Tyra Banks, ANTM, and “Modelland”


Jun 15, 2018
Tyra Banks, ANTM, and Modelland

Tyra Banks:

Tyra Banks is a supermodel who has made a name for herself via her many business ventures, including her launch of the hit show America’s Next Top Model. Tyra was discovered as a teenager after her mother took several photos of her for her portfolio. Tyra was most noted for her runway personality, her “SMIZE” (smile with her eyes), and her curvy body as a Victoria’s Secret Model. Tyra played Eve in the movie Life Size which was the first movie Lindsay Lohan ever starred in. Eve was a Barbie doll who was brought to life after Lilo’s character used the book of the dead to perform a magic ritual to bring her deceased mother back to life. Tyra has also admitted that her role on ANTM and the Tyra Banks Show isn’t who she “really is” as a person, but rather a character she created. She says in reality she is timid and non-confrontational. I could go on and on about the various photo shoots Tyra has done and the mountain of symbolism, but for the sake of the reader, I am going to move on to ANTM and her book, Modelland.

It is worth noting that Tyra is in the process of creating a real life Modelland in California. Read about it here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/2799609002

America’s Next Top Model (ANTM):

I know... I know. Most people on this forum think pop culture is lame and stay away from it. I will admit at times I am more of an “obsessed” with the culture type of person. Not that I fawn over celebrities, I think they are stupid, but I am obsessed with unscrambling the puzzle. I look for symbolism in everything and get obsessed. I have been watching America’s Next Top Model lately and on Cycle 16 (I think?) they make a motion picture for Tyra’s book Modelland. Watching the scenes for the shoot I realized the book was very strange and had many common themes I have come to know from VC. I decided to start reading the book and it is VERY symbolic. Now ANTM bothers me at times because they are so unbelievably inhumane towards the contestants, but then again that is the way of this industry. They even tell the girls their job is to perform and entertain and they all are expendable. That modeling is not “about them and their comfort”, it’s taking what you’re given and selling it. The contestants pose underwater, with raw meat (one contestant was vegan), with wild animals, on top of some of the tallest buildings in the world during a massive storm, with spiders, snakes, etc. The photo shoots and runways are extremely traumatizing and make them confront many humans deepest fears for a chance at fame. Several runway challenges are held hundreds of feet in the air on runways with no railing and often wobbling from the wind. In one runway they literally walk off of a beam in a construction site. They often put the girls in uncomfortable clothing and belittle them if they complain. On several occasions they are made to walk in too small of shoes. In one episode the girls are out in wool outfits in the middle of summer and the rooms are kept hot, several of the models nearly passed out and had to sit during deliberation. Shannon from Cycle 1 was well known for not posing nude. She was picked on by the judges in both Cycle 1 and Cycle 16 (the all stars cycle) because they thought she was a hypocrite because she would pose in swimwear. Most of the contestants experience a mental breakdown at some point during the competition due to being forced into facing their deepest fears.
The motion picture for Modelland was used to announce the winner of ANTM for that season. All of the finalists filmed a winning scene where they removed their gold mask to show the winners face. This scene was used to announce Lisa as the winner of that cycle.


The book is very clearly a retelling of Tyra’s experience becoming a model. The main character, Tookie, is meant to represent Tyra. In Tyra’s motion picture, all of the girls state “My name is (their name), and I am Tookie.” At the end Tyra says “my name is Tyra, and I am Tookie.” The book follows Tookie in her journey to become an Intoxibella, which is a direct reference to both Tyra becoming a supermodel and Tyra making other girls models through ANTM. As I read this book, there is no doubt in my mind that Tyra is an MK slave and she is helping the elite create more slaves through her show. ANTM is in over 200 countries and has had 23 cycles in the US. This book is Tyra’s way of telling the world her story, just as so many other celebrities do by “hiding the truth in plain sight.”

