Red Heifer Birth Paves Way For Renewed Temple Service


Mar 18, 2017
Last time i checked, Christ is, apparently, supposed to grace the Temple with His presence and reign out of Jerusalem. I wonder if it would be wrong or right of me to contribute 5k to the rebuilding effort.


May 3, 2018
Eschatological madness is about preventing humanity from striving for true progress. If everything's gonna go up in flames, why bother? Wars upon wars atrocities upon atrocities - who cares. As long as that poor innocent heifer is sacrificed "for people's sins"... What a ... ?
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Last time i checked, Christ is, apparently, supposed to grace the Temple with His presence and reign out of Jerusalem. I wonder if it would be wrong or right of me to contribute 5k to the rebuilding effort.
There is an odd mismatch between a Christian and Jewish view going on here! Because the Jews reject Jesus (the Good Shepherd) they are being set up for the Worthless Shepherd of Zechariah...


May 3, 2018
There is an odd mismatch between a Christian and Jewish view going on here! Because the Jews reject Jesus (the Good Shepherd) they are being set up for the Worthless Shepherd of Zechariah...
It doesn't stop Christians to support Jewish aspirations wholeheartedly. Talk about bi-polarity
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Sep 5, 2018
They are working hard to bring it about. Smart ideology. You mask smth terrible as the best thing ever. Then people work day and night for it to happen. Suicide!
I’ve always felt that the true rulers of the world were attempting to bring about end times and it’s insane that literal interpretation of prophecy dictates policy.


May 3, 2018
I’ve always felt that the true rulers of the world were attempting to bring about end times and it’s insane that literal interpretation of prophecy dictates policy.
The true rulers know a lot more than we do about ourselves. They're playing us like a grand-master plays his chess. Those red heifer and all the other rituals might have actual metaphysical power... We have no idea what's really happening in the parallel universe or the spirit world. Some even think that the true rulers farm people as energy source... They might like us staying in the hatred mode so that our power-producing efficiency stays high... I don't subscribe to any of these theories, just makes you wander what's really going on. Because to us as himanity, none of this BS really matters. We're pawns in somebody's game. The God idea is just a very powerful motivator. How it's used to direct mass behavior and for what goals is a tricky question!
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
The true rulers know a lot more than we do about ourselves. They're playing us like a grand-master plays his chess. Those red heifer and all the other rituals might have actual metaphysical power... We have no idea what's really happening in the parallel universe or the spirit world. Some even think that the true rulers farm people as energy source... They might like us staying in the hatred mode so that our power-producing efficiency stays high... I don't subscribe to any of these theories, just makes you wander what's really going on. Because to us as himanity, none of this BS really matters. We're pawns in somebody's game. The God idea is just a very powerful motivator. How it's used to direct mass behavior and for what goals is a tricky question!
"They have chosen cunning instead of belief. Their prison is only in their minds, yet they are in that prison; and so afraid of being taken in that they cannot be taken out."​
C.S. Lewis, The Last Battle


May 3, 2018
"They have chosen cunning instead of belief. Their prison is only in their minds, yet they are in that prison; and so afraid of being taken in that they cannot be taken out."​

C.S. Lewis, The Last Battle
I know, I know, Red Sky at Morning. I know. Nobody knows the truth but you. For sure.

We're all in the same boat. We share the planet, we share our common consciousness. Whatever each one of us thinks, says and does, affects everybody else. We're one big organism. To separate, to divide into "those with us and those against us", compartmental thinking is a way to have us do stupid things for somebody's favour, not ours.

Silly games so many people fall prey to... So sad!!! I think humanity can do a little better...

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I know, I know, Red Sky at Morning. I know. Nobody knows the truth but you. For sure.

We're all in the same boat. We share the planet, we share our common consciousness. Whatever each one of us thinks, says and does, affects everybody else. We're one big organism. To separate, to divide into "those with us and those against us", compartmental thinking is a way to have us do stupid things for somebody's favour, not ours.

Silly games so many people fall prey to... So sad!!! I think humanity can do a little better...
Perhaps we should all embrace our higher selves and ascend to the godhood we were collectively born to. Maybe some helpful aliens will show up to take all the silly Christians away (after all, they embrace their lower forms of consciousness). Together with us they may help us tap our limitless "Christ Consciousness" potential...

Nah - I'm still a Christian.

"Ye shall be as gods" - Nien Danke!
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Mar 18, 2017
I’ve always felt that the true rulers of the world were attempting to bring about end times and it’s insane that literal interpretation of prophecy dictates policy.
Iam with you on this one. Some portions of eschatology have been read way too literally by TPTB just as a means to geopolitical (and more) ends.

On the other hand, has anyone watched this serie?

Someone mentioned it to me afew years ago because they know this subject interests me, but i've never watched it.
I wonder if it has some juicy predictive programming on this subject or its a window to the real powers behind the Temple Institute. From Haaretz:

Currently airing around the world, the television series "Dig" tells the story of a ruthless international conspiracy to build a Third Temple in Jerusalem, and bring about the end of days. The show is fictional - but there really is an organization dedicated to bringing about the Third Temple in Jerusalem....Like its sinister fictional counterpart, the real-life Temple Institute, which was established in Israel in 1987, is doing, or trying to do, the groundwork for rebuilding the Temple. But unlike the show’s "Order of Moriah," they don't run around openly waving guns, covertly breeding future high priests and murdering red-cow breeders, Norwegian or otherwise.

*In the show, the red heifer was born in Norway.

