@cdigital379 I'm sorry but can you please write in normal font??
It's really hard for me to read your replies
Prickly Plant,
I do write in normal font when I see fit. But I prefer 2 spice up my posts for I hate boring posts n stuff. That is my niche! It represents a part of me! If some members do not like my style, it is alright.
I have no need 2 seek their approval or 2 justify my style of typing!!!
\(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/ TO EACH THEIR OWN!! \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/
Plus, I am beta testing a few software programs 4 some web codes, algorithms, fonts,graphics n etc... 4 some web forums. That is why I changed the style/format on my posts a few months back
. If you cannot see my stuff, just move past me. That is what I do. If someone types one long post w/ no breaks or their posts seem off, I just move on! No harm done!!
I also
cannot see everything on here in some sections. If you cannot see the responses from me, then it's from ur end. The same goes on my end depending on what computer/tablet or how old the software one is using, etc...plus many other additional factors. Since Verizon put their 5G Towers all around me area; the internet has
not been the same. I even cannot load up some other web pages due to 5G interference!! :0[
But, but, but...if I do respond 2 your posts...I will remember 2 type in plain text 4 you!!!!
Have a good rest of week!!