Do you care about the meaning of your dreams?


Jul 28, 2018
I know I do. Because believe it or not what I dream is usually a sort of prophecy. Im actually scared because it happens often to me. When I was a kid I remember seeing my mother being sick in my dream. She told me she had cancer. I was crying beside her bed. For a long time I was depressed over that but I didnt tell anybody about my dream. Then almost a year later after I saw that dream, my mom really got sick with cancer (in uterus). That was 15 years ago and now she is fine. I thank God everyday. In another ocassion I dreamed as if I was seeing from my balcony through my neighbor's living room and I saw her sceleton hanging from the ceiling. Few days later she had died from an heart attack.
And yet in another dream I was seeing cops at the entrance of a forest. They had found a dead body and when the body showed up I saw it was my cousin's
Some time after that my cousin had died during sleep because of an epilepsy attack. He was only 22 years old.
Sometime what I dream happens just the way I dreamt it. I dreamt once as if my sister flipped over wet floor and fell over her arm and broke the wrist. She works as a nurse and she did flipp and fell over her hand and broke the wrist the day after.
I used to have very vivid dreams, nightmares, sleep paralysis, lucid dreamings, name it. Not so much now. I guess because I feel blocked by stress and lack of concentration.
Have you ever had a prophetic dream that turned out to be true? Do you bother to analyse the meaning of your dreams?
I hope people will be respectful in this thread and I wont be mocked on the subject.
Thank you


Jul 11, 2018
I've never had prophetic dreams but my husband has. He dreamt both our children would be girls during each of my pregnancies and they were. Also, dreamt their names, so we named them their names after what he dreamt. Both very fitting if I might add lol He had dreamt other things as well that have come true but I can't remember the details. I'll ask him when he gets home. I believe dreams are your subconscious speaking to you. Either your desires or truths.
Mar 14, 2017
old thread
i still often am walking around in that 'place'

but about prophetic dreams......ive had so many man
some have taken years to materialise, others have been the same day even hours after waking.

However the more intriguing ones started out bad through evil imagery (various animals shall we say) and they materialised according to the traditional interpretation/meaning so it's like the dreams were bad omens. Then i ended up seeing them even play out literally inc seeing these animals literally. I actually remember once just buying food and then sitting in my car to literally see a black cat with bright eyes in front of my car not moving and staring at me...
i decided to reverse my car to see it more clearly.......then drove fast towards it.........i dont remember seeing it move/run but i drove forward and stopped, got out and looked and it was nowhere to be seen. However the meaning of this actually played out as if it was a dream that then came true, it was like a good omen. but the cat one was not the worst.


Mar 13, 2017
I might have already told the story about how I dreamt of being in that video game "Mortal Kombat". Where the name of the game was the first person to grab a weapon won. And I kept losing. Well, I was the one who woke up and decided to pick the fight. It was that one choice that set the dream in motion.

When it finally all happened there were more enemies but they didn't have weapons. And I did. My weapon was a shampoo bottle. It sounds stupid, but you could kill someone with a bottle of shampoo. Or at least really maim their eyes. But the point here is by the laws of the dream, whoever had a weapon first won. The dream never progressed to an actual fight because I would wake up. I knew I lost.

You win by default in your own dreams. You just have to learn how not to be afraid. You have to learn that anything is possible.


Apr 12, 2017
I would like to have dreams with useful meanings! Mine seem to be just processing my life- like when I started my new job, I had dreams of being naked and laughed at- totally obvious and predictable anxiety dreams about not having what was necessary and being seen as lacking and getting mocked. However, if you have prophetic dreams, are they any actual 'use' to you, or just frustrating because you don't know when where if or why?


Mar 13, 2017
You win by default in your own dreams. You just have to learn how not to be afraid. You have to learn that anything is possible.
So, let me ask you. When I dreamed last night that some crazy looking dude showed up wherever I was and suddenly took out some tube and sprayed some kind of gas into my face and it caused me to wake up, this is somehow me winning by default? I created this myself? This "dream character" didn't actually do something to cast me out of whatever dream body I was in, in order to get me to wake up in my own bed?

Anyone who professes to know what's really happening in dreams is lying or covering up the truth. It's much more sinister than most will believe and it has nothing to do with your own subconscious/brain.

(and yes, I realize the contradiction in what I just said)

sim hae

Mar 15, 2018
Have you ever had a prophetic dream that turned out to be true? Do you bother to analyse the meaning of your dreams?
Yup, I even had one that came true because of this forum.
The dream was just about how this guy called Muadib (like the protagonist from Dune) was being hunted by officers of the law. The only other person in it was a nameless woman he wanted to protect. It was a simple short dream.
I woke up with that name running in my head since it's a very odd one, and during the day I came upon this thread:
I clicked on the link in the OP and while on that site, this title in the Recent Posts column jumps out at me :

7/7 Ripple Effect Producer Muaddib arrested again

The weird thing for me wasn't the dream coming true. It. was. his. photo. (I won't go into the why of it). I'm honestly not sure I want to know the reason behind this dream because the implications kind of haunt me.


Mar 13, 2017
I don't tend to pay too much attention to dreams, but when I was pretty young I had a very short and vivid dream about Libya's Muammar Gaddafi. In my dream he was looking up at the sound of bombers in the sky. His face was ashen and he was scared. When I woke up it was on the news that the US had bombed Libya in retaliation for a nightclub bombing in which two US soldiers had been killed.

It's very possible that the events leading up to the bombing that were in the news could have influenced my dream, but I don't recall following world events that closely. This was before the internet and we didn't have CNN, so who knows. Anyway, at the time I thought it was pretty freaky, and have always remembered it.


Jul 28, 2018
However, if you have prophetic dreams, are they any actual 'use' to you, or just frustrating because you don't know when where if or why?[/QUOTE]

Its rather frustrating. And scary. Because I know by experience that is going to happen
May 14, 2017
The jury is out on that one.

I woke up on 9/11/2001, in a cold sweat, with a feeling of dread. I didn't recall a dream but just had an unsettling feeling and almost skipped school that day...

But as a whole, I don't put too much thought on my dreams, since I tend to dream about black obelisks tearing from the ground, the original inhabitants of this planet waking from their long slumber, and most people in going absolutely mad. I'd say read too much HP Lovecraft, but I actually got into his work because someone told me my dreams reminded them of his stories.

But in general, I feel like dreams are just your mind working things.


Jul 28, 2018
The jury is out on that one.

I woke up on 9/11/2001, in a cold sweat, with a feeling of dread. I didn't recall a dream but just had an unsThettling feeling and almost skipped school that day...

But as a whole, I don't put too much thought on my dreams, since I tend to dream about black obelisks tearing from the ground, the original inhabitants of this planet waking from their long slumber, and most people in going absolutely mad. I'd say read too much HP Lovecraft, but I actually got into his work because someone told me my dreams reminded them of his stories.

But in general, I feel like dreams are just your mind working things.


Jul 28, 2018
Then how do you explain prophetic dreams? How can the mind predict the future events while working things during the sleep?