Congressional Baseball Game Shooting


Mar 15, 2017

Really guys, no thread on this?

This is really bad, it will be seized upon to discredit Trump opposition, and provide a distraction from all his woes. Best thing to happen to Trump yet, and I'm very nervous.

It also might be a message to Bernie Sanders who was recently criticizing the Military Industrial Complex on a forum with Jimmy Carter. Bernie has too much influence now to be talking about the M.I.C.

Even if this was just a spontaneous violent act (very possible of course) it will be used for a dark political agenda.

I have a feeling it's going to be a very long summer.

*I should add that I didn't support Sanders (or anyone) in the 2016 election.


Mar 13, 2017
Is it always MK Ultra?
Good question. And I don't know, but this one is. It happened at a baseball field at 7 am. The two officers who got shot and killed the suspect were named Bailey, and Crystal. I know a lot of people completely ignore symbols, but this is pretty obvious.


Mar 13, 2017
It happened at a baseball field at 7 am. The two officers who got shot and killed the suspect were named Bailey, and Crystal. I know a lot of people completely ignore symbols, but this is pretty obvious.
Wait, what does that mean?


Mar 13, 2017
Wait, what does that mean?
The names have significance in some schools of the occult. Crystals and objects that have properties like crystal are better tools for channeling magic. And I thought Bailey was the name of some famous cultist, but maybe I'm wrong about that. And it's just the name of my dead cat.


Mar 15, 2017
Well if it was brain washing, I think they gave an order to hold back, no one killed (unless complications from surgery) and only 5 injured, if they wanted to they could have 25 open seats in Congress, but that wasn't the plan? Or maybe the guy was just amateurish and not a great shot?


Mar 16, 2017
Trump seems very concerned about this yet has had little to say about any of the violence committed in his own name. I hear what your saying TMT.. I am leaning towards those thoughts myself.


Mar 15, 2017
Trump seems very concerned about this yet has had little to say about any of the violence committed in his own name. I hear what your saying TMT.. I am leaning towards those thoughts myself.
It's going to have its effect on Trump resistance for sure. He'll get some media sympathy, it stirs up his base and it neutered the argument that Trump supports violence. Real shitty no matter what the true story is.


Mar 13, 2017
Exactly. Someone held back. The point was to send a message, and of course Trump can spin it however he wants. If they can do 9/11 they can do anything.


Mar 16, 2017
The first thing I even heard about this was "Bernie supporter" - that's not a logical first detail to send out about a shooter. Trump will use this to his advantage, his supporters will hate liberals more and everyone will go on continuing to ignore the actual issues at hand. Fun fun for everyone


Mar 16, 2017
LOL clearly a shooting is an actual issue. But please go look at what's being said. But a shooting where only the shooter died isn't even on the list of biggest issues we should be talking about


Mar 13, 2017
It's really all meant to be a distraction. That's the goal of mind control. And the signs are all so obvious. Nothing really happened here, just another psycho suicide by cop basically. Anyone with a brain should understand that being a politician has occupational hazards. Especially with the current political climate. But it's not exactly safe to be high profile no matter who you are.

I see the simple narrative. The people with all the power are doing a good job keeping people distracted. They keep all the important knowledge to themselves, and make sure the citizens get none of it. People are obsessed with meaningless details, and things that are not even remotely true. Relevance is totally manufactured, because people are that easy to get to. At this point if you pay attention to any of it, you are opening yourself up to their mind control.

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
I buy the majority of your take, Aero. But what is it a distraction from? If anything, it just feeds the quickly growing divide in the US where I feel certain this is the first of more to come. As I have said before, there will be no race war as some think but there is a culture war of values.


Mar 13, 2017
Take your pick of shady business dealings in America. Chemicals in our food. The U.S being behind most of the illegal drug trade. State sponsored terrorism. If they wanted us to know the actual truth these things would be front and center of every Americans agenda.

And there is a culture war. People are fighting over nothing. Like what would ever be gained from a "culture war"? More mind control tactics? Great!


Apr 11, 2017
When I heard about the shooting, the first thing they said was "it's a white male." I confess, it was a bit of a relief that it wasn't a Muslim, if only to avoid an escalation of the terrorist activity we are being conditioned to tolerate. The second thing they said was "they shot him to death," which is standard operating procedure, apparently, in incidents like this, so we never get to hear his side.

It does seem convenient to have yet another "lone gunman" sowing fear and malaise in our country, especially with tensions running so high. If he really was a nutter, however, I don't think it would have taken full-on MK Ultra to program him into doing such an act of violence. The Demo-party has been screaming for months, and demonstrating their willingness to draw blood on the national stage for quite some time, culminating in the recent unfunny antics of a certain comedienne and a "Julius Caesar" type play in which the protagonist bears an uncanny resemblance to Trump.

As far as "violence committed in Trump's name," we have been inundated with images of protesters lashing out at authorities and fellow citizens ever since January. The violence is because of Trump, and the disappointment of those who would have preferred Hillary Clinton in power, but it most certainly is not his supporters who are perpetrating it. It is hers and Bernie's.

The funny thing is, if the democrats really do want to get into a physical fight with the republicans over ideology, they are going to lose. The one side has flower power, liberal arts degrees and organic kale. The other has prepper homesteads, pick-up trucks and guns. It's kind of a no-brainer.

But back to the matter at hand. I have a theory that most "regular people" who succumb to the urge to do heinous things are simply giving in to the demonic voices whispering inside their heads. Some people are truly possessed, some are just fighting a losing battle. For example, I saw a biopic on the guy that shot John Lennon, and according to his wife, he wrestled with his demons for years before flying to NY and waiting outside the apt building. He actually had met JL earlier that day, and got his autograph. Why? Because he admired JL as an artist/hero. He wavered back and forth on the decision to kill him, right up until the end.

So all the mothers who kill their own children, all the fathers who diddle their kids, all the two-bit shooters who kill indiscriminately, they are all fighting an internal battle between the instincts to do what's best, and to do what is worst. That is the real difference between us and the illuminati. They revel in those dark urges, and give themselves up willingly to those dark forces. The rest of us struggle against them, using God or religion or some moral code as a basis for doing so.

I am reserving judgement, for now, on the "baseball shooter," until we have more information. All of us here know that even getting that information will be a struggle, with the media in control of the narrative. But we have to try.


Mar 15, 2017
As far as "violence committed in Trump's name," we have been inundated with images of protesters lashing out at authorities and fellow citizens ever since January. The violence is because of Trump, and the disappointment of those who would have preferred Hillary Clinton in power, but it most certainly is not his supporters who are perpetrating it. It is hers and Bernie's.

That paragraph is so blatantly false as for me to not pay attention to anything else you have to say. Trump supporters certainly have been violent.

A Trump supporter attacked a Hispanic man and a Muslim student at a gas station while yelling, “Trump! Trump! Trump!” Read more here.

A Trump supporter attacked Muslim woman at airport. Read more here.

69-year-old punched by Trump supporter

A Trump supporter punched a 69 year old protester in the face. Read more here.

A Trump supporter was arrested for brutally beating protester. Read more here.

3 Trump supporters were arrested for planning a terrorist attack to kill Muslims. Read more here.

A Trump supporter confuses an Indian man for a Muslim at restaurant and says, “Things are different now, I don’t want you sand n*ggers sitting next to me.” Before attacking the man. “We got a new President you fucking f*ggots.” Read more here.

Trump supporters tracked down and brutally beat an artist because she made a painting of Trump with a small penis. Read more here.

A Trump supporter who sucker punched protester said, “Next time, we might have to kill them.” Read more here.