Moon worship

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
When Lucifer/Satan/Iblis (the devil/liar) created the organized religion of Talmudic Judaism in Babylon roughly 2600 years ago, he changed the annual calendar so it was no longer based solely on the sun.

Not only did Satan con the "House of Judah" into adopting a new year that begins near the Fall equinox instead of the Spring equinox (the first month of the year is the day following the 24 hour period of equal night and day in Jerusalem according to the Bible and its first prophet: Enoch), but he also duped them into accepting a lunar influenced schedule for God's Holy f(e)asts, the first of which is the Passover.

This is why the Passover held by the counterfeit Jews varies wildly from year to year, sometimes falling several weeks earlier or later from one year to the next.

Satan then did the same thing to "Christianity", inserting the pagan, lunar based celebration of Ishtar/Easter in place of the Passover, to make a mockery of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

That is why Ishtar/Easter also varies wildly from year to year, sometimes falling several weeks earlier or later from one year to the next.

When Satan created "Islam", he duped its followers into accepting the pagan festival of "Ramadan", which was added to the Quran, and then set it on a lunar based calendar so that it rotates through our true, solar based calendar.

How obvious does it need to be made that this pagan, Babylonian practice of moon worship, based on the "lesser light" is in obvious error, I.e. satanic?

God sent His Christ to deliver His Message/Word and thus bring Light and Warmth/Love to this world, just as the sun does every day.
Last edited:
Oct 20, 2021
We are children of the Sun. Worship is optional. God does not demand we worship. The Moon is our friend too. We are allowed to talk with God but it is better to listen. We have planets and stars. The sky never ends. Everyone claiming they know all the answers but no one does. Time eliminates all questions and misunderstanding. Confusion ceases to exist and pain and suffering are no more. A perfect world hidden in plain sight. Until then we must eat food. Anyone interfering with our supply must be eliminated at any cost. Religion is a luxury of the well fed. The hungry know the truth of the famished yet somehow they multiply. Everything becomes unbalanced and life becomes drudgery. Slavery becomes rampant and theft a way of life. If you obey the teachings of your enemies you have weakened your chances of escaping.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
It would be a completely different and wonderful world if we were listening to Father (God) and striving to do His Will. All Father has ever wanted is for us to learn to play nicely together.

Instead, we have invented all of these ridiculous rites, rituals and silly religious superstitions, which divide us, keep everyone fighting each other, and thus have absolutely nothing to do with our prime directive of loving truth, justice, freedom and peace (God) and our neighbours (everyone else on this planet) as much or more than ourselves.