Reliable sources!?


Sep 8, 2018
CNN and FOX are my go to sources because they pride themselves in being honest and always getting the truth out regardless of what the elite want.
I prefer RT , Al-Jazzera and Haaretz as far big concerns. Haha


Sep 8, 2018
I don't like it when people in alt-media accuse each other of being shills/operatives but sometimes its legitimate. The video DR posted doesn't seem to be available. Her and UAC are the only two people i know who posted that guy's videos. He was Australian.
Also, Awoken posted another video of Green in one of the Peace Plan threads. Green was showing us how he is now a concern to ADL et al. The Aussie guy was contending that since Alex Jones is now widely known as a shill, Adam was set up to sort of take over and that Steve was very much in the operation. In criticising Israel, we get sucked into his world...that is those concerned with Israel's influence, that way he also collects a trove of information. Anyway.....
  • Steve Pieczenik (former state department official, 911 conspiracy theorist)
Steve is Jewish so Adam must be, seeing as he is the nephew. You can still give him the benefit of the doubt and follow him. For me, iam not much of a video person, so content-wise iam not losing much seeing as i don't watch him off the forum. My time is better spent at credible sites like If Americans Knew, especially in regard to Israel's influence.
I get you. I haven't seen any of that and from what I can tell Adam is not Ashkenazi. And if it comes out later than Adam is an Ashkenazi, then so be it. Adam may be crazy, but would he drag his "uncle". It doesn't make sense to me, but it is what it is.

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All this said, I just asked him directly if Steve is his uncle in light of today's tweet.
Either way, I sort of don't care. I need to read more on my own if we all survive the year. I will probably follow my buddy's lead and start reading books like you had to when I was a kid. If you read a lot and check the sources, you get the information firsthand, yeah.


Sep 8, 2018
So Adam got back to me and he said the following:

Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 7.39.49 PM.png
PS. Incidentally, he was slamming Steve and company. IDK.


Mar 13, 2017
Reliable means consistent, but consistency isn't necessarily truthful or lacking confirmation bias. So the very idea of a reliable source is sitting on weak ground. All I'm saying is, a parrot can learn to speak through repetition.

Check many sources and try to use your own brain. That's the best advice I can give. There are many sides to an argument and a whole lot of gray area.
Mar 30, 2017
This site seems to call many of them out. The COINTELPRO videos are revealing:



Oct 3, 2022
Whatever happened to Tom pride? And does anyone remember when Annirfan/Angirfan used to be a decent site. Found out to be shady.
Oct 20, 2021
Reliable sources? Isn't that a contradiction of terms. If I didn't see it or hear it myself why should I believe it? Everything is a lie and everything is a conspiracy. Once you understand those two rules you really don't need to worry about anything. For example I never took poisonous vaccine because I instinctively listened to my gut feeling and knew it was crooked from the beginning. Certificate of Vaccination ID was a clue too. Why did they change the name of the flu to that?