American Breakdown


Mar 18, 2017
Well,....isn't this interesting! Why is Canada making these contingency plans unless there is a major event in the works? Iam not seeing or reading Trump into any of this like Zerohedge hints at. He is pretty much irrelevant at this point. Something big is going to happen to America and this Canadian official seems rather tight-lipped. "Far right, authoritarian shift" is just code word for something else. The big question here is what would happen to Canada or how would it respond to a balkanized America?

The other person quoted in the National Post article made an interesting observation:
University of Ottawa national-security professor Thomas Juneau said....
“Frankly, Canada better have a plan for a decline in American democracy.” Meanwhile, Juneau said he hasn’t heard of other countries saying publicly that they have contingency plans if Uncle Sam takes an authoritarian turn.
“This is very sensitive for any democratic ally of the U.S.,” he said. “My guess is that any ally will be very, very discreet about this.”

Joly added that Ottawa’s close political and economic ties to the U.S. means that “we must certainly prepare several scenarios.”
She suggested Canada has a game plan in mind but wouldn’t get into details.

“In general, there is our game plan, precisely to be able to manage what could be a rather difficult situation,” she said.


Jun 28, 2020

I try my best to avoid all types of insurance because you're placing trust in corporations when it should be left with God. You are basically paying someone to look out for you. So I've never had health insurance and never will. But if it's $1,400 a month, that is insane!

Hospital bills are ridiculous. They charge $40 for only one aspirin that you can get at a gas station for a $1. God help you if you need to stay overnight in one.

This tweet reminded me of Americans sending $4 billion (it's higher, but this is the official number) to Israel annually. While Israelis get free healthcare, and we pay an arm and leg for it at home.

Why Israel? Because it's the same scenario. Americans are paying high costs for something foreigners get for free on America's dime. Not to mention Israel being behind the global immigration epidemic.


Have you noticed America is currently having an immigration problem? Gee, I wonder why that is?

I'm not racist, and I don't have a problem with foreigners. But it would be nice to get new guys at work that can actually speak English.
In Houston, 80% of the workforce is Mexican and at least a 1/4 of them don't know a word of English. I know Spanish out of necessity.
It's not something I would have pursued otherwise.


Jan 29, 2018
Texas, historically, is Mexico. Its now becoming Mexico again. Its unrealistic to expect the US Southwest to remain anything other than what it has been all along (minus a few years of demographic hiccups)... indigenous land. Native American/Mexican/Chicano are interchangeable in this regard and outpace other regional ethnic groups in birthrate and other areas indicating upward trends.

The Venezuelan immigrants I have encountered are drastically different from the Muslim immigrants. For starters there are way more families and females within the Venezuelan ranks, but with Muslims they were few and far between and have now become almost non-existent. Second, the Venezuelans are primed to work. The ones I have interacted with are very eager to find employment and will take work before begging. For the fellas, construction jobs are the premium gig, thats what they aspire to. For females, kitchen work or childcare. Its a long, hard journey which not many lazy people could endure. There is almost no formal, social welfare safety net for these people. For example, there are no food stamps available to them.

They also want to learn English as soon as possible and they want the kids in school/sports asap as well. These are people who are living in the park like animals one week, and a few weeks later they have jobs and homes. Btw, why are they living in the parks like animals? Its because...

There is a windfall of cash flying around for both private and religious organizations/charities/etc. with even bit players and unofficial members of the Non-Profit Industrial Complex (NPIC) proclaiming "send them here" to so-called "Sanctuary Cities" like the one Im in. Pledging their aid and support, but for over a year now its the same sad song: Each month once their donation/grant/whatever money runs out, they stop answering their phones. No joke.

But lets be clear, these aint altruistic do-gooders fighting the uphill battle to feed/house/clothe all... unlike the true-believing Social/Comm/Marx/Lennen/Trotsky/Bolshevik/etc-ists or their Jewish/Christian/Muslim counterparts... these people are parasites. Vampires feeding off the hope and misery swirling around their raptorial trade. Each of these people hiding behind the phones, screens and locked doors of their corrupt empire knows full well that in order for their continued gravy train of a livable-plus wage and the perks, accolades and access which come with their corporate-relief hustles... they need victims. They need suffering masses they can utilize as justification for the continued financial windfall generator necessary to maintain this congame. Without a seemingly endless supply of downtrodden to exploit, their access to resources dries up, and its either back to the real world or become a full-time "volunteer" because they didnt actually need the money their salary consumed to begin with.

This is a large part of what fuels the perpetually raging fire of homeless Americans.

