The Occult and Religious Elements in the Movie: Alita Battle Angel


Oct 2, 2017
So this movie comes out on February 14 2019, and it is based on a manga cyborg character.

There are several things I have noticed in the backstory, such as names of places and concepts that are very occultic, and based on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life as well as certain Biblical verses.

First thing I have noticed is that the name of the floating city above the city where Alita is found, in a scrapyard, is Tipheres. Which is obviously an adaptation of the word Tipheret, the sixth Sefira in the Tree of Life:

From the Battle Angel Alita wiki:

"The midair city, an unachievable and mysterious metropolis, as the inhabitants of The Scrapyard have no access to it. It will be finally seen in Hyper Future Vision, volume 7, Angel of Chaos.

As explained in Last Order, volume 10, Angel goes Nova, page 147, it was originally designed as a starship (or space shuttle) simulator. However, since generating antimatter that is fuel of the starship became the cause of the terraforming war, the starship and generating antimatter were sealed by the Ladder Treaty. Because of the historical details like the above, contacts with Tiphares which can arouse big countries’ suspicion were postponed.

Also, in Last Order, volume 10, Angel goes Nova, pages 177-181, we learn why there are eleven tubes connecting the midair city to the surface instead of ten or twelve, as it would be expected, after a dreadful aftershock that spread down the space elevator."

Also, there is another city called Ketheres, which is again obviously a reference to the Tree of Life, the top Sefira called Kether.

A Biblical element that I have found is Jacob's Ladder, an orbital elevator that connects Tipheres to Ketheres:

"In the Old Testament, Jacob dreamed of a ladder which angels used to climb to and from the heavens.

And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. (Genesis 28, 12)

In the story, Jacob’s ladder is the orbital elevator that connects Tiphares to Ketheres and then to the Moon, Mars, Venus, and then to the Galileo Satellites, as Melchizedek teaches in Hyper Future Vision, volume 9, Angel’s Ascension, page 206."

Not a coincidence I am sure. These Japanese dudes who make these mangas really know their occult stuff.

Then, there are a couple of references in the movie to Hell and its synonym, the "Underworld."

The main villain says "I would rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven", which is an obvious reference to John Milton's "Paradise Lost" imagined quote of Lucifer:

Satan, formerly called Lucifer, is the first major character introduced in the poem. He was once the most beautiful of all angels, and is a tragic figure who famously declares: "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven." Following his failed rebellion against God, he is cast out from Heaven and condemned to Hell.

Alita also falls in the Underworld, which is the world that Osiris falls into and become its ruler (and that Jesus went to preach after he died), to battle a bad cyborg maniac:

Alita is found in the scrapyard at the beginning, and later founds out that she is from the city Tiphares, so she is a sort of fallen angel (Lucifer?). Hence the Angel title. The manga is a lot more detailed than the movie obviously though and goes into things like very unsavory stuff that goes on in Tiphares like people being turned into brainless cyborgs without their permission. There is a character who needs endorphins and has to eat brains to get them. There is also a lot of nanotechnology references, and Alita is resurrected with the use of that technology at one point. She goes through many cyborg bodies until one day is able to get out in space and become a "real girl". Kind of like a sci-fi Pinnochio story.

If you're interested to know more:


Oct 2, 2017
Apparently the movie got bashed heavily by the critics but the audience loved it. 60% score for the critics and 94% for movie goers on Rotten Tomatoes. I saw it and the ending is a real cliff hanger so I am not surprised that there is a sequel in the works. With over 400 million dollars made worldwide, it is no wonder.

I think the critics hated it because it did not conform to the SJW view of what a female superhero should be. She had to be put together back by a male scientist and that might have been too much for some.

I take back what I said about her possibly being Lucifer as she shows way too much heart for that. She is always willing to sacrifice herself for those she loves. The villain, not the one being shown in most of the movie, is really close to a Lucifer archetype. Some mad scientist who does not see the existence of the soul as real and loves to use puppets to do his bidding. Sadly we only see him at the end of the movie. I really hope they make a good sequel but in the meantime there is always the manga.
May 14, 2017
Critics didn't hate it because of any "ess-jay-dubya" elements. I know a lot of ess-jay-dubyas who loved the movie (and the original manga). There's a bigger chance that critics hated it since despite being a Hollywood production, it's fairly faithful to its source material, unlike other anime and manga adaptions that try hard to "Westernize" the production. Hollywood, for all its talk of inclusion, is a propaganda wing for the American government.


Mar 18, 2017
James Cameron keeps saying that we live in a sci-fi world/experiment. I thought it was interesting of him to say that in this interview about Alita.

The way I see the world right now, is we are living in a science fiction experiment, or living in a science fiction world. Things that were predicted by science fiction have come to pass, we now live in that future. It’s not a future that everybody imagine exactly as it is. It’s really more of an experiment, and I believe we are causing our technology to evolve at a very rapid rate, and that technology is changing as we live."

