LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)


Jul 27, 2017
I believe you should research the Catholics role (with a focus on Jesuit teachings) in modern Christianity. Emphasis on the word “modern”.

These behaviors aren’t found in the Bible yet Catholics have done a really good job in screwing up interpretations, taking out books that expose them (the apocrypha) and spreading false doctrine (like the rapture) for modern day, ignorant, money hungry pastors to teach to their poor congregations.

Catholicism is high level satanism, in my opinion. Very powerful how they have made the whole world drunk with lies....
Well if catholics can tamper with it, I wouldn’t be surprised of tamperings before that.
Oct 2, 2017
I believe you should research the Catholics role (with a focus on Jesuit teachings) in modern Christianity. Emphasis on the word “modern”.

These behaviors aren’t found in the Bible yet Catholics have done a really good job in screwing up interpretations, taking out books that expose them (the apocrypha) and spreading false doctrine (like the rapture) for modern day, ignorant, money hungry pastors to teach to their poor congregations.

Catholicism is high level satanism, in my opinion. Very powerful how they have made the whole world drunk with lies....
Oh im not a fan of Catholicism. ever since i was a child and i found out about Magdalene laundries and witch burning. they are pure evil, Im not religious but even i will admit they are far from what Jesus taught in the bible.
Oct 2, 2017
Redbridge Libraries (@RedbridgeLibs) Tweeted:
1/2 During an event put on at the library today there was a performance by a Carnival Arts Company. Unfortunately one of the animal costumes was inappropriate which we were not aware of at the time of booking. We deeply apologise for the offence caused. This is being looked into

Mandinga Arts (@Mandinga_Arts1) Tweeted:
We apologise for the offence caused while raising awareness of the reading campaign by Redbridge Libraries on 10 July. We never intended to offend residents. We respect everyone's individual opinion with no offence to any part. Actions are being taken, more information to follow.
seems mandinga arts have a selection of questionable costumes designed for children and they ar trying to clean up their site since its been found out



Feb 5, 2018


Apr 26, 2017
Lol at members whining about both the Bible and transgenderism in the same thread: wholly unconscious how the Bible warns society about transgenderism thousands of years before today. If more feminists read the Bible, they might learn how promoting misguided opinions that have no historical or scientific merit (read: the patriarchy) is no different than promoting transgenderism. Neither transgenderism nor the patriarchy have evidence for existence, besides the opinions of proponents.

Which brings us to why feminism and transgenderism are aligned multiculturally. Both believe society needs to be reordered based on their opinion of how they think society appears—not reality, nor evidence, nor facts—science and history be damned.

Imho, feminists created a narrative of oppression by society, even when no clear evidence exists for this notion. Transgenders, recognizing the power in the lie, took the bullshit narrative of oppression used by feminists and extended it to their bullshit.

Cross-cultural Marxism isn’t really a thing. It is all just Marxism.
Oct 2, 2017

That’s so sad

just had a thought...didn’t Peter on Family Guy try to breastfeed Stewie on one episode years ago?? one of the episodes where Peter is gay..predictive programming?
yeah but family guy seem to question trans ideology, not as much as south park but they seem to be critical.
Also family guy has done a few simpsons too. They guessed Bruce Jeener would transition twice, years before he did and that Kevin Spacey was a pedo. Also before Weinstein was arrested for sex crimes Seth Macfaren made a joke about his abuse at an awards ceremony


Oct 2, 2017
Lol at members whining about both the Bible and transgenderism in the same thread: wholly unconscious how the Bible warns society about transgenderism thousands of years before today. If more feminists read the Bible, they might learn how promoting misguided opinions that have no historical or scientific merit (read: the patriarchy) is no different than promoting transgenderism. Neither transgenderism nor the patriarchy have evidence for existence, besides the opinions of proponents.

Which brings us to why feminism and transgenderism are aligned multiculturally. Both believe society needs to be reordered based on their opinion of how they think society appears—not reality, nor evidence, nor facts—science and history be damned.

