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  • Started the new year with music distribution. I know this site loves to discuss the entertainment industry especially with its occult connection..im now taking a step into it.. 2009-- to the present.
    how does one change the current reality to an actual reality..seems impossible given all the conspiracy and time that has passed unchanged.

    Don't worry of the outer world so much. That is TheSource's responsibility, will definitely be dealt with (maybe right now is being dealt with or being dealt with since ages but individuals are just not cognizant to a conscious level).

    The primary requisition is the individual's reality to be sorted and made perfect exactly as per the design of TheSource. This specific reality sorting is precisely in an individual's own hand mostly. This only should matter for an individual as the individual (any one) is mortal / temporary and won't be on the planet for - forever!

    some days I think I could go insane..
    Pick up a paintbrush and be the next Van Gogh. Just don't cut off your ear. Going insane causes a lot more problems than its actually worth. Wonder why they call mental health centers "Behavioral Centers?" Because they will make you behave yourself so your nervous breakdown doesn't offend the Well People.
    I think it´s normal to be, at least, a little bit insane in this world. Go easy on yourself.
    tired of what life has become in present days?what to do to better pass the time.
    thoughts about uploading music in virtual space? melodic messages from my conscious soul.
    unbelievable time right now in Texas.. but not surprised.
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    I'm in corpus, thankfully we didn't lose power but we lost our water to busted pipes and a gas leak. our fellow Texans are suffering all over the state. it's crazy times to be alive right now. stay safe fellow TXN.
    Do you ever wonder how a grid that can carry millions of air conditioners and central air units in 115 degree weather with humidity so high you can usually lick the air, fails at the first cold break?
    Ignorance is bliss
    goodbye US of A. Independent sovereign countries here we come..and honestly it's been a long time waiting. The world is in CHAOS.
    Agenda21 fast approaching,these 'new' strains and mutations will cause mandatory vaccines..don't be fooled. Revolutions.
    not sure if I'm disappointed or pissed off at the current stimulus situation.. america ain't worth a fk as we already knew, but wow.. when will the government topple down?
    Never. The government is run by the one-world government.
    Never, people are too complacent. How many millions has the scam-demic forced to move into tents? How many rulers have gotten so much as a threat? As long as the rulers don't fear the people, absolutely nothing can or will change. No one is willing to do what needs to be done. This is no longer the land of the free and home of the brave. Its the land of the fee and the home of the slave.
    Anyone else notice the number 14 tied with Coronavirus lately..?
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    I've seen it as far as. Quarantine for 14 days. Symptoms in 14 days. Relief in "2 weeks". 14 days. Schools resume in my area of TX April 14th, when searching the connection of 14 i saw some articles such as.. 14 passengers infected, 14 Las Vegas casinos close. 14 on repeat.
    Yeah, that's a good catch.
    In a broad sense the hugely popular recentish game fortnight
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