LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)


Oct 24, 2021
What i state is not ''a version'' it's reality. It's clear you just have a bias against feminism based on the classic anti-feminist rhetoric that hasnt changed for over 100 years.
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For one if you knew feminist history properly you would know that first wave or suffrage was actually quite conservative. In fact, many suffrgettes hated second wave feminism and the sexual revolution. They were also anti marxist. They fought for their rights becasue they wanted teh right to be a part of the political and social dealings in their countries, which in cluded voting, buying, selling, be able to use doctors or even be a doctor, they were mostly pro capitalism. They just wanted teh right to choose for themselves, not to be beaten or raped legally, or to be locked up in asylums when a husband or father didnt want her around any more, the right to an education, the right to own money, buy or rent a house and have job security.

Second wave was less capitalist BUT only slightly. The whole burning the bra thing was a myth dreamt up by journalists, the closest you can get is during a beauty pagent oin the 1970s women wanted to burn aprons but couldnt get a purmit so instead placed aprons in a bin. Additionally, second wave fought for workers rights, ALL workers male and female, in many countries women workers contributed to walk outs, in some countries like Switerland they pretty much shut the country down leading to better working conditons, benefits and rights. The Uk saw introductions of maternity leave, manditory holidays of 28 days a year, later paternity leave, health and safety laws and other work benfits. Second wave feminists were at the forefront of these introductions. Which actually contributed to capitalism.

Third wave WAS about consumption, dressing, make up, buying and image. Its very capitalistic, the 80s business woman, female libertation through indepeant working. There was nothing remotely marxist about it. IT was about being the equal if not the same as men, women acting and looking like men.

Fourth wave which is the current wave of feminism has however split in two. There is liberal feminism, which is mostly about trans rights and yes is more marxist in nature. Then there is radical feminism which is a return to second wave ideals.
What about people like Gloria Steinem being funded by the CIA? She was living off of CIA funds by the time she was traveling around promoting feminism and feminist art in places like the Soviet Union.


Dec 19, 2017
Feminists and homos speaking against transexuals is the epitome of hypocrisy.


May 21, 2017
Good ol' Russo lol. He was caught back in the 90s skimming money from a political party he was trying to start up. He got that money by pandering to the "patriot community". Also he stayed friends with the Rockefellers. This particular Rockefeller (nick) can be linked to the Heavens Gate cult.
Got any back up to prove all of this or shall I just take your word for it? lol

Also, How does this prove that everything he said is not true? Did you watch the entire interview? If you did, you would’ve learned that he is not the same person he was when he was younger, because he stated that fact. So you're saying, because Russo wasn't a saint back in the 90's, we should completely bypass everything he said about Nick Rockefeller, which may have even cost him his life?
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Mar 19, 2018
Right. Man, never thought I'd ever find a liberal who happens to be a woman-hater. Interesting combo.
Really? I see it quite often. Non-liberal, non-feminist women put up with a ton of verbal abuse and open prejudice from liberal men and liberal women alike.
Apr 12, 2017
I'm not buying the reverse psycho!ogy. Maybe "chicks with dicks" is popular because queers watch way more porn compared to straight people. It makes sense since their whole life revolves around their sexuality. Its kinda like how queers make up around 2% of the population but make up a little over 40% of all p***phile cases according to that 40% consists of those who are willing to admit their queers. So in reality that number could be MUCH higher.
I think the world needs a lot more empathy with others who do not share their own world view. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes, try to experience for yourself exactly how certain words and actions make them feel. This way we can better avoid the psychological effects of tribalism, which are fight-or-flight fear responses that shut off our reasoning capabilities whenever we encounter opposing viewpoints.


Oct 24, 2021
Got any back up to prove all of this or shall I just take your word for it? lol

Also, How does this prove that everything he said is not true? Did you watch the entire interview? If you did, you would’ve learned that he is not the same person he was when he was younger, because he stated that fact. So you're saying, because Russo wasn't a saint back in the 90's, we should completely bypass everything he said about Nick Rockefeller, which may have even cost him his life?
Sure. William Cooper had him on as a guest back in the 1990s, and then proceeded to expose him on live radio. All Russo could do was stutter and shift blame. It's on the "hour of the time archive".


Oct 24, 2021
I think the world needs a lot more empathy with others who do not share their own world view. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes, try to experience for yourself exactly how certain words and actions make them feel. This way we can better avoid the psychological effects of tribalism, which are fight-or-flight fear responses that shut off our reasoning capabilities whenever we encounter opposing viewpoints.
I have no empathy towards people who's stated #1 goal is to sexualize children and lower the age of consent to prepubescent ages.
Also they state Christianity is one of their enemies. Since they hate God, I hate them too.


May 21, 2017
Sure. William Cooper had him on as a guest back in the 1990s, and then proceeded to expose him on live radio. All Russo could do was stutter and shift blame. It's on the "hour of the time archive".
So we should ignore what he told us about Rockefeller and their plan for world domination. :D kk.