Imho, feminists created a narrative of oppression by society, even when no clear evidence exists for this notion. Transgenders, recognizing the power in the lie, took the bullshit narrative of oppression used by feminists and extended it to their bullshit.

Cross-cultural Marxism isn’t really a thing. It is all just Marxism.
We have read the bible, its full of r*pe incest, abuse of women, slavery and murder. Its not a happy fairy tale book at all. Feminism and trangenderism are actually against each other because transgenderism promotes gender stereotypes that feminists find regressive and abusive.

No proof of female oppression? r*pe victims stoned? Female genital mutilation? forced marriage? prostitution? sex trafficking? being banned from driving, voting, medical care?
hell feminism was invented in the west BECAUSE women were banned from voting, were legally seen as not human. Could not go to college or university, could not own homes, rent or own their own money if they had a job. Husbands could beat their wives with sticks no bigger than their thumbs. Husbands and fathers could put their wives/daughters in asylums on wims. They were denied medical treatments or pain killers while giving birth because men decided women deserved pain because of a silly story in the bible.
Feminism evolved into workers rights from the 1950s up, no they did not burn bras that is a myth.

The biggest proof of the patriarchy existing is something we see everyday. Womens surnames, they change during marriage because women were property the name change signified the change of ownership from the father to the husband, hence why many women dont change their names anymore.


Apr 15, 2021
We have read the bible, its full of r*pe incest, abuse of women, slavery and murder. Its not a happy fairy tale book at all. Feminism and trangenderism are actually against each other because transgenderism promotes gender stereotypes that feminists find regressive and abusive.

No proof of female oppression? r*pe victims stoned? Female genital mutilation? forced marriage? prostitution? sex trafficking? being banned from driving, voting, medical care?
hell feminism was invented in the west BECAUSE women were banned from voting, were legally seen as not human. Could not go to college or university, could not own homes, rent or own their own money if they had a job. Husbands could beat their wives with sticks no bigger than their thumbs. Husbands and fathers could put their wives/daughters in asylums on wims. They were denied medical treatments or pain killers while giving birth because men decided women deserved pain because of a silly story in the bible.
Feminism evolved into workers rights from the 1950s up, no they did not burn bras that is a myth.

The biggest proof of the patriarchy existing is something we see everyday. Womens surnames, they change during marriage because women were property the name change signified the change of ownership from the father to the husband, hence why many women dont change their names anymore.
He wont respond. Historical documents proving law-sanctioned abuse of wives, financial and public sector labour restriction of women and widespread sexual violence at the hands of men dont count as patriarchy . . . Even though that's exactly the parameters the word refers to.
May 18, 2018
p***philia is going to be normalized 100% certain. I can’t believe people would deny this. If you told people 10 years ago there would be transgender 10 year olds that dance for adults and are given hormones and if their parents disagrees the state takes them away, people would say “no waaaaay, that’ll never happen”. Or that convicted child molesters dressed up transgender would be reading to kids in library’s. there’s literally nothing that “won’t happen, too far”
May 18, 2018
I’m still amazed by the story of the parents who took their kids to the pride parade because they thought that gays are like the ones on tv, and they saw them dressed up as dogs in leather, and pissing on each other and electrocuting peoples balls and whipping each other and they asked them to not do that, and the gays were like no, that’s literally what we do. And these dumb liberals will campaign to let them adopt children etc. Denial and ignorance are incredible things
Oct 2, 2017
p***philia is going to be normalized 100% certain. I can’t believe people would deny this. If you told people 10 years ago there would be transgender 10 year olds that dance for adults and are given hormones and if their parents disagrees the state takes them away, people would say “no waaaaay, that’ll never happen”. Or that convicted child molesters dressed up transgender would be reading to kids in library’s. there’s literally nothing that “won’t happen, too far”
Drag acts have been filmed using young girls some as young as 5, as props for their sexual shows.
I always denied LGBT was a gateway to p***philia but it's clear it is. They are trying to sexualise and normalise child abuse.

This is what happened in the last days of Rome, child abuse. This is why Roman statues have such small genitalia because children's genitals were preferred. We all know how Rome ended.