

Aug 22, 2021
could someone please answer so if viruses or covid doesn’t exist then why do they claim that they can find spike proteins levels with a test after “infection“?


May 15, 2017
could someone please answer so if viruses or covid doesn’t exist then why do they claim that they can find spike proteins levels with a test after “infection“?
using the pcr test they're using even the creator of that test
has stated Ya can find sickness on or in anything when there
is none
Ya can find him saying it in Franks thread I'm sure (I'll try looking later)

how much more likely is someone to Believe a test that came
back negative/positive w/e,rather than someone just looking at
them saying "oh yeah Ya sick with this and that"

after that actual test Ya start feeling them symptoms(notice it's
always the same basic symptoms eh)because in Your mind that
test said Your sick and now Your mind and body believes it

the test they're doing has already been tested and proven to be
a delivery system for w/e type of poison/parasite etc.. they want
to infect Ya with

Knowing what We now Know Thanks to the divoc scam tptb pulled
on the world
without it I don't think many would be asking some questions
We're now asking and wanting the answers to

the simple answer to why as Clammertoe said money but these
evils don't really need money
imo it's control and for Us to worship,them as though they're gods

they own all the schooling,curriculum,teachers etc...that anyone
needs to become whatever it is ones trying to become
they own it all and in the end they own Ya too

I Hope I'm making sense
all those "drs" were all taught by the criminals all the same
information as to what the "diseases/illnesses" were and what to
look for and how to treat these so called"illnesses etc.."

meanwhile imho I Believe,that every disease/illness w/e is poison/frequency/ parasites etc..subliminals to an extent

that's why they promote certain types of "drs" instead of encouraging
a "dr"to have that wide range of Knowledge in all types of things in the
role of "dr".

it's the same reason way back when the medical arm of the system
formed they outlawed(more or less) any type of medical person/shamans except those who're renowned,well educated"dr"to practice in any form

if they did go against it what would happen,they'd lose their license to
be a practicing "dr"no matter if what he did healed 100s
it's because tptb Know that they poisons/parasites etc.. they're using against Us can be reversed by going back to the Naturals of what has always Healed Us
frequencies,vibrations,sun,seeds,roots,plants etc...

We never had a need for a medical society/system that Knowledge
use to pass genetically so far and by word of mouth the rest of
the way

what the "drs" are learning are not what they think they're
whether it's diagnosing or treatment

I do Hope I made sense I ate so much yesterday still my brains
been fuzzy all day
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Jun 27, 2019
could someone please answer so if viruses or covid doesn’t exist then why do they claim that they can find spike proteins levels with a test after “infection“?
You may want to focus on what you can prove like the existence of known toxins and not so much on what you cannot prove. Doesn't seem like anyone can really prove that viruses exist does it? We know for sure without any doubt that vaccines are toxic, all we need to do is read the insert if not left blank like with the COVID jabs. And lets not mention all the horrible side effects associated with vaccines.

Toxins are everywhere and I'm not going to bother listing all the toxins that I'm aware of. Look in your cupboards, read the labels and look up the toxic ingredients. Think about what you are eating and drinking. Read the labels of the processed food that you may be eating. Think about how farms are grown and how livestock is raised where you get your food products. Think about where the food is coming from and how they are preparing it next time you eat at a restaurant. If you use pharmaceutical drugs read the list of known side effects, I doubt there would be any bad side effects without toxins.Look up your local water quality report and read which toxins are present and know there are other toxins present that they do not test for and other toxins that are added like flouride.

Read the labels of your laundry detergents such as fabric softeners. Read the labels of your bathroom products such as deodorant, soap, body wash, shampoo and skin lotion. Read the labels of beauty products like hairspray and other products that are breathed in and added to the body. Read the labels of your cleaning products. All those products usually have a large list of chemicals listed on the label with a poison control warning. What kind of toxins are present in that fresh paint on your wall that you are breathing? Look at the smoke you are breathing coming out of the automobile in front of you, or if the vehicle is electric measure the radiation the electric motor is generating. Look up at that crap the planes are spraying to block out the sun, now the snowmelt is even toxic. Measure the radiation coming from your local cell tower, router, smart phone, smart meter. Measure the dirty electricity in the wiring around you being generated by your led devices and appliances. Toxins are everywhere.

