Science, Technology, Humanity ("4th Industrial Revolution," Computer/Digital Technology, AI, Deepfake, VR, AR, Robotics,Biotechnology, Transhumanism)


Sep 21, 2021
Artificial wombs...

Jun 26, 2022
Artificial womb facility, like a baby factory of genetically engineered babies

On Friday, a German molecular biologist by trade unveiled a new concept for the world’s first artificial womb facility, EctoLife, which could incubate up to 30,000 babies a year.

“My new concept will be unveiled early December, something that I have been working on for a while,” said Hashem Al-Ghaili in November. “The new concept relies on over 50 years of groundbreaking scientific research.”

A total of 75 fully functional laboratories can be found within the building, according to the press release. Up to four hundred artificial wombs, or “growth pods,” can be housed in each cutting-edge laboratory. Every pod is made to be just like the conditions inside the mother’s uterus.

EctoLife allows your baby to develop in an infection-free environment. The pods are made of materials that prevent germs from sticking to their surfaces. Every growth pod features sensors that can monitor your baby’s vital signs, including heartbeat, temperature, blood pressure, breathing rate and oxygen saturation. The artificial-intelligence-based system also monitors the physical features of your baby and reports any potential genetic abnormalities.”
Finally getting to the point about genetic modification with the appropriately named "Elite package".

EctoLife will also help you edit any trait you like for your baby, including customizing your “baby’s eye color, hair color, skin tone, physical strength, height, and level of intelligence.”

“And if you want your baby to stand out and have a brighter future, our Elite Package offers you the opportunity to genetically engineer the embryo before implanting it into the artificial womb. Thanks to CRISPR-Cas 9 gene editing tool, you can edit any trait of your baby through a wide range of over 300 genes. By genetically engineering a set of genes, the Elite Package allows you to customize your baby’s eye color, hair color, skin tone, physical strength, height, and level of intelligence. It also allows you to fix any inherited genetic diseases that are part of your family history so that your baby and their offspring will live a healthy comfortable life free of genetic diseases. Say goodbye to the pain of childbirth and birth-related muscle contractions.”
What an abomination.


Apr 18, 2022
Artificial womb facility, like a baby factory of genetically engineered babies

Finally getting to the point about genetic modification with the appropriately named "Elite package".

What an abomination.
and again... a german.... nothing i can be proud of.


May 15, 2017
look who's putting it out there that
alone tells Us there's more to it than
what they're saying it's for as these
evils are not going to do anything at
all that benefits Us in anyway

I do find it interesting that it's in a corona
of the sun that We will be protected from
corona eh

why is it just the little ring instead of being the
full circle of sun,so more or less We'll walk in
circles around it hmmm little weird eh

wonder if while under it if the dexav will glow
to show who is/isn't

edited to add this video also

We have to remember Our bodies/minds/Souls
need the Natural light and energy of the sun and
with tptb doing this it disconnects Us that much
more from Our Natural Healing abilities

I don't even Know if what's above Us is the True
sky that is above Us
Last edited:


May 15, 2017


Jul 28, 2021
this is scary
it won't be used to benefit Us as much
as it will tptb,why isn't this being talked
about more if it's such a scientific milestone
and history making

Lol looks like another moneylaundering scheme.It's just to show that the billions used for research havent gone to waste and that they need more . "Look here,we made a tiny-ass explosion that released 1.5 times more energy than it took to trigger the explosion. Send more billions of $$$ for research purposes and we will figure out more stuff in couple of decades."
Boron-Hydrogen reactors would be cheap and clean and would release more power than you put in but good luck finding any information about that tech.David Lapoint built one and made videos about it,how it works etc.Those videos got removed very quickly and there is no trace of them.Same with Schaubergers implosion turbines.Multiple examples out there of cheap and clean energy but they are not interested in that sort of energy that they cant tax or claim to be scarce or damaging to the environment.Energy is business nr 1 and plays big part in controlling/dominating the people.