The intro of the book explicitly states that the book is a work of fiction and any correlations to real life events is merely a “coincidence”. Despite this, the book is very much a work of nonfiction. Metopia is a perfect representation of the USA, where it is described as being massive, having lots of climates and resources, and being controlled by politicians and factory owners (billionaires).

The first page of the book suggests that the elite of Metopia are rumored to bathe in blood to keep their eternal youth. Despite these rumors, girls all over Metopia wait for their opportunity to be chosen. Obviously this is a direct representation of ANTM. The book states that all girls want to be chosen, whether they admit it or not.

The mountain where Modelland sits is covered in a gold fog. The book states that “they all knew was a bright eye shining in the sky”

Tookie’s mom is obsessed with a baby doll. She favors Tookie’s sister, The Myrracle. Tookie is deemed a “Forgetta-Girl” because nobody ever notices her.

The most famous Intoxibella in the world, Ci~L, has gone missing. There is no word of where she disappeared to. A news anchor suggests “the news is that she went on hiatus. However, rumors have been swirling that she was abducted, had an airborne terminal illness, or a mental breakdown.” She grew up in a home without a single mirror and “one can only assume how that might psychologically impact a person as they reach adulthood.”

In Metopia there is a region called LaDorno where only the richest of rich can live. The residents of LaDorno have to pass extensive and invasive tests in order to live there. The counsel of Metopia interview friends, family, and acquaintances as well as check bank statements to see what kind of purchases are made. The only people who get to live in LaDorno without these tests are the “sacred souls” whose names end with -Ella.
Hmmmm, seems a little bit like a reference to the RockafELLA’s to me.

Lizzie, Tookie’s only friend, disappears for over a week. Upon returning during a conversation with Tookie, she suddenly drifts off and has a vacant look in her eye. She says, “Tell them to stop. They always say it won’t hurt and then it always does.” She also says “I can handle when they hurt me, but not when they hur Robyn.” Tookie recognizes this dissociative state and says “Lizzie, come back”. Lizzie then reveals a fresh burn mark on her elbow, and grabs a rock and cuts herself. Tookie then realizes Lizzie was taken off to the Shivera Hospital where she was put in the Melancholia Ward, where the patients treatment of each other is ignored and is deemed “worse than the Shivera prison that houses the deadliest of criminals.” The Shivera hospital also “keeps no records, as though it didn’t exist.”

I am still reading this book and will make another post in a few days about further symbolism.
Has anyone else read this book or have any interest in this kind of topic? If not, just use it to know it’s just another way the elite prey on the world. Maybe through this book we can learn more about the workings of the elite, or maybe it will just further confirm what we already know and have been told by so many others in the industry.

Tyra’s book cover for Modelland features a big all seeing eye. She wore a gold wing over her left eye to promote the book on several occasions.
Tyra depicted as a cat, one of the MANY photos in her career of her in leopard print or displayed as a kitten.
Tyra famously portrayed First Lady Michelle Obama in a fashion spread.
Tyra as baphomet, pretty self explanatory.
Tyra with 666 symbol over left eye.
Photo shoot on ANTM where the girls were portrayed as statues.
Photo shoot on ANTM where the girls showcased diamonds by wearing a real life tarantula.
Models literally posed with a real life cheetah. Many of the girls were terrified.
Models posed in the ocean. One of the contestants had asthma and couldn’t breathe underwater and the judges called this an “excuse”.
Models posed in a meatlocker wearing raw meat clothing. This model was vegan.


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Jun 15, 2018
Hey VCers!

I just got my copy of Modelland in the mail, I only had access to a portion of it through google books so expect a follow up about weird things in the book!

