Russ says black rappers are weapons of mass destruction to their own people.


Sep 8, 2018
Hip hop was a mistake and I also like hip hop
I hear you. I think the rap industry is at fault. I don't see how graf, beatbox, deejaying and other parts of the street culture from The Bronx are really harmful.

Great quote from Russ.


Jun 17, 2017
look no further for weapons of mass destruction of the black community at liberals.

- pushing for handouts and freebies for doing nothing.
- pushing for slave reparations.
- promoting affirmative action.
- pushing a narrative of, "i am owed _____ " becuase of racism.
- pushing to blame others for their situation. this could be partly true, but at the end of the day, its up to YOU-- its YOUR responsibility to get off your ass and do something about it.

bless candace owens.
Mar 30, 2017


May 3, 2017
promoting affirmative action.
I don't get the hate some people have for affirmative action. If it gets us jobs why be upset? It will be the same people complaining that we sit on the porch all day. Why every group can get a lil leg up besides black people?


Jul 14, 2018
He is partly right, what he missed out is that most popular Rappers come from wealthy backgrounds and often the drug dealing/poverty/ghetto/street thing is just an act, you have to have money to get into the industry and that is a fact!

Once they are in the industry then all of their wishes, dreams and temptations are filled as long as they hold up their end of the bargain, which is to dumb down their own people and make their own people jealous of, hate and maim each other while pushing nihilistic and misogynistic attitudes, fashion and car brands, drugs, lean and alcohol and violence.

In short the industry raped Hip Hop and used it for their own form of genocide, most industry murders and deaths happen when they have used the artists up and no longer need them or when an artist actually sees first hand what the industry is made of and take their knowledge and secrets to the grave.

I predict the following:

Cardi-B will be dead from an "OD" or an "operation that went wrong" in a few years.
I am actually wondering if Iggy Azalea is predicting her own demise on her violent album cover.
Most K-Pop artists will die from suicide (already happening) "OD's" and violent deaths (car accidents etc)
There will be a lot more deaths of Rappers and some really big pop stars will be dead soon.
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May 15, 2019
look no further for weapons of mass destruction of the black community at liberals.

- pushing for handouts and freebies for doing nothing.
- pushing for slave reparations.
- promoting affirmative action.
- pushing a narrative of, "i am owed _____ " becuase of racism.
- pushing to blame others for their situation. this could be partly true, but at the end of the day, its up to YOU-- its YOUR responsibility to get off your ass and do something about it.
Of course. Systemic racism isn't a thing, the black community and other ppl of color need to 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps' and stop being lazy.:rolleyes:


Mar 13, 2017
Songs about criminals and criminal behavior have been around as long as there have been songs. It's not a phenomenon that's confined to rap music. Look at the narcoballads coming out of Mexico. Same kind of thing, but no one's trying to claim it's white people behind any of it.

Anyone who knows about rap music can figure out who's behind what.


Feb 5, 2018
look no further for weapons of mass destruction of the black community at liberals.

- pushing for handouts and freebies for doing nothing.
- pushing for slave reparations.
- promoting affirmative action.
- pushing a narrative of, "i am owed _____ " becuase of racism.
- pushing to blame others for their situation. this could be partly true, but at the end of the day, its up to YOU-- its YOUR responsibility to get off your ass and do something about it.

bless candace owens.
When the black community “tried/tries to do something about it”, it gets demonized every time by being labeled as “black extremists” and “hate groups” and effectively shut down. Then they continue on to dumb down the next generation to keep the intellectuals at bay.

Research into the philosophies of Malcom X, Huey P Newton, Jawanze Kunjufu and the like, men who are considered “radical”, they only expressed their dissatisfaction for oppression caused by white people/police in black communities and thought the best thing for the black community was to be economically self sufficient. Brutality was an even bigger (more in your face and not as subtle like it is today) problem back in the day. It isn’t racism, since every other nation has this stability except black people, but somehow it’s always racist when black people talk about this.

In their era, white people/police definitely acted in ways that could be called evil. Just because we are a desegregated society doesn’t mean these evil behaviors aren’t still perpetuated, especially subconsciously. One way is telling black people to “stop asking for handouts” while obviously most of us don’t. Some ask for government assistance only when needed. Others take advantage of it. But the generalization that we “place our blame on others” is just ridiculous..obviously we have been/are at a disadvantage in society, obviously that did/does affect more black people than others, in different ways.

Of course some black people fall for the “controlled opposition” view of wanting reparations...they’re herded into that train of thought like other nations are herded into other agendas..Nowadays, though, I do agree black celebrities have been passed the torch and are now the “gatekeepers” to keep the ignorant, ignorant.

I just had to respond to this because I see it waaayy too often..not expecting to change minds here, just wanted to offer a different perspective!!
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Jun 17, 2017
When the black community “tried/tries to do something about it”, it gets demonized every time by being labeled as “black extremists” and “hate groups” and effectively shut down. Then they continue on to dumb down the next generation to keep the intellectuals at bay.