I'm sure toxins enter the body in more ways than we can imagine. Concentrate on avoiding toxins through ingestion, inhalation, absorption and radiation and whataver else you can think of. There are many ways we can filter out toxins and different ways to test for them. Try avoiding toxins as much as possible and see if you still get cold symptoms, flu symptoms, or so called COVID symptoms.
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Aug 22, 2021
You may want to focus on what you can prove like the existence of known toxins and not so much on what you cannot prove. Doesn't seem like anyone can really prove that viruses exist does it? We know for sure without any doubt that vaccines are toxic, all we need to do is read the insert if not left blank like with the COVID jabs. And lets not mention all the horrible side effects associated with vaccines.

Toxins are everywhere and I'm not going to bother listing all the toxins that I'm aware of. Look in your cupboards, read the labels and look up the toxic ingredients. Think about what you are eating and drinking. Read the labels of the processed food that you may be eating. Think about how farms are grown and how livestock is raised where you get your food products. Think about where the food is coming from and how they are preparing it next time you eat at a restaurant. If you use pharmaceutical drugs read the list of known side effects, I doubt there would be any bad side effects without toxins.Look up your local water quality report and read which toxins are present and know there are other toxins present that they do not test for and other toxins that are added like flouride.

Read the labels of your laundry detergents such as fabric softeners. Read the labels of your bathroom products such as deodorant, soap, body wash, shampoo and skin lotion. Read the labels of beauty products like hairspray and other products that are breathed in and added to the body. Read the labels of your cleaning products. All those products usually have a large list of chemicals listed on the label with a poison control warning. What kind of toxins are present in that fresh paint on your wall that you are breathing? Look at the smoke you are breathing coming out of the automobile in front of you, or if the vehicle is electric measure the radiation the electric motor is generating. Look up at that crap the planes are spraying to block out the sun, now the snowmelt is even toxic. Measure the radiation coming from your local cell tower, router, smart phone, smart meter. Measure the dirty electricity in the wiring around you being generated by your led devices and appliances. Toxins are everywhere.

I'm sure toxins enter the body in more ways than we can imagine. Concentrate on avoiding toxins through ingestion, inhalation, absorption and radiation and whataver else you can think of. There are many ways we can filter out toxins and different ways to test for them. Try avoiding toxins as much as possible and see if you still get cold symptoms, flu symptoms, or so called COVID symptoms.
is just that when for example Dr McuCullough claims they can help vaccinated patients with supplements and they measure the spike protein in the blood after detox and so they claim thats why i was wondering if the toxin or virus or however ppl call it is actually real and can be in fact measured, do u think that’s accurate? or is McCullough a fake idk!?


Jun 27, 2019
is just that when for example Dr McuCullough claims they can help vaccinated patients with supplements and they measure the spike protein in the blood after detox and so they claim thats why i was wondering if the toxin or virus or however ppl call it is actually real and can be in fact measured, do u think that’s accurate? or is McCullough a fake idk!?
I do not believe they are talking about the COVID virus causing cells to produce the spike protein, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not aware of how they measure the spike protein but I do not doubt that they can. I do believe they are accurate when they say human cells produce this spike protein after injection caused by injected toxins in the blood. And I do believe they are accurate when they say that the immune system views these toxic cells that produce spike proteins as foreign invaders and marks them for destruction causing organ damage. Otherwise there would be no inflammation AKA the immune system attacking other cells in the body. And we know for sure there is a certain degree of inflammation after injection when we see the injected suffering from organ damage.

I do believe suppliments may be effective and are worth trying however we need to be careful when using supplements because many of them are synthetic and have added excipients that can also be toxic depending on what they are. Some people will argue that synthetic vitamins such as Vitamin C AKA Ascorbic Acid are not harmful because they have the same molecular structure as the natural Vitamin C found in fruits and that you cannot get enough natural Vitamin C from fruits under sever circumstances. Others will argue that synthetic vitamins are bad because of the higher doses and because they are derived from petrolium. I would prefer to go with a concentrated Vitamin C extracted from fruit in this case, but thats just my opinion.