I wanted to do a follow up post as I was on Instagram and found some stuff on Tyra’s profile that was pretty strange. She put a plug in there of Katy Perry which of course we all know is pretty Illuminati Satanic, through Tyra’s post followers are led to KP. I am attaching some images to this post. I will do a follow up post soon.

two photos are the inner covers of her book, Modelland.
Note: there is a poster that says PILGRIM PLAGUE with a sick girl. Underneath are the words Caution: will cause profuse sweating, bulging veins & massive headaches.
Next to it is a cat with human girl eyes. Out of its head is a phallic like object. The corner shows a person with an umbrella on their head.
The other cover shows a baby doll with a T-shirt saying “Modelland needs a Myrracle” (Myrracle is the name of the main characters beautiful sister; their mother is obsessed with dolls)
There is a hand with a face on the palm.
A brick road that says “where is CiL. Where he hell is Ci~L” (Ci-L is a massive celebrity who mysteriously disappeared)
Comedy/drama masks
Door marked with an X
Large all seeing eye in top left overlooking it all

All of these items relate to the book. Will do a full synopsis at some point.

The other photos are from Tyra’s Instagram. I also included a couple pics from KPs Instagram because Tyra’s post led her followers to more weirdness.
The motto for Tyra’s new “amusement park” based off of Modelland is “step into your light”. She claims this is a reference to models finding the light during photo shoots, but I believe we all know the double meaning here. This is nowhere NEAR the symbolism on her account. A quick scroll shows many one eyes and strange looking girls.


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Feb 5, 2018
I wish this thread had more responses. I really enjoyed your synopsis. I started looking into Modelland a couple years back and was surprised at the blatant symbolism. I remember watching that episode where Tyra had her contestants perform in her motion picture, but I was too young to understand it, although I did think it was weird.

I've never read Modelland as a whole but I did read reviews/critiques and excerpts. What I remember most is the language used in the book, and the some of the gory, WTF scenes. Most of the reviews I read either critiqued her writing and/or made fun of the mind-boggling, "what-did-I-just-read?" parts of her book. I fully agree with you that Tyra is MK'd and definitely being used, through ANTM, to prep young women for the industry. You hit the nail on the head with everything you said about her show. It's like they come up with challenges based on the personalities, fears, or dislikes of the contestants. I'm pretty sure they conduct a survey as the girls audition and sign up for the show to see what kind of people make for good television and gauge their personalities. I'm sure the girls have to sign a waiver too... The drastic hairstyle change early in each season probably serves the purpose of creating vulnerability. After all the perfect model is essentially malleable... whoever wins the season, is the girl who has done all that has been asked of her, through fear and all. She's now ready to take on anything the modelling world throws at her.


Apr 18, 2019
Excellent thread! I'm very unfamiliar with Tyra banks herself although I watched a couple ANTM seasons as a teen.
Why do they have to create MK slaves? What do they gain from doing it?


Feb 5, 2018
MK'd slaves can carry out the biddings for those that control or own them. They can also be used to promote certain ideologies and trends to the public. For example..research Manchurian candidates. That is a form of MK Ultra. Celebrities make perfect slaves because they are influencers. Also the shooters/victims/scapegoats of staged attacks can be MK'd slaves.


Jun 15, 2018
I recently saw an episode where the contestants were put inside of a coffin and did a photo shoot literally in an 8 foot hole in the ground. One of the contestants has just found out her childhood friend died and was grieving on the way to the photo shoot. And I do agree the makeovers serve as some traumatic factor so the girls look in the mirror and think “who the f am I?”

The more I read the book I cannot WAIT to share with you. However, it really freaks me out about what the real life Modelland will be like. And just be aware there will be spoilers abound which I will headline but if you plan to read it without spoilers you may want to start!


Jun 15, 2018
As of today I am halfway through the book. I want to shed some light on the themes and mysteries of the book thus far.
Modelland could be comparative to a dissociative state, perhaps the state one might end up in while being programmed to become a model. The lessons of Modelland are very much what one learns in reality, as we can see on ANTM, however everything has a strange, fantasy world twist to it.

