LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)


Jun 23, 2021
Good article I found:



Jan 22, 2018
Tavistock institute manages to get court case ruling overturned on kids under 16 getting puberty blockers without parental consent.

It's a sick world we are living in.....and getting sicker by the day.



Sep 17, 2021
Except the loudest voice against this HAS BEEN WOMEN. Why? Because they've been disproportionately effected by this whole thing. So a percentage of sexually confused men fear for their masculinity, okay. Women have been assaulted in prisons, homeless shelters, fired for refusing to provide intimate female-exclusive services to trans women, threatened for not being willing to date one and have had their sexuality completely invalidated. Women have been linguistically erased, young girls had their sports scholarships lost to biological boys. Do you see any of this? Women are mostly speaking out. "Superstraight" is one facet of a much larger issue. Again, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. If you actually paid attention to the discourse in social media, most of the men who do comment on it are not transphobic or homophobic -they stand with gay men to be exclusively attracted to the same SEX. Even the creator of the whole thing said he doesnt stand with anyone who uses the term to bully or invalidate trans people, he simply made the term up as a meme in RESPONSE to accusations leveled against him for being transphobic (because he only wants to date bio women). It may speak more to your own sexual repression but not every man has latent homosexual urges like you seem to be so convinced of and this issue is much more serious than what you're trying to make it out to be.
Excellent comment!


Jan 29, 2018
Tavistock institute manages to get court case ruling overturned on kids under 16 getting puberty blockers without parental consent.

It's a sick world we are living in.....and getting sicker by the day.

That will get Dr.s killed here in America. Not saying violence is the answer, just that Americans track record all but gurantees someone will get loced and smoked over this on American soil...
Dec 22, 2019
Except the loudest voice against this HAS BEEN WOMEN. Why? Because they've been disproportionately effected by this whole thing. So a percentage of sexually confused men fear for their masculinity, okay. Women have been assaulted in prisons, homeless shelters, fired for refusing to provide intimate female-exclusive services to trans women, threatened for not being willing to date one and have had their sexuality completely invalidated. Women have been linguistically erased, young girls had their sports scholarships lost to biological boys. Do you see any of this? Women are mostly speaking out. "Superstraight" is one facet of a much larger issue. Again, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. If you actually paid attention to the discourse in social media, most of the men who do comment on it are not transphobic or homophobic -they stand with gay men to be exclusively attracted to the same SEX. Even the creator of the whole thing said he doesnt stand with anyone who uses the term to bully or invalidate trans people, he simply made the term up as a meme in RESPONSE to accusations leveled against him for being transphobic (because he only wants to date bio women). It may speak more to your own sexual repression but not every man has latent homosexual urges like you seem to be so convinced of and this issue is much more serious than what you're trying to make it out to be.
Ah so essentially internalized misandry-they stand with gay men, whilst wanting to be gay to exclude women, and also misogyny because they do not help biological women, just fake ass women wannabes. :rolleyes:


Jan 29, 2018
Ok we need to do some research on our own here... the bills are listed and the abortion act specifically identified by title... whats the real story behind this? I'm going to check it out, hope others do as well. Lets see what we can come up with on this because it looks heinous and precedent setting...