Search results

  1. Truthor

    Was Hollywood ever a Christian Institution?

    Nonsense. I made it CRYSTAL clear. Eat pork, ham, bacon, and you will have DIRTY dreams. I never said nightmares, you fool.
  2. Truthor

    Was Hollywood ever a Christian Institution?

    Feel free to eat a bunch of pork tonight and pay close attention to your dreams after you fall asleep. I PROMISE YOU, they will be dirty/perverted in nature (or at least a certain dream or two will be, depending on where your are digesting the pork in your system during the night). I've done...
  3. Truthor

    Was Hollywood ever a Christian Institution?

    Money = cum = 2nd chakra, just like I've been saying. Jews resonate in 2nd/3rd chakra. Jews = Juice = orange juice = 2nd chakra. The entire media/movie complex is controlled by people "writing" in order to make people "cum" (get excited, fork over their "money") based on LIES. It's FALSE LIGHT...
  4. Truthor

    Was Hollywood ever a Christian Institution?

    Sacral chakra IS in fact, lower. Not only is it lower on the body/spine, it actually resonates at a lower frequency. The lower you go, the lower in frequency, which is why the root chakra actual roots us to Earth (represents blood, family, babies) and why the higher chakras are based out of the...
  5. Truthor

    Was Hollywood ever a Christian Institution?

    Yeah, but it's all metaphoric. Pigs = lower chakra energy (specifically sacral chakra = sex). Jesus = heart chakra (higher, green energy). Hollywood is based on false love/light (mostly lower chakras). Jesus (heart chakra) is based on actual love/caring for others.'s still all a lie...
  6. Truthor

    Salvation comes from the Jew (John 4:22)

    Doesn't take drugs, it takes intelligence and awareness:
  7. Truthor

    Salvation comes from the Jew (John 4:22)

    The Jews are the boss of this reality. I decoded this, in this video (no one normally picks up on this coded, double meaning speak, but I'm well aware of what's happening because I will not let them put me to sleep while I'm watching (camera movements meant only to put your brain in alpha...
  8. Truthor

    Do you care about the meaning of your dreams?

    So, let me ask you. When I dreamed last night that some crazy looking dude showed up wherever I was and suddenly took out some tube and sprayed some kind of gas into my face and it caused me to wake up, this is somehow me winning by default? I created this myself? This "dream character" didn't...
  9. Truthor

    Bill Gates admits vaccines are used for depopulation

    What a terrible existence we have, never knowing who is telling the truth, who is trying to help or hurt us, etc. It's an abomination, the entire thing.
  10. Truthor

    Fascinating Scientific Study & Possibly A Major "one Eye" Clue.

    SUPER FUNNY, coming from a cat inhabiting a human body who has their humble servants posting "LOLs" on their behalf.
  11. Truthor

    Fascinating Scientific Study & Possibly A Major "one Eye" Clue.

    It's extremely clear that they do. I posted the image showing it, I hope you're capable of comprehending images.
  12. Truthor

    Fascinating Scientific Study & Possibly A Major "one Eye" Clue.

    Two cats and a squid. Wonderful. Any humans want to respond? (yes, I realize I'm a TV)
  13. Truthor

    Fascinating Scientific Study & Possibly A Major "one Eye" Clue.

    Well, they call it "left eye bias", but I suppose you're "right". Either way, don't you find it odd that when females are looking at other females, they are looking virtually at only one eye?
  14. Truthor

    Fascinating Scientific Study & Possibly A Major "one Eye" Clue.

    My theory is that one eye is being used as a camera. The fact that it's only happening in females is very interesting. I suppose it may be possible that both male eyes are cameras and females only have one eye being used as the camera and they instinctively know this and it's why they only...
  15. Truthor

    Fascinating Scientific Study & Possibly A Major "one Eye" Clue.

    They've established actual science that I think lends to one of my theories about the whole one eye thing. This graphic illustrates where people focus when looking at another person's face. It's clear that females when looking at other females focus on the left eye for some reason, whereas men...
  16. Truthor

    My Current Theory On What The Hand Covering One Eye Means.

    Do you know what a cat even is?
  17. Truthor

    My Current Theory On What The Hand Covering One Eye Means.

    Eye of Whore Us (out). Key.
  18. Truthor

    My Current Theory On What The Hand Covering One Eye Means.

    Says the poster currently inhabited by a cat. I'm not going to say where cats come from, but I think this kitty knows the truth about her own existence...
  19. Truthor

    My Current Theory On What The Hand Covering One Eye Means.

    I completely agree with you. There is nothing better than being a content single. BUT the whole idea of falling in love with someone is romantic. The idea of committing yourself to one other person and the each of you giving your all to the other. It just is what is is and there may be...