Research into the philosophies of Malcom X, Huey P Newton, Jawanze Kunjufu and the like, men who are considered “radical”, they only expressed their dissatisfaction for oppression caused by white people/police in black communities and thought the best thing for the black community was to be economically self sufficient. Brutality was an even bigger (more in your face and not as subtle like it is today) problem back in the day. It isn’t racism, since every other nation has this stability except black people, but somehow it’s always racist when black people talk about this.
In their era, white people/police definitely acted in ways that could be called evil. Just because we are a desegregated society doesn’t mean these evil behaviors aren’t still perpetuated, especially subconsciously. One way is telling black people to “stop asking for handouts” while obviously most of us don’t. Some ask for government assistance only when needed. Others take advantage of it. But the generalization that we “place our blame on others” is just ridiculous..obviously we have been/are at a disadvantage in society, obviously that did/does affect more black people than others, in different ways.
Of course some black people fall for the “controlled opposition” view of wanting reparations...they’re herded into that train of thought like other nations are herded into other agendas..Nowadays, though, I do agree black celebrities have been passed the torch and are now the “gatekeepers” to keep the ignorant, ignorant.
I just had to respond to this because I see it waaayy too often..not expecting to change minds here, just wanted to offer a different perspective!!
good post. i think we agree.
i never said black people had it easy. they never have, and theyve had many contributing factors pulling them down and holding them back. but if you want to succeed in america, you need to have a strong drive and a will to overcome obstacles. lots of immigrants come over to the US and prosper. the difference is that blacks are bombarded with negative messages. you mentioned rappers, but its more than that. its the leftist political propaganda that pushes the free money and handouts. dangle free money in front of anyone long enough and theyre going to grab at it. coupled with negative messages that say that you need assistance, you are suppressed, its not fair for you, and people will start to believe it.
people like candace owens really makes me happy because theyve broken free of that spell.


Aug 19, 2018
I am actually wondering if Iggy Azalea is predicting her own demise on her violent album cover.
She seriously went too far with that graphic "art" work. She tried to justify herself by calling it a feminist statement. They'll use feminism as a scapegoat for everything nowadays. What's empowering abt portraying your own death on your album cover.


Mar 13, 2017
Some pop stars aren't allowed to die though.

As far as rap and hip hop culture there's a lot of good things that come from it too. Just saying, you have to take the good with the bad. And we shouldn't hype up stereotypes period. Black Panthers aren't all thugs, and Antifa isn't all punk asses. They have some solid arguments that should be properly addressed.


Sep 16, 2019
why do i hate affirmative action? plain and simple: it is hiring people based on race over merit.
I'm late to the party but...I must correct this mis-information that is soo heavily pushed. Affirmative action isnt race over merit.It's states that if 2 individuals are equally deserving of a position whatever that position might be, than the institution would give it to the minority person...which is not always race based. You know which group has benefited the most from affirmative action are WHITE women...and now most recently Gay men. You're emotional response to an idea that you don't understand really is very telling...all it takes is a quick google search...but I'm guessing you wont do that because it would not support the silly ideas in YOUr head


Sep 16, 2019
why do i hate affirmative action? plain and simple: it is hiring people based on race over merit.
I'm late to the party but...I must correct this mis-information that is soo heavily pushed. Affirmative action isnt race over merit.It's states that if 2 individuals are equally deserving of a position whatever that position might be, than the institution would give it to the minority person...which is not always race based. You know which group has benefited the most from affirmative action are WHITE women...and now most recently Gay men. You're emotional response to an idea that you don't understand really is very telling...all it takes is a quick google search...but Im guessing you wont do that because it would not support the silly ideas in YOUr head


Jun 17, 2017
Affirmative action isnt race over merit.It's states that if 2 individuals are equally deserving of a position whatever that position might be, than the institution would give it to the minority person...which is not always race based.
thats a contradiction. if it is being given to the minority, it IS race based.
but yes, youre right-- the original intent was to insure equal consideration regardless of sex, ethnicity, etc. and by definition, the minority would get the position. four years following that, LBJ changed it so that minorities had to expand job opportunities for minorities. clearly, that is favoritism of one group over another, as no one should have extra opportunities over another. since then, the court has not made up its mind.

You know which group has benefited the most from affirmative action are WHITE women...and now most recently Gay men.

You're emotional response to an idea that you don't understand really is very telling...all it takes is a quick google search...but I'm guessing you wont do that because it would not support the silly ideas in YOUr head
i think you are the emotional one here, especially since youve come in out of nowhere to respond to my post.

affirmative action is not about equal opportunity. affirmative action is about fulfilling quotas (or "hiring goals"). the courts have ruled that race may be considered as a factor an applicants admission. diversity over merit is ridiculous. thinking that one group all think or have the same opinion is racist in itself.
no group should have any privileges over another. let the best people get the job, whatever they may be.