I hope the Temple Institute soon publishes images of the Urim and Thummim because i really want to see them.
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Apr 20, 2017
@Serveto, we know from the Bible that a third temple will be built. The actual specifics of how it comes about are not detailed, but I imagine it's going to be part of a peace deal between Israel and the Arab nations.

It should be noted that there is plenty of room on the Temple Mount for the existing mosque and a Jewish temple, so there's no reason to believe the temple can only happen if the mosque is leveled.
We see alike here.
I said:
... If a perfect red heifer were found, and the Jewish ritualists were able, according to their halacha and laws, to resume animal sacrifices, and their Lord, once again, "smelled a pleasing aroma" wafting upward, and, as in the days of Solomon, they sacrificed sheep and oxen without number, so much so that, presumably with CNN and Sky News cameras reporting, the Temple becomes filled with a cloud, so that the officiating priests can not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of their LORD has filled the Temple, will that cloud-like phenomenon be caused by God or Satan (or other)?
As for whether the cloud of God's presence will fill the third temple --why would it? God dwells inside the believer, and not in any temple.
I am not meaning to be picky, but my question does not presuppose that the cloud would necessarily be God's presence. I think not only the ancients but also some moderns, those well schooled in and initiated into some schools of the occult, for instance, know that there are mysterious properties related to blood, both animal and human, which is why they have detailed rites and rituals related thereto. Odysseus, for example, and as I imperfectly recall, sacrificed a ram and sheep, following Circe's directions, to conjure Tiresias, and had to fend off the shades with his sword because, by means of drinking the blood, they were said to be enlivened and able to correspond with the living. Our legends concerning vampires might be related to this and similar ideas.

Aleister Crowley, as well, and speaking of moderns, wrote a chapter in his Magick in Theory and Practice on "the bloody sacrifice." His are said to be very potent systems of magic, or magick, as he spelled it. However disconcerting it may be to equate, or seem to equate, these practices with those of the Levitical priesthood, I will point out, once again, that no less an authoritative character than Maimonides, in Judaism, argued that animal sacrifices, far from being commanded by God, were, as I summarize it, really only sort of permitted, until such time as the Jews, who had learned the practices from their pagan neighbors, were able to be finally weaned from them. I won't defend Maimonides' thesis, but simply point out that he did, in fact, state it, though he paradoxically also said that the practice would be resumed at the time of his messiah.

So the (open) question, somewhat restated, remains: if the Levitical priests resume animal sacrifice in the newly rebuilt Temple, and if there is a "cloud-like" phenomenon associated with the rites and rituals, how will one be able to determine whether it is caused by God, Satan or other, especially given the fact that there is Biblical precedent for such a thing happening at the time of Solomon?
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Mar 13, 2017
Interesting post and for us Christians, that don't believe in that, we'll actually be put into a tight spot because all these 'incredible' things will be transpiring before our own eyes, the evidence of the senses that we won't possibly be unable to deny. That will be a real test to one's belief system. Especially if fire falls from the sky, consuming the sacrifice.
These things won't happen until after the Rapture, which will take all Christians, whether you believe in it or not.

Any consuming fire that's taking sacrifices at a rebuilt temple would be a Satanic counterfeit. God will not be in that temple, nor will he be accepting sacrifices during the time it stands.


Mar 13, 2017
Last time i checked, Christ is, apparently, supposed to grace the Temple with His presence and reign out of Jerusalem. I wonder if it would be wrong or right of me to contribute 5k to the rebuilding effort.
The temple described in Ezekiel is not the same one the Jews will rebuild in the end times. A lot needs to happen before Jesus Christ's temple will be built.

From Got Questions:

In Ezekiel 37 he relates the vision of “The Valley of Dry Bones,” in which he describes the reunification and reanimation of a dead Israel. In chapters 38–39, Ezekiel predicts a battle with Gog and Magog, in which Israel’s enemies are defeated. Then, in chapters 40–48, in the twenty-fifth year of Israel’s captivity, Ezekiel describes an enormous new temple (chapters 40–42). The glory of God returns (chapter 43), sacrifices are resumed (chapters 44–46), and the land is restored the people of Israel (47–48). The hearts of the people will have been changed (Ezekiel 36:26–27), and even Gentiles have a place in the restored kingdom (Ezekiel 47:22). The land will be ruled by a Davidic Prince (Ezekiel 44:3; see also 37:24–25; 34:23–24).​
On the other hand. all we need for a Jewish temple tomorrow is peace between Jews and Arabs today.


Mar 13, 2017
So the (open) question, somewhat restated, remains: if the Levitical priests resume animal sacrifice in the newly rebuilt Temple, and if there is a "cloud-like" phenomenon associated with the rites and rituals, how will one be able to determine whether it is caused by God, Satan or other, especially given the fact that there is Biblical precedent for such a thing happening at the time of Solomon?
Sorry I didn't give a better answer. I was on my phone and posting from there is a real hassle these days. I am not sure what VC has set the ad saturation at, but it feels like it's at Total. I have a blocker on my PC so I don't notice them, but not on my phone.

Anyway, I think I may have answered this already in my post to Karlysymon, but I'll expand.

The third temple won't be built for God's glory, and it won't mean anything to him. He doesn't hear unbelieving prayers, and he is currently not accepting sacrifices for sin. Any spirits in this temple will not be from God. Of course, the Jews won't be looking at it quite that way, but they will still be blinded.

Christians like me look at the red heifer and it's relation to the prophesied temple as a sign of God's sure word. He said it would happen, and lo, here it is happening. It doesn't mean we think God approves, or that the Jews are doing the right thing.