Light hearted or not: who do you think the antichrist could be

Mar 15, 2019
In this case, strange means something different and distinct from mankind, as a whole.

Check out the interlinear.
Also-- when you look at how the verse is written, you notice it would be redundant if strange flesh was a reference to homosexuality.

--Sodom and Gomorrah...​
having given themselves over to​
- sexual immorality [ekporneusasai]-- also written as fornication, which covers everything, including homosexuality.
- and -​
- gone after strange [heteras] flesh...​
JUDE 1:7

"Gone after" means to run after that for which one lusts-- the general sense however is that of Relapse. LINK

**** It doesn't mean any of the pagan practices were given a free pass by God-- far from it. ****

Rather it adds another dimension and clarifies what was really going on in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, that caused Him to rain down burning sulphur --> fire and brimstone-- and turn those cities and its inhabitants to ash.

In other words... it wasn't limited to homosexuality. Though it was certainly present, and perhaps a contributing factor, I don't think it was the primary reason for melting the cities.
For sexual perversions in general? Same-sex, pedo, incest. As it wouldn't be appropriate to make direct references to sexual perversions in a holy book? If some concepts are not covered, our primitive nature may relapse. Most searched words on porn sites: mother, father, sister etc. For example, old and attractive women are called MILF, "Mother i'd like to fuck". Combining motherhood with sexual attraction. Words are magical. It designs our mind. (or parts) That's why a sexual perversion shouldn't be told as an erotic story in a scripture. Some things should stay covered.

2021-11-06 18_00_45-flesh _ Search Online Etymology Dictionary - Opera.png

Of course I don't know how to combine that with Lot's story with his daughters in the Bible. I'm not christian. I'm Muslim. The Quran is a better book in this respect.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
That's why a sexual perversion shouldn't be told as an erotic story in a scripture. Some things should stay covered.

Of course I don't know how to combine that with Lot's story with his daughters in the Bible. I'm not christian. I'm Muslim. The Quran is a better book in this respect.
I guess you might argue that the “warts and all” approach in the Bible has more of the ring of realism about it. I think a book that was inspired by God would likely have an incisive critique of the human heart and actions.


Jun 4, 2017
For sexual perversions in general? Same-sex, pedo, incest. As it wouldn't be appropriate to make direct references to sexual perversions in a holy book? If some concepts are not covered, our primitive nature may relapse. Most searched words on porn sites: mother, father, sister etc. For example, old and attractive women are called MILF, "Mother i'd like to fuck". Combining motherhood with sexual attraction. Words are magical. It designs our mind. (or parts) That's why a sexual perversion shouldn't be told as an erotic story in a scripture. Some things should stay covered.

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Of course I don't know how to combine that with Lot's story with his daughters in the Bible. I'm not christian. I'm Muslim. The Quran is a better book in this respect.
Good to know.

I'm not entirely certain where you're going with the first paragraph, but it seems like it would be wise to advise you, as a courtesy--> stay away from Song of Solomon.


Jun 28, 2017
It's me. You will never know my name, you will never see my face, but it's me. I will bring about the end of religion, nations, and the world as you know it. Some of you will fight, and that's ok, I am prepared for it, but your children and their children will thank me for it. Though they will never know my name or face either.

Or I've hade to much bourbon.


Jun 4, 2017
I guess you might argue that the “warts and all” approach in the Bible has more of the ring of realism about it. I think a book that was inspired by God would likely have an incisive critique of the human heart and actions.
Indeed... both the bitter and the sweet.

Well said.
May 15, 2017
The answers are within the body of Christ. The holy spirit has already told who it is.



Dec 13, 2017
In Revelation there are two beasts... the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth.

The dragon is said to give his power throne and great authority to the beast from the sea... but it is the beast from the earth who is exercising this authority on behalf of the beast from the sea.

So there is this hierarchy... the dragon >--- the beast from the sea >--- the beast from the earth.

Rev 13 1Then I saw a beast with ten horns and seven heads rising out of the sea. There were ten royal crowns on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. 2 The beast I saw was like a leopard, with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.

Rev 13 11Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. This beast had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. 12And this beast exercised all the authority of the first beast and caused the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose mortal wound had been healed.

Who are these two beasts ?

And to what beast does the little horn belong ?

What about the antichrist ?

It's a little more complicated than just trying to figure out who the antichrist is.
May 15, 2017
Interestingly enough the dreams point to Obama and Islam having some sort of tie and Obama becoming a fully fledged Muslim... And the antichrist..