(Interview transcript;


Oct 2, 2017
Critics didn't hate it because of any "ess-jay-dubya" elements. I know a lot of ess-jay-dubyas who loved the movie (and the original manga). There's a bigger chance that critics hated it since despite being a Hollywood production, it's fairly faithful to its source material, unlike other anime and manga adaptions that try hard to "Westernize" the production. Hollywood, for all its talk of inclusion, is a propaganda wing for the American government.
Yes that too. Mangas aren't very popular over here and this movie follows the original material very closely as you said!

But reading the critics reviews I have noticed attempts to compare her to Captain Marvel and Brie is the ultimate feminist so Hollywood naturally loves her. You can't deny the SJW element in Hollywood. Thanos has been compared to Trump by the Avengers' producers for God's sake.
May 14, 2017
Yes that too. Mangas aren't very popular over here and this movie follows the original material very closely as you said!

But reading the critics reviews I have noticed attempts to compare her to Captain Marvel and Brie is the ultimate feminist so Hollywood naturally loves her. You can't deny the SJW element in Hollywood. Thanos has been compared to Trump by the Avengers' producers for God's sake.
Well, if you read any media review they'll praise hamfisted attempts at "representation" since it's something that many movie viewers want. I mean, we haven't seen that many strong female leads since Ellen Ripley and Sarah Conner and the later's role or protector was sort or replaced in the second movie... So a lot of female moviegoers, especially younger ones, are going to eat it up - and critics are going to write positive reviews.

Hollywood feminism is the worse sort of feminism though and to a large degree, Captain Marvel is very much representative of this. "See. girls? There's a place at the table for you. Join the army, be a good girl, and you sit with the other elite too." Since ultimately, the vast majority of Hollywood films (at least those that are produced to actually be blockbusters) are produced to reinforce the status quo.


Mar 11, 2019
LOL YUP I know about this movie is occult. I watched a video about this back then when the movie was just released. Also I mentioned in another thread about the ost of this movie by Linkjn Park - New Divide.

The video that I mention also talk about this song. If you read the lyrics, it is so fit to be in Lucifer’s POV even though very twisted.


Apr 28, 2021
I know this is an older post, but I wanted to comment on it. I watched the movie back in 2019 in cinema the first time, and after I watched it I was already convinced that alita was a representation of lucifer. Yesterday I watched the movie again, and can now say that alita is the most obvious representation and homage of lucifer, I have ever seen in any movie so far.

Ok why is this?

First you have to understand that this movie is made by luciferians, Cameron is a 33 degree Freemason and an adept of the Mystery religion. They believe that lucifer is the good god, “struggling for humanity”, while YHWH or Jesus Christ is the bad god, the devil so to speak, that kept humanity imprisoned in the garden of eden. Lucifer freed humanity from that prison and gave to humanity the potential to become gods themselves. That is basically in a nutshell, what they believe. So someone said, alita can not be lucifer, because she is to good. Well as I said, lucifer is the good god for these people. And so lucifer is the hero, the saviour, figting for humanity against the evil one, YHWH.

Alita is found on the scrapyard. Everything on that scrapyard is fallen down from a city in heaven, called salem. Salem is Hebrew for Jerusalem. It is a city called Jerusalem, in heaven! I mean can it be more obvious? In the book of revelation, last book in the bible, a city comes down from heaven to the earth, called the new Jerusalem. This city is the place where YHWH has his throne. Alita has fallen from that heavenly city to the earth, just like Satan or lucifer in the bible. Lucifer is an Angel. Alita is called an Angel. Alita is good, lucifer is the “good” god.

Now the character nova is obviously a representation of YHWH. He is depicted as evil and as the enemy of alita. The enemy of lucifer is YHWH. Nova can see everything. He rules in heaven. He can take possession of people, and can see and speak thru their body. This is obviously a reference to the holy spirit of YHWH send by Jesus Christ to the believer in the bible.

Alitas goal is to get back to heaven, and take the throne of nova for herself, destroying the “evil one” in the process. Now what are the goals of lucifer?

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” (Isaiah 14:12-15)

it seems they have exactly the same goals. Now some say, alita is female, but lucifer is male, therefore alita can not be lucifer. Well an Angel is an androgynous being, that can transform itself into any form it wants. And you can actually see this happening in the movie, as alita is getting her new body, the body changes its form, to match how alita wants to be seen. Interesting right? Interestingly, alita is also going down to the underworld, or the pit, just like in the bible.

Well but the most obvious revelation is at the end of the movie. Alita, or lucifer comes out into the open stadium. This represents the revelation of the luciferian doctrine to the world. Then alita is worshiped by the masses of the world, represented by the people in the stadium, who literally worship “the champion”. Then alita is getting her sword ready, indicating that a fight will gonna happen soon. She then points the sword toward heaven, to the heavenly city, the place she want to go. “I will ascend into heaven” depicted in images of the movie. And then the movie ends, showing nova (YHWH) looking at alita (lucifer). This scene makes it very clear, that there is war coming between these two...
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