Whatever Happened to the Hari Krishna People?

Aug 12, 2020
The people that always kind of made me uneasy were the Hari Krishna weirdos. Not only did they have strange hairdos and clothing they looked stinky and didn't even brush their teeth. They acted as if they were living in some alternative reality maybe caused by malnutrition or drugs. If I saw them coming I tried to keep as much distance from them as I could. Usually the ones I saw were white people which made me think at least blacks and mexicans had enough sense not to fall for whatever this is. I saw some of them in a movie the other day and realised I haven't seen them around much lately and then I became almost nostalgic because as weird as these hare- brains were they are not as bad as all the crap we see today such as transgenderism, LGQBS, Black Lies Matter, antifa and all the other flotsam and jetsam we are confronted with every day. I will take Hari Krishnas any day of the week to the drag queen story hour garbage which is a sad commentary on the current state of our society.


Mar 18, 2017
The people that always kind of made me uneasy were the Hari Krishna weirdos. Not only did they have strange hairdos and clothing they looked stinky and didn't even brush their teeth. They acted as if they were living in some alternative reality maybe caused by malnutrition or drugs. If I saw them coming I tried to keep as much distance from them as I could. Usually the ones I saw were white people which made me think at least blacks and mexicans had enough sense not to fall for whatever this is. I saw some of them in a movie the other day and realised I haven't seen them around much lately and then I became almost nostalgic because as weird as these hare- brains were they are not as bad as all the crap we see today such as transgenderism, LGQBS, Black Lies Matter, antifa and all the other flotsam and jetsam we are confronted with every day. I will take Hari Krishnas any day of the week to the drag queen story hour garbage which is a sad commentary on the current state of our society.
Iam guessing you're not a fan of Chrissie Hynde (The Pretenders)??



Oct 2, 2017
The people that always kind of made me uneasy were the Hari Krishna weirdos. Not only did they have strange hairdos and clothing they looked stinky and didn't even brush their teeth. They acted as if they were living in some alternative reality maybe caused by malnutrition or drugs. If I saw them coming I tried to keep as much distance from them as I could. Usually the ones I saw were white people which made me think at least blacks and mexicans had enough sense not to fall for whatever this is. I saw some of them in a movie the other day and realised I haven't seen them around much lately and then I became almost nostalgic because as weird as these hare- brains were they are not as bad as all the crap we see today such as transgenderism, LGQBS, Black Lies Matter, antifa and all the other flotsam and jetsam we are confronted with every day. I will take Hari Krishnas any day of the week to the drag queen story hour garbage which is a sad commentary on the current state of our society.
Obviously, you don't really want an answer to that. You've decided already what you think they're about.


Feb 18, 2020
Considering that they do not care about this material world, the way they look/behave is quite understandable.
Oct 20, 2021
I recommend reading a book called Monkey On a Stick about the hari Krishna people. Lot going on there like sex trafficking and other stuff people might not be aware of.