Modelland scene:
Belladonna statue always visible despite what building or room they’re in
Tributes who do not make it sometimes beg desperately to be one of the mannecants who are described as “totally nude, and their flesh seemed to be made of hard plastic, with creases at every joint... ...which made them look like living breathing mannequins. Their eyeballs were completely black, making them look soulless. They stood stiffly, staring blankly at the crowd.”
The buildings spell out the word MODEL.
M- Modelland
O- Opera
D- Dorms
L- ? (The girls wonder what the L stands for)

The Bored (board) is made up of six strange looking characters. One has lizard skin and yellow eyes. One has soulless black eyes. They are called the bored because that’s how they look.

Modelland runs off of clocks of color rather than numbers. For instance, class will be held at “5 past vermillion”. To me this is another reference of dissociation.

First the girls undergo makeovers. After they are made extremely beautiful, their faces begin melting off and burning as if touched by acid. Several girls tap out and go home. Tookie realizes this “is not real” and encourages her friends to stick through it. Then they are choked by their necklaces and finally poked all over by needles.
Posing class - react opposite of what you should. During traumatic things you should appear happy. Happy things you appear sad. Some pictures shown were of bloods and guts.
Runway class - everything is not as it seems. If it was displayed as it really is it would “ruin the glamour, the mystery. It makes [it] real. The more people who know our secrets, the less intriguing [it] becomes.”
Food class - girls are tempted by their favorite foods and literally within inches of having them. Meanwhile they are so hungry they could pass out. Finally they are allowed to gorge. Afterwards the instructor rates them “gut chowder, gut hammer, gut poacher.” One girl is labeled just gut because she ate so much.
War on Words - a debate class where the girls learn how to sell any item, whether they like it or not.

You can see how beauty, runway talent, nutrition, posing, and debate would be the numerous skills a model must have.

What’s the deal with Lizzie?:
Lizzie begs Tookie to leave town with her after a traumatic event took place that Tookie does not know of. Lizzie won’t tell Tookie because “they would kill her”. They call the day they would flee Exodus (one of the Triple7’s the previous year is named Exodus. There is definitely a tie between Lizzie and Modelland but I’m not sure how yet). As Tookie goes to meet Lizzie she is caught by her mother and forced to leave to help Myrracle get into Modelland. There is an odd moment where Lizzie and Tookie’s mother make eye contact and Lizzie dissociates and begins screaming. Here is an excerpt from the book:
“Lizzie was twitching wildly. Her eyes were rolling back in her head...” “...then she spoke in a drone Tookie had never heard from her, as if she was a medium in a seance. ‘They took her last night. By her feet. The burning continued throughout the night. They cut open her blisters and poured liquid metal into her veins.’ Lizzie then lifted the cuffs of her pants which were dragging the ground, revealing that they looked like they had been dipped in battery acid, with open sores that oozed pus. The area near her ankles had a hundred little cuts ranged in straight lines, as if they were soldiers ready for battle.“

After Tookie is chosen for Modelland she doesn’t see Lizzie or speak to her again. The last time she sees Lizzie is while she is flying over the sky with Ci~L and Lizzie is running frantically though the streets.

Tookie and four other strange looking girls are personally chosen for Model school by Ci~L. This is odd to the girls as Triple7’s are not scouts and at this point in the book nobody knows what has happened to Ci~L still.

The mystery of Ci~L:
Ci~L has displeased the Belladonna by being disobedient. Basically, Ci~L does not follow what the Belladonna says. The Belladonna could be compared to some supreme handler, unhappy with her disobedient slave (when we zig, she zags (ANTM reference)). The book explicitly states that Ci~L is undergoing reprogramming. Ci~L often speaks in prophetic poems, which upsets the Belladonna who always instantly inflicts punishment on her. The four girls chosen for Modelland by Ci~L are all by societal standards ugly. This is another act of disobedience toward the Belladonna and so the girls are treated poorly because they don’t “belong there”. There are rumors that 4 Bella’s are sacrificed each year and the other Bella’s taunt the “ugly” girls that they are the sacrifices.