If you think there is some sort of plan to microchip people then you are a crazy extremist conspiracy theorist blablablah. And if you are against that sort of plan then you are a crazy racist anti semite conspiracy theorist blahblahblah.If you dont get chipped u are literally Hitler !
Even putting aside the benefits of convenience, microchip implants will offer other benefits like a sharp decrease in crime. Just like pets and farm animals that are given microchips to track their movement, humans with microchip implants will be awarded the same benefit. Crime and disappearances will fade away into distant history and be viewed with disgust — as we view the medieval world now.

Admittedly, this form of crime fighting might have some systemic racism attached to it, so the future of this particular feature is uncertain. What is certain is that microchip implants will eventually be able to fight evil misinformation like racism and anti-Semitism at its very core — that is, in the brain of anti-Semites and racists. Fact-checkers and medical professionals will finally be able to interrupt blatantly evil thoughts before they can manifest into stochastic or domestic terrorism. And make no mistake: this is why anti-chippers are obnoxiously fighting tooth and nail to prevent progress.

The future holds a promise of a world without hate, poverty, or dehumanizing struggle. But it can't happen if we don't resist the anti-chipper dystopia.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Wait a damn minute!??
Test on humans by 2023?! And people will be recruited
and volunteer for this?! WILLINGLY! They want a full blown
human machine...they want the singularity to happen NOW!


View attachment 83322
You weren't expecting the parasitic criminal class to delay their plans were you? The rest of us are considered to be livestock, so for them this is simply more animal trial testing.

Even with the mass-poisoning being exposed more and more everyday, there are plenty of supporters of the "science" out there, to make it possible to continue these satanic experiments.


May 15, 2017
wasn't sure if this should go here or
crazy stuff

not sure what's going on in these videos
if this is movie props or something else
either way it's hecka creepy

looks like dead peoples eh and the Child
one is just nope don't like it,why does the
whole body have to be made for movie props

I was thinking maybe a zombie movie,then I
thought Ya wouldn't have to make the props
anatomically correct for that as not everything
will be showing

I've tried looking for something to identify who
there being made by but no luck

again creepy



May 15, 2017
this is creepy as heck specially when it gets
asked if they like humans "not particularly"
that makes me trust it ohhh so much eh



May 15, 2017
hmmmm collects in the ovaries/eggs,and
can be passed onto new births sorta sounds
like the xav for the scam too eh betchya it's all rna
tptb out to change as much of Our World as

I won't be eating no more beef not that We do

edit to add
I thought about it,this is how tptb start getting it
into all those who said no to the xav,I would put
money on the fact they wont have to list it on packaging

most won't even Know they've done this as most don't
care let alone read anything anymore


Sep 21, 2021
hmmmm collects in the ovaries/eggs,and
can be passed onto new births sorta sounds
like the xav for the scam too eh betchya it's all rna
tptb out to change as much of Our World as

I won't be eating no more beef not that We do

edit to add
I thought about it,this is how tptb start getting it
into all those who said no to the xav,I would put
money on the fact they wont have to list it on packaging

most won't even Know they've done this as most don't
care let alone read anything anymore
The devil is so determined to tamper upon/contaminate the human DNA with all sorts of poison...

It's a good thing I never liked eating


May 15, 2017
100% e-Enoch
to change,poison,kill and I am thinking w/e
is in it has something to do with making Us
more susceptible to being dessessop

it's something I've been thinking for awhile now
I have posted my thoughts on it before,since We
Seen a lot of behavioural changes in those who've
been done not to mention look at the one ingredient
says itself it's reficul race eh

We've never been big on meat anyways,eat more
foods that if need be can be grown by Us,think more
Peoples should start drying out and saving any fruits/
veggies seeds as possible just to have them

We're gonna start Seeing more shortages on seeds
/everything coming as tptb need to make sure,We're
suffering by shortages of everything needed to survive,
so there's starvation,crime,killing/death etc...

this way when they walk in with universal benefits and
allocated monthly food rations Peoples will jump at it
and by then I'm positive some would in a heartbeat