The truth is the majority of homeless Americans are either already working or actively looking for work. But thats not what the average American sees... they see the (sizeable and growing) minority ranks of the untreated mentally ill, the blatant substance abusers... the criminal and the confrontational as their vulgar, lewd and often violent street scenes play out while "normal" America rolls up the window and drives by. Or even more personal, as these characters begin to spill out of their misery-zones into the residential areas of respectable folk. Its been this way for too long to accept "Well we dont know what else to do" or "Doing the best we can with a broken system" excuses. The writing is on the wall in 4-Dimensional neon spray paint... its not a case of "broken/mis-managed system" its a reality of "this is what the system is designed to do."

This is why "the system" and "the charities" dont effectively make much of a dent in American homeless populations... this is why they refuse to invest the few months rent/food money into the average homeless American it would take to get them on their feet and off the dole... because they dont want that person off the dole. They need them to keep coming back for the services they "provide" which dont actually benefit the homeless individual... in order to justify these NPIC parasite "jobs". The cold part is, there are so many homeless people that they wont run out of clientele. They are just so beholden to their lethargic positions of superiority that they cant even allow for the fully functional American to get back on their feet, because then people would ask questions such as "What took so long" and "Whats the plan with the rest of these people"?

The NPIC requires a constant state of desperate, chaotic and unscalable human tumult/tragedy in order to justify an unquestioned pipeline of money and resources to be funneled into a system which openly works in opposition to its own stated goals and those its supposed to serve. If operating at crisis levels becomes the norm, outsiders simply stop asking questions and begin blindly co-signing. They just want to hope someone else will deal with/fix the problem.

So we see that the NPIC will actively work against Americans in order to keep its self-perpetuating, inertia of attrition in play... but even thats not enough. Now they will work with the most obvious of operators in order to import entire new masses of humanity which they KNOW that for the most part, they will never even interact with... let alone help. They just keep insisting on human beings (which they see as a market-resource) being imported in order to augment both their resource share and social-standing... both of which are completely hollow. They know its winter and they are asking these people to come here to an unanswered phone line... because they did it all last winter as well. And it does not matter that many of these people are children, it makes no difference to them. Somehow, they seem to find basic services for the Muslim immigrants they work with, but almost nothing for the rest and absolutely nothing for the average homeless American citizen outside of their disdain.

So after all this, its us people who are in the streets and the few (essentially 2 here) organizations which truly serve the most desperate and in need. Of course, there aint hardly any money or resources for these people who build and run organizations which actually do the work... they are generally funding these efforts on their own. But I can work with them and feel good about my efforts, and I can know that my sweat equity is going to build with people who serve hot, nutritious meals to those others wont even look at. These other places get massive sums of capital to push papers/plan out where distributions of expired food will be dumped off on the public and etc... the real dealers I volunteer with make it happen where its most needed, and I hope to see a day when they are fully funded and the fakers have to either show and prove, or at least get out of the way.

As far as Barbara Lerner Ghostface is concerned... she also advocated for an imposed immigration agenda for Japan as well eh? Israel's population density is 409.53 people per-square kilometer and Japan's is 338. Her arguments are easily shredded, I wonder why none of the prominent mainstream anti-open borers crowd informs the masses of this?

P.S. Spellcheck stopped working, partway trough... might be a tough read lol.
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Jun 28, 2020
Apparently, the US has a recruiting problem. I wonder why that is?

The transgenders are happy to serve.


I read somewhere a few weeks / months ago that in the military, sex change surgery is on Uncle Sam! How is this not enticing to the everyday 18 yr old American boy?

"Soldiers" (and I use that term loosely) dressing up as furries doesn't exactly strike fear into the enemies, ya know?


Don't forget, the brass likes to wear dresses.


What a joke we have become in this current Israel / Palestine war. We are not even a threat to Yemen, an impoverished country that is dealing with famine.

Enjoy what's left of your days of decadence. A new world order is rising, and we have nowhere to go but down. Israel is seeing to it.


Jan 29, 2018
Apparently, the US has a recruiting problem. I wonder why that is?

The transgenders are happy to serve.

View attachment 99081

I read somewhere a few weeks / months ago that in the military, sex change surgery is on Uncle Sam! How is this not enticing to the everyday 18 yr old American boy?

"Soldiers" (and I use that term loosely) dressing up as furries doesn't exactly strike fear into the enemies, ya know?

View attachment 99082

Don't forget, the brass likes to wear dresses.

View attachment 99083

What a joke we have become in this current Israel / Palestine war. We are not even a threat to Yemen, an impoverished country that is dealing with famine.

Enjoy what's left of your days of decadence. A new world order is rising, and we have nowhere to go but down. Israel is seeing to it.
Here we see Daze and his pedo-crew announcing a "new world order"... no surprise there. A new world order, where they will be free to live out their Epstein fantasies with little kids not even aged into double digits.


Jun 28, 2020
An interesting video with James O Keefe, of former Project Veritas.

Its about 10 minutes.