Here are some different scenes of Ci~L so one can understand the torture she is enduring and inflicting upon her own self.
During the opening ceremony, Ci~L is presented to the Bella’s as a warning of what happens to the disobedient. Even Ci~L, the most famous Triple7 in the world (the only Seven7 which is essentially a mega celebrity) is subject to the Belladonnas wrath. During the ceremony Ci~L “rose through the ground, imprisoned in a bird cage. It’s bars were made of razors.”
Tookie sleepwalks into Ci~L’s dungeon and witnesses Ci~L whipping herself while screaming “it’s my fault” and “I am so sorry”. Tookie gasps at this and Ci~L makes eye contact with her. Next thing Tookie knows is she’s waking up in her bed and can’t tell if it was real or a dream.
Ci~L is ordered to teach Runway class as part of her punishment.
Ci~L’s three main outfits: first is made up entirely of handcuffs, second is made of teddy bears, third is made of chains. At the end of the class Tookie notices the polka dots on her jumpsuit are actually bloody holes seeping through the fabric.
During the debate class, WoW, Ci~L is brought in during a debate about whether or not to wear bras. She is bound and gagged, her skin pale, and she is wearing a baggy jumpsuit with the words UGLY ROOM on it. They declare that Ci~L, once the most famous person in the world, must restart her training as a “Bella”. It is mentioned that after that class Ci~L will “return to the ugly room for more shock treatments”.
During WOW Ci~L spouts one of her prophetic poems which upsets the Belladonna. They blame the teacher for “regressing her reprogramming”

That’s all I’ve got for now for you. Are you enjoying this post? Are there any points you’d like me to further elaborate on for my next post?


Jun 15, 2018
Good catch! Interesting they all are taking on the X moniker. I have been very interested in Modelland and am quite curious what this experience has to offer, especially after finishing the book.

I am standing by my belief that the book is written by an MK slave being trained to model and is in a disassociative state. There will be a Modelland II book coming out which I hope can help answers some of my questions I’m left with after the book. Here’s some major spoilers ahead so please do not read if you’re planning to compete the book, as they will certainly alter your perception and ultimately ruin the story.

Ci~L is a woman who has disobeyed the powers that be, whom I thought all along were the Belladonna but now appear to be a force larger than she, and is subject to trauma and torture to repent, essentially. Ci~L represents Tyra in the peak of her career. Ci~L is the most famous and multi-talented model in the world, and the same could be said about Tyra. In the end of the book we find that not much separates Tookie and Ci~L. Ci~L’s Mother’s abandoned her so she herself could have fame. Tookie’s mother despised her because she could not being he family fame and fortune (so they thought). We learn through the book that Tookie never belonged at Modelland, she was chosen by the Belladonna as a poke in Creamy’s (Tookie’s mother) face because of their poor history.
It turns out the Belladonna is Ci~L’s mother and has subjected her to intense torture in an effort to save her from execution by the “powers that be”. There is much more to this story but the Belladonna ends up a prisoner herself which shows us she is not the ultimate handler and that someone is controlling them further but that person is hidden and unknown. There is a dramatic scene where both Tookie and Ci~L are asking their mothers why they did the things they did to them and that passage shows so much correlation between the girls. Tyra went from a girl who did not fit societal standards of beauty, to the most famous model in the world, yet she still feels the same inside and fights her demons. The fame did not make her life any easier. It only took away her ability to be who she naturally is.
Many of my questions were left unanswered. I don’t know what happened to Lizzie. I don’t know what happens to the Belladonna or Creamy or Tookie. Ci~L is drug to the capital and put in a diamond guillotine and right as the blade is to smash her head it stops and she is announced the new Belladonna as she is the “rightful heir”. This is the ending of the book.

Until Modelland II comes out I don’t have anymore information on the storyline however it is pretty clear what the overall message here is.