The only problem I have with Dr MCullough and the rest of them is that they do not have any tangible evidence of a COVID virus that I'm aware of. I don't believe they can measure the existance of a virus however I do believe they can measure the existance of toxins because it is obvious they exist. I believe it is toxins in the environment that are causing what they call this COVID illness and not some so called virus in the air spreading from human to human. And I do believe they have plenty of evidence of inflammation caused by the toxic substances in the COVID injections. This is why I say we need to avoid the toxins in our environment whenever possible.

There is plenty of evidence to support Terrain Theory, and not nearly enough evidence to support Germ Theory when in relation to so called viruses. Toxins do exist without a doubt. It is well established that toxins in our environment can cause allergic reactions, fever, cough, skin rashes, inflammation, cancer etc, we see this plain as day with the COVID injections.
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Jun 27, 2019
Whether we believe in viruses or not we should be at least as equally concerned about toxins as we are about the guy coughing next to us. And what a coincidence that the products they sell us to supposedly protect us from so called viruses like disposable masks and hand sanitizers appear to be manufactured with known toxins that cause cancer.


Aug 22, 2021
Whether we believe in viruses or not we should be at least as equally concerned about toxins as we are about the guy coughing next to us. And what a coincidence that the products they sell us to supposedly protect us from so called viruses like disposable masks and hand sanitizers appear to be manufactured with known toxins that cause cancer.
what you are saying is kinda interesting hun
are you a Doctor or something?
Also just opened youtube & right away in the front page look at this!
without even searching for it, in fact I never use YT to browse any of these type of topics
Screenshot 2023-12-31 at 12.59.58 AM.png

I'm only subscribed to a different Dr that talks about the vax (not this gentleman)
somehow NOW youtube is k starting to suggest more videos of these subjects
but while the plandemic all of this & everything related was censored and not even suggested in the Home page feed wtf


Jun 27, 2019
what you are saying is kinda interesting hun
are you a Doctor or something?
Also just opened youtube & right away in the front page look at this!
without even searching for it, in fact I never use YT to browse any of these type of topics
View attachment 99090

I'm only subscribed to a different Dr that talks about the vax (not this gentleman)
somehow NOW youtube is k starting to suggest more videos of these subjects
but while the plandemic all of this & everything related was censored and not even suggested in the Home page feed wtf
Thank you and yes I am aware. My credentials are irrelevant you do not need to be a rocket scientist to see what we are doing to the earth. Words cannot describe what a complete disaster this is.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
could someone please answer so if viruses or covid doesn’t exist then why do they claim that they can find spike proteins levels with a test after “infection“?
Simplest explanation:

1) the body is being poisoned from toxins in its environment;
2) the body's built-in self-defensive and self-healing processes react to deal with the toxins in its environment;
3) scientists/doctors/medical researchers -- who have been trained their entire life with textbooks funded and written by the chemical-medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex that makes trillions off of the continued poisoning and sickness of its customers - look under a microscope to view the natural defense and self-healing processes in work, and ignorantly attribute the natural removal of the toxins to a "virus" and its "spike proteins".


Jun 27, 2019
is just that when for example Dr McuCullough claims they can help vaccinated patients with supplements and they measure the spike protein in the blood after detox and so they claim thats why i was wondering if the toxin or virus or however ppl call it is actually real and can be in fact measured, do u think that’s accurate? or is McCullough a fake idk!?
Another problem I forgot to mention is why do they seem to ignore or dismiss the self assembling nano tech found by other doctors in the COVID vaccine vials and the blood of the injected? I believe this along with the continued promotion of the existence of viruses is why others are calling them out as fake as you say. And what about the other problems associated with the COVID protocols in the hospitals? Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't really see any group of doctors talking about the entire picture that we see here. Are they all fake? I don't know but at least they acknowledge the bad side effects associated with the COVID injections. Will give credit where it's due because there are many doctors out there that are not saying anything and still going along with the program.
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May 15, 2017
this to me sounds like tptb just getting rid of Peoples
they think no one will miss and unfortunately for the most
part the general population don't even bat an eye when these
Peoples go missing,don't even ask where did they go

