lal golapi
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  • Nah more and more people should visit this place for educational and psychological purposes. The amount of elaborated and well-structured lies and manipulation this place reeks off is mind-boggling.
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    Reactions: EatZeBug and Zakat
    Yes, but there are rare, such as edelweiss, exceptions. For example, my, excellently processed and structured, threads, where I do not say and do not say, but directly I SHOW that Putin will save the world from the "great challenges of our time" with microchips, brain-computer interfaces and genome editing. I think this atoned for the sin of all the other lies and manipulations here
    As much I look around, that much I think how much I could have missed out about myself if I didn't participate in the insanity of this place. Should I be angry or grateful? I can't decide man : (
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