All seeing eye deniers are tin foil hat conspiracy theorists


Jul 1, 2022
The main arguments I see against All seeing eye/one eye (and so on) symbolism is this.

Either they will just flat out deny it and it's all just a coincidence. Or they will say that you are looking for patterns and that's why you are seeing it everywhere.
This is nonsense.
Try looking for "nose in a square" symbolism everywhere.

Then there's those who realize that it can't just be a coincidence, so they explain it by saying it's just an inside joke or that they do it for publicity/money, because people on the internet will search for it (ofc failing to realize that this has been going on way before the internet)
Problem with this theory is that .. Guess what. You are still a conspiracy theorist
I mean .. The entertainment industry, corporations, governments all conspiring to keep it all a secret to either make money or for an inside joke.
This sounds way more out there. That's not enough motive to go this far with an inside joke or even to make money. No way they would profit this much from that, if they even would make any profit at all.
And the usual arguments against conspiracies also applies here.
Why have no one talked/exposed it? There's no way a conspiracy with this many people involved would be possible to keep a secret.
So yeah, in an attempt to not appear as a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, they are still tin foil hat conspiracy theorists until they can come up with a better explanation.
Jul 12, 2022
You make a valid point. They seem to be so hypocritical when it comes to shutting people up, by calling truth seekers conspiracy theorists, but they are also conspiring. Very contradictory.