Oct 24, 2021
So we should ignore what he told us about Rockefeller and their plan for world domination. :D kk.
Russo never told anyone anything new. In fact he glossed over the more agregious examples in favor of woman's lib, and the federal reserve. He never mentions the Rockefellers helped finance Hitler, Stalin, eugenics, and was the first to donate money to planned parenthood and abortion clinics. Omission is the highest form of censorship. Russo was probably funded by them himself, since he was a pioneer in the rock and roll industry being the guy who brought Led Zeppelin to america.

You can keep worshipping the guy as a hero if you want. What he claimed in the movie was known and wrote about decades before. Since he was friends with the Rockefellers and thought they were wicked at the same time, why didn't he tell us anything we didn't already know?


Oct 24, 2021
So we should ignore what he told us about Rockefeller and their plan for world domination. :D kk.
Russo never told anyone anything new. In fact he glossed over the more agregious examples in favor of woman's lib, and the federal reserve. He never mentions the Rockefellers helped finance Hitler, Stalin, eugenics, and was the first to donate money to planned parenthood and abortion clinics. Omission is the highest form of censorship. Russo was probably funded by them himself, since he was a pioneer in the rock and roll industry being the guy who brought Led Zeppelin to america.

You can keep worshipping the guy as a hero if you want. What he claimed in the movie was known and wrote about decades before. Since he was friends with the Rockefellers and thought they were wicked at the same time, why didn't he tell us anything we didn't already know?


May 21, 2017
Russo never told anyone anything new. In fact he glossed over the more agregious examples in favor of woman's lib, and the federal reserve. He never mentions the Rockefellers helped finance Hitler, Stalin, eugenics, and was the first to donate money to planned parenthood and abortion clinics. Omission is the highest form of censorship. Russo was probably funded by them himself, since he was a pioneer in the rock and roll industry being the guy who brought Led Zeppelin to america.

You can keep worshipping the guy as a hero if you want. What he claimed in the movie was known and wrote about decades before. Since he was friends with the Rockefellers and thought they were wicked at the same time, why didn't he tell us anything we didn't already know?
I don't worship the guy, but saying he never told anyone anything new is false because I learned quite a bit from that conversation. This was a piece of the puzzle I needed at the time I was learning about what we really going on. Who are you to say he didn't help anyone? Maybe he didn't help you, I mean congrats for having the answers at the time? I just respect the fact that he risked his life to go against these people, on video, and give us something concrete, from his experience, to go on.. and then he died a few months later. So let's poo poo the guy? I guess everyone has the right to their opinion and I regret starting this convo actually.
Apr 12, 2017
I have no empathy towards people who's stated #1 goal is to sexualize children and lower the age of consent to prepubescent ages.
Also they state Christianity is one of their enemies. Since they hate God, I hate them too.
How many LGBT people do you actually know personally and interact with on a regular basis? What sort of conversations have you had with them that led you to these conclusions? Is this opinion based on personal experiences, or are you simply following a particular narrative?

Please don’t confuse all of the gross generalizations within the myriad of opposing weaponized narratives with actual day-to-day human reality. Try to understand that these are simply divide-and-conquer tactics that rely on emotional manipulation.


Oct 24, 2021
I don't worship the guy, but saying he never told anyone anything new is false because I learned quite a bit from that conversation. This was a piece of the puzzle I needed at the time I was learning about what we really going on. Who are you to say he didn't help anyone? Maybe he didn't help you, I mean congrats for having the answers at the time? I just respect the fact that he risked his life to go against these people, on video, and give us something concrete, from his experience, to go on.. and then he died a few months later. So let's poo poo the guy? I guess everyone has the right to their opinion and I regret starting this convo actually.
You claiming he risked his life is funny. FYI he remained friends with Nick Rockefeller after the "interview".


Oct 24, 2021
How many LGBT people do you actually know personally and interact with on a regular basis? What sort of conversations have you had with them that led you to these conclusions? Is this opinion based on personal experiences, or are you simply following a particular narrative?

Please don’t confuse all of the gross generalizations within the myriad of opposing weaponized narratives with actual day-to-day human reality. Try to understand that these are simply divide-and-conquer tactics that rely on emotional manipulation.
Its a stated goal of NAMBLA who march every year in gay pride parades. Their stated goals are one in the same. Proof would be the statistics I quoted in a previous post taken from a government website.


