he just hijack an existing one, or start a new branch somewhere else?

When you claimed Wiccans were only female druids I knew you didn't know what you were talking about, anyone who's read or even googled Wicca knows that's not the case, but you can believe what you want. It doesn't make you right, but you're free to do so none the less.


Oct 10, 2020
You are absolutely wrong. I was involved in my own absolutely positive interpretation of Wicca (positive, white magic only..) as a solitary practitioner. I was thrilled to meet several other strong, positive female Wiccans/Witches who I am to this day very close with. Absolutely NONE of my creative, unique, individualistic, free thinking, animal loving (many were vegan/vegetarian also) female sister Witches EVER did animal/human sacrifices, played with black magic, or do basically anything that “satanists” typically have a negative & evil reputation for doing. We adore animals, and our cats are loved & adored, and are considered “our familiars.” I’m a huge dog lover as well, and regularly volunteer at animal rescues/adoption agencies to walk the dogs so they are able to experience some well needed time out of their cages for an hour at a time, and come have a fun, loving, mutually beneficial walk with me❤! I give them 100% of my love & attention, and always bring them fresh water & a clean bowl to keep them hydrated. I love making them feel loved & its an extremely fulfilling experience for me! I also volunteer at a wonderful cat adoption agency/rescue where my “boss” (good friend) just stops in at closing time to see how I’m doing, then we go for coffee! He trusts me to take care of THIRTEEN cats!! I absolutely love it! Catholics & hypocritical “Christians” (remember, TRUE Christians are “supposed” to be like Jesus Christ was, and love & accept ALL people, not choose to hate us lgbt people, those of another religion, etc) make me laugh. THEY spread hatred & false truths about us who are different than them, and paint a very inaccurate picture of us, while THEY are the negative ones! Satanists, to me, are fools, plain & simple. They worship the devil, who is supposedly a liar, manipulator, con man, etc!! How stupid can a person be to pledge your undying & loyal allegiance to such a known asshole?!
I think what is similar to occultism and Wicca is the lie about magic. Human beings have no power to cast spells or make "magic". satan fools some into thinking they have power, but it's a lie which is all satan does.