most assume because they're on the street they're drug addicts
so if they disappear it's oh well must've od'ed
not everyone in the situation is a drug addict and even if they are
they're still Peoples and We should care cause all it takes is
one bad turn for any one of Us to be in that same situation

this is what tptb want though a cold callous no empathy world



May 15, 2017
course it's in an undisclosed place that's so no
one can track the damage this poison does to
they do mention a 2b possibly "infected"that may
narrow down where they're testing

how convenient its got a high kill rate and 3 of every
4 will die hmmm makes me wonder if tptb aren't
disclosing where so no one can See if it was a high
rate noitaniccav place for the divoc poison shot



May 15, 2017
I'm at a point where I Truly Believe 100% that every
single so called eniccav is to cause sterilization,damages
/death and deenaa modification
I won't be getting anymore for my Children or me n
my other for anything now



Mar 25, 2023
I'm not against vaccination as it is known to stop many awful diseases. If it wasn't invented, most people would die and our average life would be about 30.
Of course, I understand that we all need to lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor our nutrition, do sports, etc. But there are cases when we can't avoid taking meds. I always double-check the info about them on the Canadian pharmacy site, though, as I want to be aware of the possible consequences or side effects I might face. It would be great to avoid taking chemical medications, but unfortunately, sometimes our bodies can't recover without them.
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
It's amazing how many can be duped into believing that vaccines stop disease or that they have ever saved anyone from anything, other than from having an otherwise healthy life.

The basic premise of a vaccine must still remain a mystery to most. As originally advertised, vaccines give people the disease they are allegedly attempting to "immunize" them against. The disease being injected directly into the bloodstream is allegedly in a "mild form", to supposedly trick the body's own defensive systems to respond to it by building up antibodies.

No one has ever proven that ANY these assumptions are actually true. Instead we are fed nothing but unsubstantiated propaganda about how "safe and effective" these vaccines allegedly are, even though they actually kill, maim and permanently injure thousands and thousands of people every year, and have done so since their inception.

How can something that is supposed to protect people from a disease injure or kill anyone? Only a poison can do that, which is exactly what ALL vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs really are.

The human body is designed to live in and adapt to its NATURAL surroundings. It was NEVER designed to ingest UNNATURAL combinations of man-made concoctions (a witch's brew), much less have them injected directly into the bloodstream, thereby circumventing almost all of the body's natural defense mechanisms.

IF people instead of placing their trust in the chemical-pharmaceutical-medical industrial complex and its witch-doctors, instead took the time to educate themselves on the history of vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs, and the BILLIONS of people that have been adversely affected by them since their inception, we could as a society, rid ourselves of ALL of these diseases, which are the direct result of human arrogance in believing we know better than God how to take care of the human body that He designed and built for purpose.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
For those in doubt of what has been shared above, please read:

The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean (1957), available as a free PDF at the link below:

Please also watch the documentary films VAXXED and VAXXED 2, the latter of which chronicles the families of children injured or murdered by vaccination, as well as the families of healthy children who have never received a vaccination of any kind.



And for a summary brief on the history of the origin of the pharmaceutical industry, which is much older than most people realize, please see:

subheading: Aren't You Sick of It Yet?
Jul 12, 2022
I'm at a point where I Truly Believe 100% that every
single so called eniccav is to cause sterilization,damages
/death and deenaa modification
I won't be getting anymore for my Children or me n
my other for anything now

Yeah, this sounds about right. Seems like the use the guise of how it will help us defeat diseases, but some of us know that's just a lie. I have a feeling they even made it where some can fight them off, but at the same time cause other horrible health issues so people don't get suspicious.
I also have a feeling this is why we are seeing more and more people on the spectrum.


May 15, 2017
another one to get those sleeping all worked up
so all Your antibacterial this and that will NOT work
with this it's only enemy is soap and water that's weird eh

really do Hope Peoples Know that tptb are going to be trying
anything and everything to instill fear and keep Ya in that fear
