
Mar 23, 2021
I do think some can stay disconnected but
it will mean a simple self reliant life without
the luxuries We're used to

I always assume when they give Us any kind of
technology it's because they are at the very least
a decade or more ahead of what they give
Yup your on the money with that. For example late 80's was when i was in had a computer to run since i was the young guy they said you figure it out. It was for target motion analysis for a fire solution on target for sonar bearing contacts. Well anyway got it figured out was using to plot solutions & told the Chief hey i got the program to track all the solutions for the targets. His answer was well thats great but that piece of gear is obsolete a different computer was being installed instead. The computer i was using had processors that we didn't see in the public for about 20yrs so say start of 2000 and that was considered outdated WTF i was like can i take it home after deployment this is so fast compared to apple 2 i was using at the time & mine was actually decent lol.

Also fiber optics the type the had is the hybrid type we have in public that isn't pure glass. Its a plastic glass composite. I spliced fiber after the military & didn't see that type until mid 2005 so a waaaayyyyy long time before the public got it.

Also touch screens where around late 80's just it was an all red matrix probably because of being on the sub and light red is the best in low light no light situation. They where phasing out that particular model also so i'm sure they where getting ones like we see today on tablets back in the late 80's


Feb 8, 2021
Apparently, it goes back even further. The TSM duo covered this in regard to the Natalie Wood film
Never heard of this movie and know am fascinated by it because I always loved Natalie Wood.
Without a doubt her death was not accidental.
I was always convinced Robert Wagner threw her over the boat and murdered her. However, I believe her death is far more sinister now. Christopher Walken was on the boat also. Was she a sacrifice?
Mar 30, 2017
Never heard of this movie and know am fascinated by it because I always loved Natalie Wood.
Without a doubt her death was not accidental.
I was always convinced Robert Wagner threw her over the boat and murdered her. However, I believe her death is far more sinister now. Christopher Walken was on the boat also. Was she a sacrifice?
Personally, I don't think she was sacrificed, but I do think Robert Wagner had something to do with her death. I remember reading this some time ago and this is probably the best article describing the events of what happened to Natalie:


If you've read the article, you'll see that Natalie died on November 29, 1981. Robert Wagner began dating Jill St. John on Valentine's Day the following year, which obviously was less than three months after Natalie's death. It's also worth noting that Jill and Robert knew each other for a long time prior to the "accident".
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Feb 8, 2021
Personally, I don't think she was sacrificed, but I do think Robert Wagner had something to do with her death. I remember reading this some time ago and this is probably the best article describing the events of what happened to Natalie:


If you've read the article, you'll see that Natalie died on November 29, 1981. Robert Wagner began dating Jill St. John on Valentine's Day the following year, which obviously less than three months after Natalie's death. It's also worth noting that Jill and Robert knew each other for a long time prior to the "accident".
Yep Robert Wagner definitely murdered her.
I read her biography years ago and she was terrified of water. Especially in the dark. When she was a very young girl her mom went to a fortune teller and she said Natalie would become very famous and also she would die in the water at night.
There is no way she went into the ocean that night on her own.
Also , Robert and her were married when they were young. The story goes she walked in on him with another man. She basically had a nervous breakdown and filed for divorce.
Robert was bisexual like most Hollywood stars then and now.
10 or so years later they remarried and had a daughter together.
I always thought Robert caught her and Christopher together or she caught Christopher and Robert together.
Either way Robert was involved in her death and Christopher might have been also.
Robert had to keep up his he married Jill and laid low for many years ...

But now reading about that movie might be more to the story......


May 15, 2017
I'm wondering if We need a thread just
for this muppet and his muppet handler

this guy is soooooo evil every time I Hear/See
him i have uncontrollable anger,how anyone normal
that's not apart of tptbs club doesn't See/Hear what
the heck tptb are doing/want to do is beyond me

I wonder sometimes do they Hear/See the same thing
We do or does it sound/look different to them as I don't
understand how there isn't more of a reaction of outrage

"easiest way to grab Peoples attention is fear,if Ya want
to distract Peoples from corrupt government,deteriorating
health care,education system the best thing is to findan
external enemy that threatens the survival of the nation
and immediately that gets all the attention"

when he says nation he meant the World
now We Know for sure without any doubt why the
war,monkeyp etcetera is done for the reasons We
assumed it was,tptb wanna scare Us into submission

"this is why even when there is no threat leaders are
manufacturing threats"
like maybe mass shootings,infections blah blah blah

We already Knew too that tptb don't like it when We oppose
them so of course to them We are considered traitors

"to hack Humans Ya need 3 things
a lot of biological knowledge
a lot of computing power
a lot of data
if Ya have these 3 Ya can hack Humans and completely
control them"

We Know tptb already have those things those of
Us that blind sleeping,giving up all that data by using
the apps/technologies tptb have given to Us

Our World with all the technologies,Knowledge available
to Us today could make this a beautiful place for everyone
in Our World

We Need to stop them while We Can or the world they want
to create for Us will be one of constant fear and so much

I'm gonna stop my rant

this is a video that Needs to be shared everywhere

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Sep 21, 2021
Mar 30, 2017
posting here as i couldn't find better
if I have to move I will

FWIW, I think it's relevant in this thread. What's intriguing is I watched this interview from the lead singer of Sniff n' the Tears and the PoR asked him what he meant by the line in the song "There is no elite". Below is his explanation if you're interested in listening:

SOLVING the Mystery of the COOLEST One Hit Wonder of the 70s! | Professor Of Rock

As Paul Roberts mentions in the video, I think it's important to remember that many people who disclose what's going on, illustrate the "elite" being at the top of the triangle, while us "minions" are all at the bottom base of it, and some factions of society in between. The fact of the matter is, they're nothing special... at all. They don't belong on the top of any list (unless it's for crimes against humanity and prison sentences). All they have is money, which is something they're trying to eliminate, so exactly where's their "eliteness"? The woman in the video is right, they're a demonic cult and they work under the guise of doublespeak, but in the end, all they are is criminals, doing what they can to try and eliminate God and worship them instead.

As I've said before, they've been trying to do this for the longest time, and I think people are slowly beginning to wake up and realize this.
Mar 30, 2017
Bunch of losers! I just came back from a break and saw kids playing at recess at a nearby school. They were running, playing with each other and exerting energy outside in the real world. How would their dystopian metaverse even compare? I saw this in the thread also:

They want us "plebs" to enjoy some fake world they've conjured up, while they make attempts to "own" this one - hmph. This is where their metaverse belongs:
