Roe V. Wade To be overturned

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
There just so happens to be such
Yes, exactly. If only there were modern and cheap ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies widely available in stores of all kinds across America.

If only.
There just so happens to be a cost-free means of preventing unwanted pregnancies available not only all across America, but all over the world.



Jan 29, 2018
like I said they don't want violence though eh

They are all talk... for now anyways.


May 11, 2020
I really believe that this roe v wade ruling is going to be used by God to further separate the sheeps from the goats. When Moses came down from Sinai he called out and said everyone who is on the lords side to gather to him while everyone else fell under the sphere of Gods judgment.

The word of God is very clear that you cannot eat at the table of the lord and the table of demons and its these very demons that are feasting on the blood and disremembered ligaments of these innocent children that were rejected in the womb by their own parents. These evil spirits are feasting on them and calling for more bloodshed just as they did in the days of Molech. Its history that every culture that terminates their own children and ritualistically sacrifices them falls into extreme depravity and then collapses. You want to know what opens the doorways wide open for demon spirits? This infanticide, this abortion holocaust, this ancient practice of ritual human sacrifice that civilizations engaged in, because it appeased their demonic deities. These abortion clinics are spiritual gateways that have opened wide the doors for these same demons to come in and defile and oppress the nation. It doesnt matter if you dont believe that. Abortion is more than just a medical procedure, it is an ancient ritual sacrifice performed by demonized cultures. The movie apocalypto is a good example.

Its time to recognize the signs of the times and take off the blinders and come out of this mystery babylon system of rebellion and defiance. All it does is breed evil, dysfunction, and death. These people who harden their hearts and endorse abortion are being given over and we need to be ready for the coming war between the children of darkness and the children of light. These people will continue to harden their hearts and resist the conviction of the holy spirit until they are completely overtaken and used by the powers of darkness to make war on the saints.


Mar 19, 2018
There just so happens to be such

There just so happens to be a cost-free means of preventing unwanted pregnancies available not only all across America, but all over the world.

I don't disagree, however the world isn't going to play by those rules and married people - who also abort babies - are not going to remain abstinent. Those are just facts. There is absolutely no reason for abortion as birth control when there is cheap/free prevention methods widely available.


Jan 29, 2018
Im seeing a lot of the same few seconds of footage, and the account within the story here (which is being picked up by a lot of outlets) doesnt even match up with itself. Where is the previous footage? Why does all of the footage start at the same point, even though there are multiple videos? Why wasnt the driver charged after being questioned by police? Why is the driver attempting to proceed on a street with no cars in front of them, yet there are demonstrators pushing on his truck from in front of the vehicle? It looks to me like the driver was being confronted/attacked and then drove off... whats the real story here?


Jun 9, 2022


May 15, 2017
so it's ok for these peoples to try breaching the
Capitol building gotta love the double standards eh
this is actually worse than the jan6 incident imho look
what the heck is going on

"to hell with the Supreme Court we will defy them" so
that's ok friggin trump didn't even say anything as straight
out as that lol well tptb got their rioting and violence eh

how much worse do Y'all think this will get as I See it getting
so much worse and these Peoples will actually try burning crap
to the ground

how many paid instigators do Y'all think are amongst
the Peoples of the crowds betchya there's a good number
Last edited:


Jun 9, 2022
so it's ok for these peoples to try breaching the
Capitol building gotta love the double standards eh
this is actually worse than the jan6 incident imho look
what the heck is going on

"to hell with the Supreme Court we will defy them" so
that's ok friggin trump didn't even say anything as straight
out as that lol well tptb got their rioting and violence eh

how much worse do Y'all think this will get as I See it getting
so much worse and these Peoples will actually try burning crap
to the ground

well this summer is going to be freaking insane. I’m predicting it’ll be like the Weather Underground 2.0 the next couple of months but by winter it’ll be too cold out for them.


Jun 9, 2022
few more articles on it sounds like men who
support them are welcome but only to be shields
for them to rage behind

We might be witnessing the spark that sets off the shtf

only if they identify as cis men.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
yeah those judges in no way are gonna be able to go out to a restaurant or a movie for years. And now the American taxpayer is going to have to pay for the extra security guards.
And these are presumably the same people up in arms about the “January 6th Insurrection”?

If you read this in fiction, you would toss the book aside as unrealistic!!