Spoiler alert below....

Press ctrl + A to see it.

At the very end, James asks an illegal if he plans to vote, and he says Yes! He's on team Biden because Biden is helping them enter illegally.

Both sides are corrupt, but I don't think anyone is expecting Biden to win after the massive damage he has done these past 4 years. 40% increase in rent. 20% on food. Giving billions to Ukraine and Israel. But don't be surprised if the potato does win, because the system is highly corrupt.

Enjoy the show, this is one kabuki theater that aims to amaze.


Jan 29, 2018
An interesting video with James O Keefe, of former Project Veritas.

Its about 10 minutes.

Spoiler alert below....

Press ctrl + A to see it.

At the very end, James asks an illegal if he plans to vote, and he says Yes! He's on team Biden because Biden is helping them enter illegally.

Both sides are corrupt, but I don't think anyone is expecting Biden to win after the massive damage he has done these past 4 years. 40% increase in rent. 20% on food. Giving billions to Ukraine and Israel. But don't be surprised if the potato does win, because the system is highly corrupt.

Enjoy the show, this is one kabuki theater that aims to amaze.
This idiot stans for an unlimited flood of subhuman, inbred child predators who are grown men and FAKE MUSLIMS to be allowed to enter Western Europe... but howls against South Americans refugees fleeing to the US after our government/big biz/etc. destabilized their nation for decades.


Jun 28, 2020
I used to like the Babylon bee. Probably about a year ago now they made a post mocking God, so I blocked them.
People like that don't deserve an audience.

It's no surprise to see them on Israels side today because they are run by zionists.


If you want to know the true cause of America's demise, look to owns DC and how we fund Ukraine and Israel with billions as Americans sleep on the streets.

Infrastructure crumbling, rent sky-high, food sky-high, but we always have billions ready for wherever Israel asks. If you want to know why that cheeseburger and fries costs $15 today, it's because they are constantly printing money because Israel constantly has its hand out.

This is the one and only cause of inflation, regardless of what the media tells you. There is more money than there are goods, so more money is needed for the same goods.


Nov 7, 2023
When I was in the military (U.S. Army [regular]) we had a creepy boy in our basic training unit. One night we had a little party for him and beat the shit out of his sorry ass (what was known as a "blanket" party). He cried to Drill. He was gone the next day. Good riddance.

My how times have changed. Now its the Brass that needs the blanket parties.


Sep 11, 2023
When I was in the military (U.S. Army [regular]) we had a creepy boy in our basic training unit. One night we had a little party for him and beat the shit out of his sorry ass (what was known as a "blanket" party). He cried to Drill. He was gone the next day. Good riddance.

My how times have changed. Now its the Brass that needs the blanket parties.
True story? Bunch of 19 yr olds decide some one is subjectively 'creepy' and gang up and sucker punch beat him? Yuck. I find this disturbing. Glad I was not in military.


Nov 7, 2023
I'm sure I speak for many fellow veterans when I say: we're glad you weren't, too. Please stay out.


Jun 28, 2020
True story? Bunch of 19 yr olds decide some one is subjectively 'creepy' and gang up and sucker punch beat him? Yuck. I find this disturbing. Glad I was not in military.
I agree, torturing a guy and for what? To fit in? It's the same thing as bullying some kid in school because he's "different". That's garbage, 10 guys on one? There's no honor in that.

What most don't realize is it is recorded, everything is, and will be brought to account on judgement day. Clams name is written in that boys book, and he will owe the boy something for it come the day of regret because he took his rights. Justice is coming for all, even the animals.

What is this life but a test?
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Jun 17, 2023


Jun 28, 2020
1000's of Americans sleeping in the streets / their cars. Many can't afford to put dinner on the table, let alone rent.

But our pockets are bottomless whenever it comes to Israel. Someone has to buy those million dollar missiles being launched at $200 drones.


A revolution is coming. With treason this open, I can't see the people being anything but up in arms. Gen Z hates Israel, and the boomers will all be dead within a decade.

It will be a miracle if America is still a thing in 10 years. Dollar on life support, world hates us for our total support of a genocidal baby killer. The reality is our veto has lead to over 30,000 dead civilians. This war would have ended months ago if we didn't keep vetoing ceasefires.

Israel working around the clock making sure there are plenty of illegals flooding in to fix the votes.

Gas is up, food is up, rent is up. With Yemen making sure every US / UK vessel has to take the long route, expect prices to only increase. Why? Because Israel demands their lapdog come and deter Yemen from affecting their shipping. While it has ultimately led to a total blockage.

Yemen has missiles that can reach the lower tip of Africa, they can reach the Indian Ocean and we are their target.


Everything comes from China, expect a shortage of goods and a sharp rise in prices in a month or 3.

"They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it" ~George Carlin.