Black people in the Bible

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Feb 22, 2020
2,506 many black people in the US have been slaves recently? How many black people in the US are held back by white people? Are the black people in the US holding themselves back instead with their victim status? Seems like laws have been changed to help the black man..but they are still in their own mental prisons bitter against the white man but don’t realize that they aren’t slaves anymore?

I’ve seen all black churches..not sure what you’re talking about where the church supports the destruction of the black person. Even if there aren’t all black churches..not everyone is racist or sees black v white.
you are missing the point entirely.

the institution of the church, and "Christianity" has historically gone along with the enslavement and oppression of black people

why would you want to align yourself with an institution with this legacy ?


Mar 13, 2017
you are missing the point entirely.

the institution of the church, and "Christianity" has historically gone along with the enslavement and oppression of black people

why would you want to align yourself with an institution with this legacy ?
Have they? I’m not sure what type of Christianity you’re talking about...but its not the love your neighbor as yourself kind.

I don’t see that legacy..I see the legacy of Christ..who came to seek and save the lost.
Feb 22, 2020
Some ridiculous notions here, sure, there was alot of corruption but what do you think religions of africans have been? voodoo, santeria, withcraft, they would literally sacrifice there own children, and this is still going on now.

2 wrongs dont make a right, and people not representing christ dont speak for all christians, this is exactly the same roman catholic argument. if a black person doesnt want to truly look for christ rather than the worldly christians that are setting up on earth thats still on them.
I'm not talking about "corruption"

I'm talking about the systematic colonization of Africa, the enslavement of AFrican peoples, the oppression of AFrican peoples (post slavery) all aided and abeded by the so called "Christian" Church.

why on earth would any self respecting black person wish to embrace or even entertain such an institution ? I fully understand any reluctance to this.

the black Christians in America have been brainwashed into following that institution, it is these same black Christians who would likely laugh at you or attack you for suggesting to them the possibility that Jesus Christ was likely a black man.
Feb 22, 2020
Have they? I’m not sure what type of Christianity you’re talking about...but its not the love your neighbor as yourself kind.

I don’t see that legacy..I see the legacy of Christ..who came to seek and save the lost.
there were some good Christians who opposed those thing no doubt, but they were in the minority I'm afraid. Have you read any history ?


Mar 13, 2017
there were some good Christians who opposed those thing no doubt, but they were in the minority I'm afraid. Have you read any history ?
Does history have any part of what is happening in today’s world? I don‘t see Christians going out of their way to enslave any black person..or fight with them. I think that if you live in the past you can’t live in the present or have a future.
Feb 22, 2020
="Wigi, post: 308799, member: 865.

They were in majority that's why it stopped.

were they ? Is that why the most destructive war in America's history had to be fought before slavery ended.

Is that why the "Christian" south supported segregation until the federal government forced them to stop, and they kicked and screamed in opposition.

Sorry I dont think the majority of christians supported ending slavery or Jim Crow. If you have evidence to the contrary, I'd be happy to see it.
Mar 14, 2017
Even the Devil is known to pick bible verses to prove his points or push his narrative... so it's important to be aware of this trick and consult the whole gospel.

Is Jesus black or white or yellow or red or tan or...? Guess we'll know when we see Him right.
wow speak for yourself the amount you completely lie about it.


Dec 13, 2017
Sorry I dont think the majority of christians supported ending slavery or Jim Crow. If you have evidence to the contrary, I'd be happy to see it.
Drag them out of the inner cities where they push and hustle... bring back the plantations and put them to work.


Dec 13, 2017
Yeah that’s what they said about slavery, which is what I suppose you’re wanting to reinstate. Good thing you’re a delusional person who thinks he’s some kind of prophet. No one takes you seriously fortunately.
Nothing wrong with honest work.


May 11, 2020
there were some good Christians who opposed those thing no doubt, but they were in the minority I'm afraid. Have you read any history ?
So according to your logic I could blame non believers for all the evil in this world? You judge the christians for what they tolerated, but if non believers are so much moral then why do they tolerate the evils of the present age? Certainly the Christians cant be relied upon to make a stand...


Dec 13, 2017
Why do I have to suffer cause man would rather do things their own way?
Anybody with nothing better to do than breaking Christ's moral law will spend time on the plantation... that's the future rule.


Mar 14, 2017
Which version of John Newton do we like - ruthless slave trader or lowly repenter? That’s Christianity! Where would we be without Christianity? We don’t wanna find out. Don’t let the bad intentions of faux or short-sighted Christians jade you. The most powerful Jew needs Christ as much as a poor minority. This is not race issue, it’s a depravity of man issue. Nobody gets out of this alive.

"for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die"; or "in dying, die" {z}; which denotes the certainty of it, as our version expresses it; and may have regard to more deaths than one; not only a corporeal one, which in some sense immediately took place, man became at once a mortal creature, who otherwise continuing in a state of innocence, and by eating of the tree of life, he was allowed to do, would have lived an immortal life.”
-selection from John Gill's Commentary on Gen. 2:17


Aug 24, 2017
were they ? Is that why the most destructive war in
This is the problem, you suppose that the majority of Christians are American. Also yes, the majority of abolitionists were Christians while among those who argued against the end of slavery there was secular scientists with the same views as Karl Vogt who argued with pseudoscience that some people weren't really human thus it justified many atrocities during the 19th century.