Yellowbunzz tasty

Dec 30, 2019
Tyra Banks, ANTM, and Modelland

Tyra Banks:

Tyra Banks is a supermodel who has made a name for herself via her many business ventures, including her launch of the hit show America’s Next Top Model. Tyra was discovered as a teenager after her mother took several photos of her for her portfolio. Tyra was most noted for her runway personality, her “SMIZE” (smile with her eyes), and her curvy body as a Victoria’s Secret Model. Tyra played Eve in the movie Life Size which was the first movie Lindsay Lohan ever starred in. Eve was a Barbie doll who was brought to life after Lilo’s character used the book of the dead to perform a magic ritual to bring her deceased mother back to life. Tyra has also admitted that her role on ANTM and the Tyra Banks Show isn’t who she “really is” as a person, but rather a character she created. She says in reality she is timid and non-confrontational. I could go on and on about the various photo shoots Tyra has done and the mountain of symbolism, but for the sake of the reader, I am going to move on to ANTM and her book, Modelland.

It is worth noting that Tyra is in the process of creating a real life Modelland in California. Read about it here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/2799609002

America’s Next Top Model (ANTM):

I know... I know. Most people on this forum think pop culture is lame and stay away from it. I will admit at times I am more of an “obsessed” with the culture type of person. Not that I fawn over celebrities, I think they are stupid, but I am obsessed with unscrambling the puzzle. I look for symbolism in everything and get obsessed. I have been watching America’s Next Top Model lately and on Cycle 16 (I think?) they make a motion picture for Tyra’s book Modelland. Watching the scenes for the shoot I realized the book was very strange and had many common themes I have come to know from VC. I decided to start reading the book and it is VERY symbolic. Now ANTM bothers me at times because they are so unbelievably inhumane towards the contestants, but then again that is the way of this industry. They even tell the girls their job is to perform and entertain and they all are expendable. That modeling is not “about them and their comfort”, it’s taking what you’re given and selling it. The contestants pose underwater, with raw meat (one contestant was vegan), with wild animals, on top of some of the tallest buildings in the world during a massive storm, with spiders, snakes, etc. The photo shoots and runways are extremely traumatizing and make them confront many humans deepest fears for a chance at fame. Several runway challenges are held hundreds of feet in the air on runways with no railing and often wobbling from the wind. In one runway they literally walk off of a beam in a construction site. They often put the girls in uncomfortable clothing and belittle them if they complain. On several occasions they are made to walk in too small of shoes. In one episode the girls are out in wool outfits in the middle of summer and the rooms are kept hot, several of the models nearly passed out and had to sit during deliberation. Shannon from Cycle 1 was well known for not posing nude. She was picked on by the judges in both Cycle 1 and Cycle 16 (the all stars cycle) because they thought she was a hypocrite because she would pose in swimwear. Most of the contestants experience a mental breakdown at some point during the competition due to being forced into facing their deepest fears.
The motion picture for Modelland was used to announce the winner of ANTM for that season. All of the finalists filmed a winning scene where they removed their gold mask to show the winners face. This scene was used to announce Lisa as the winner of that cycle.


The book is very clearly a retelling of Tyra’s experience becoming a model. The main character, Tookie, is meant to represent Tyra. In Tyra’s motion picture, all of the girls state “My name is (their name), and I am Tookie.” At the end Tyra says “my name is Tyra, and I am Tookie.” The book follows Tookie in her journey to become an Intoxibella, which is a direct reference to both Tyra becoming a supermodel and Tyra making other girls models through ANTM. As I read this book, there is no doubt in my mind that Tyra is an MK slave and she is helping the elite create more slaves through her show. ANTM is in over 200 countries and has had 23 cycles in the US. This book is Tyra’s way of telling the world her story, just as so many other celebrities do by “hiding the truth in plain sight.”

The intro of the book explicitly states that the book is a work of fiction and any correlations to real life events is merely a “coincidence”. Despite this, the book is very much a work of nonfiction. Metopia is a perfect representation of the USA, where it is described as being massive, having lots of climates and resources, and being controlled by politicians and factory owners (billionaires).