Very interesting


Mar 18, 2017
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Jul 31, 2021
Really who has "trillions" at his disposal? Not anyone that is known for sure otherwise he would be listed as the world's richest person. And this cannot be anyone other than the antichrist. He is going to wait until all hell breaks loose to come as the world's saviour. This is the Plan as in QAnon's "Trust the plan". It will probably involve GESARA and turn everyone into millionaires. Most people will be fooled and seduced. Then, destruction comes.
Oct 31, 2021
I totally forgot about the nurse......

Kate wearing that dress to present her newborn son to the world was no coincidence.
Totally planned. So the question is why????
Late Nurse Jacintha Saldanha (May Her Spirit Rest In PEACE)

HansConsiousness' commentary:-

It wasn't no sUiCiDE!

It was an occult maSOBic / jesuit ritualistic sacrifice for the endless rein of useless, humanity culling saxe-coburg-gothas!
God save the Monarch? Yeah right!

God should save the whole HUMANITY instead, not merely some narcissistic, egotistical, good for nothing, God forsaken royalty, unnecessarily pillaging human beings since time immemorial.

Remind yourselves, UGLE is the kingpin of planet's ALL masonic lodges!

duke of whatever is the grandmaster (yeah, that a chess game's reference there itself, there you go!) of UGLY... oopps I meant UGLE!

Still unsure what family the anti-christ is going to belong to? 0_o

Do not worry! Not your/our fault at all!
Entire humanity is heavily blue pilled, sleeping, sleeping! We are the sheeple, wholeheartedly heading towards the end of the cliff and millions, if not billions, have jumped/fallen/stepped out already (our ancestors).

Keep calm, enjoy the unprecedented duality (shoved directly in our faces) and we stay as is, asleep.






N.B.:- ^Do not miss the clown wearing duality attire!








Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Late Nurse Jacintha Saldanha (May Her Spirit Rest In PEACE)

HansConsiousness' commentary:-

It wasn't no sUiCiDE!

It was an occult maSOBic / jesuit ritualistic sacrifice for the endless rein of useless, humanity culling saxe-coburg-gothas!
God save the Monarch? Yeah right!

God should save the whole HUMANITY instead, not merely some narcissistic, egotistical, good for nothing, God forsaken royalty, unnecessarily pillaging human beings since time immemorial.

Remind yourselves, UGLE is the kingpin of planet's ALL masonic lodges!

duke of whatever is the grandmaster (yeah, that a chess game's reference there itself, there you go!) of UGLY... oopps I meant UGLE!

Still unsure what family the anti-christ is going to belong to? 0_o

Do not worry! Not your/our fault at all!
Entire humanity is heavily blue pilled, sleeping, sleeping! We are the sheeple, wholeheartedly heading towards the end of the cliff and millions, if not billions, have jumped/fallen/stepped out already (our ancestors).

Keep calm, enjoy the unprecedented duality (shoved directly in our faces) and we stay as is, asleep.

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N.B.:- ^Do not miss the clown wearing duality attire!


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The Jesuits…

Oct 31, 2021
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I am sorry Sir. Sometimes I feel so very angry, remorseful, and now is that time.

Edit(Add):- All 33deg scoiish rite masons are ipso facto jesuits. All jesuits and masons are pillaging human beings for the same objective of the anti-christ establishment and totalitarian enslavement of the planet and her inhabitants.
The Jesuits have been at the “Great Work” for a long time!!!
Jul 8, 2020
If Jesus Christ really existed and the Christianity and the Bible are not a mere invention (as some analysts claim), I think Vladimir Putin might be the AntiChrist. But maybe this personality is not what people generally think. Maybe the antichrist has no ties with evil. He would be a very important person, with much power, who takes very important political decisions, as it has occurred this week with the war in Ukraine.

Here we can see an in-depth analysis:

but again, I disagree the antichrist has ties with evil.
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Jun 28, 2020
I guess you might argue that the “warts and all” approach in the Bible has more of the ring of realism about it. I think a book that was inspired by God would likely have an incisive critique of the human heart and actions.
Really? Cause it seems like satanic edits if you want the truth. Unless you think men chosen by God actually committed incest or worshiped idols as your good book dictates? Lot and Solomon if memory serves?

We know you reject many verses in the Bible Red such as Jesus saying he can do nothing on his own or pork being forbidden. So why do you accept a prophet to commit incest?

Would you commit incest? If you are above it then why would a Prophet engage in it? Do you think anyone can be a prophet or are they on another level?

I think we can both agree prophets had a much higher fear of God then we do. Some such as Moses actually spoke to him. You can't get more "real" then that.

Of course prophets were human and not sinless.. but come on.. lets inject some intellect. No man conscious of God is gonna bed his family.

"Warts and all" approach indeed.