Jan 29, 2018
I don't worship the guy, but saying he never told anyone anything new is false because I learned quite a bit from that conversation. This was a piece of the puzzle I needed at the time I was learning about what we really going on. Who are you to say he didn't help anyone? Maybe he didn't help you, I mean congrats for having the answers at the time? I just respect the fact that he risked his life to go against these people, on video, and give us something concrete, from his experience, to go on.. and then he died a few months later. So let's poo poo the guy? I guess everyone has the right to their opinion and I regret starting this convo actually.
This guy is a dumbed-down, more aggro version of Thundarian. No matter how much you tell him the convo is over, he cant let it go lol


May 24, 2017
Its a stated goal of NAMBLA who march every year in gay pride parades. Their stated goals are one in the same. Proof would be the statistics I quoted in a previous post taken from a government website.
Omg, wtf, r u fkn serious with this shit? Well, shock shock, with a name like BubbaJay I'm not 2 surprised at an ill, uneducated, UNINFORMED, post like this... Theres this thing called Google, use it. Try googling these words, just as I type them, LGBT fight against NAMBLA.... now search and read/learn about the HUNDREDS of Chapters of LGBT groups that have FOUGHT against this particular group. We can't do anything about them. WEVE TRIED, HARD. They're protected by the same laws that in a harsh ironic kinda turn protect us and hundreds of diff people based on their ethnicity, color, sex, creed, age whatever else, the list goes on, they're name is the ACLU. Now BubbaJay, with just one Google search, I've stumbled upon an article from 1994 that states the LGBT (then only known as GLADD) tried to fight against having NAMBLA March in that years pride parade and were told there was nothing that could be done. The only that could be done was try to DISTANCE our group from their group and believe me we were/HAVE been trying really fkn hard to do just that. So BubbaJay. Next time, before you post something thats going to promote/perpetuate HATE and try to destroy a groups decades worth of hard work to do just as I've stated above, think about the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS respectable, hard working, honest, loving caring families & friends who belong to the LGBT that a comment like that would hurt and possibly endanger because of sick preconceived, pre-judgemental, thoughts opinions


May 24, 2017
Omg, wtf, r u fkn serious with this shit? Well, shock shock, with a name like BubbaJay I'm not 2 surprised at an ill, uneducated, UNINFORMED, post like this... Theres this thing called Google, use it. Try googling these words, just as I type them, LGBT fight against NAMBLA.... now search and read/learn about the HUNDREDS of Chapters of LGBT groups that have FOUGHT against this particular group. We can't do anything about them. WEVE TRIED, HARD. They're protected by the same laws that in a harsh ironic kinda turn protect us and hundreds of diff people based on their ethnicity, color, sex, creed, age whatever else, the list goes on, they're name is the ACLU. Now BubbaJay, with just one Google search, I've stumbled upon an article from 1994 that states the LGBT (then only known as GLADD) tried to fight against having NAMBLA March in that years pride parade and were told there was nothing that could be done. The only that could be done was try to DISTANCE our group from their group and believe me we were/HAVE been trying really fkn hard to do just that. So BubbaJay. Next time, before you post something thats going to promote/perpetuate HATE and try to destroy a groups decades worth of hard work to do just as I've stated above, think about the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS respectable, hard working, honest, loving caring families & friends who belong to the LGBT that a comment like that would hurt and possibly endanger because of sick preconceived, pre-judgemental, thoughts opinions
Now, before I get a bunch of "you were doing the same thing because of the name BubbaJay... I know, I did it to prove a point"


Oct 24, 2021
Omg, wtf, r u fkn serious with this shit? Well, shock shock, with a name like BubbaJay I'm not 2 surprised at an ill, uneducated, UNINFORMED, post like this... Theres this thing called Google, use it. Try googling these words, just as I type them, LGBT fight against NAMBLA.... now search and read/learn about the HUNDREDS of Chapters of LGBT groups that have FOUGHT against this particular group. We can't do anything about them. WEVE TRIED, HARD. They're protected by the same laws that in a harsh ironic kinda turn protect us and hundreds of diff people based on their ethnicity, color, sex, creed, age whatever else, the list goes on, they're name is the ACLU. Now BubbaJay, with just one Google search, I've stumbled upon an article from 1994 that states the LGBT (then only known as GLADD) tried to fight against having NAMBLA March in that years pride parade and were told there was nothing that could be done. The only that could be done was try to DISTANCE our group from their group and believe me we were/HAVE been trying really fkn hard to do just that. So BubbaJay. Next time, before you post something thats going to promote/perpetuate HATE and try to destroy a groups decades worth of hard work to do just as I've stated above, think about the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS respectable, hard working, honest, loving caring families & friends who belong to the LGBT that a comment like that would hurt and possibly endanger because of sick preconceived, pre-judgemental, thoughts opinions
I quoted above from the governments own statistics that queers make up at least 40% of all p***phile cases. Queers make up 2% of the population. The 40% figure is no doubt skewed as that was the percentage that admitted to being queer, no doubt it is higher. So 2% of the population make up almost half the pedo cases in America.

Harry Hay who was a member of Aleister Crowleys sex magick cult was the founder of the queer pride movement. NAMBLA has openly marched at queer pride events for decades without the queer community having any objections whatsoever, in fact when watching NAMBLA march through the parades people are cheering like they were the Yankees. The video can be found almost anywhere.

The only reason the queer movement is trying to distance itself from them today is public backlash. Where was this distancing for the past 40 years?

Call me what you want, but at least I dont like having sexual relation with a septic tank like you obviously do. The government should go the Leviticus route and stone them with stones. The first 150 years of America, when this country was great that's what would have happened. Its one of the only reasons I admire some of the Muslim nations that still carry out justice against the queer abominations against God and nature.