The first page of the book suggests that the elite of Metopia are rumored to bathe in blood to keep their eternal youth. Despite these rumors, girls all over Metopia wait for their opportunity to be chosen. Obviously this is a direct representation of ANTM. The book states that all girls want to be chosen, whether they admit it or not.

The mountain where Modelland sits is covered in a gold fog. The book states that “they all knew was a bright eye shining in the sky”

Tookie’s mom is obsessed with a baby doll. She favors Tookie’s sister, The Myrracle. Tookie is deemed a “Forgetta-Girl” because nobody ever notices her.

The most famous Intoxibella in the world, Ci~L, has gone missing. There is no word of where she disappeared to. A news anchor suggests “the news is that she went on hiatus. However, rumors have been swirling that she was abducted, had an airborne terminal illness, or a mental breakdown.” She grew up in a home without a single mirror and “one can only assume how that might psychologically impact a person as they reach adulthood.”

In Metopia there is a region called LaDorno where only the richest of rich can live. The residents of LaDorno have to pass extensive and invasive tests in order to live there. The counsel of Metopia interview friends, family, and acquaintances as well as check bank statements to see what kind of purchases are made. The only people who get to live in LaDorno without these tests are the “sacred souls” whose names end with -Ella.
Hmmmm, seems a little bit like a reference to the RockafELLA’s to me.

Lizzie, Tookie’s only friend, disappears for over a week. Upon returning during a conversation with Tookie, she suddenly drifts off and has a vacant look in her eye. She says, “Tell them to stop. They always say it won’t hurt and then it always does.” She also says “I can handle when they hurt me, but not when they hur Robyn.” Tookie recognizes this dissociative state and says “Lizzie, come back”. Lizzie then reveals a fresh burn mark on her elbow, and grabs a rock and cuts herself. Tookie then realizes Lizzie was taken off to the Shivera Hospital where she was put in the Melancholia Ward, where the patients treatment of each other is ignored and is deemed “worse than the Shivera prison that houses the deadliest of criminals.” The Shivera hospital also “keeps no records, as though it didn’t exist.”

I am still reading this book and will make another post in a few days about further symbolism.
Has anyone else read this book or have any interest in this kind of topic? If not, just use it to know it’s just another way the elite prey on the world. Maybe through this book we can learn more about the workings of the elite, or maybe it will just further confirm what we already know and have been told by so many others in the industry.

Tyra’s book cover for Modelland features a big all seeing eye. She wore a gold wing over her left eye to promote the book on several occasions.
Tyra depicted as a cat, one of the MANY photos in her career of her in leopard print or displayed as a kitten.
Tyra famously portrayed First Lady Michelle Obama in a fashion spread.
Tyra as baphomet, pretty self explanatory.
Tyra with 666 symbol over left eye.
Photo shoot on ANTM where the girls were portrayed as statues.
Photo shoot on ANTM where the girls showcased diamonds by wearing a real life tarantula.
Models literally posed with a real life cheetah. Many of the girls were terrified.
Models posed in the ocean. One of the contestants had asthma and couldn’t breathe underwater and the judges called this an “excuse”.
Models posed in a meatlocker wearing raw meat clothing. This model was vegan.
Hey there, any mention of why this thread died. Ive been having a bunch of questions partaining to the book, would you be able yo give more extensive detail perhaps?


Jun 15, 2018
Hey there, any mention of why this thread died. Ive been having a bunch of questions partaining to the book, would you be able yo give more extensive detail perhaps?
Maybe. It has been a while since I read it and I don’t remember as much as I did while writing, but am happy to discuss.


Mar 26, 2022
I used to be obsessed with this show back then. The photoshoots is full of symbolism. Most of the contestants suffered during and after the show.



Mar 26, 2022
Winnie Harlow is the most successful model from the show. Her real is Chantelle Young. Tyra discovered her on Instagram and brought her to the show despite Chantelle was Canadian. Now she gets invited to the elite parties (Met Gala, Grammys, etc) and is on front cover of every magazine.
