
May 15, 2017
could this be why We've been getting
all the crap from tptb about this possibly
being the worst ulf season coming or

could it be they need an excuse to cover
for the massive amount of deaths that are
about to happen from those who have been
dexav,dexav and dexav again

no matter what We should all be fed up with
these evils playing with this crap for just encase
scenarios like nature might throw it at Us one day

I'm about to go try dumbing down again but came
across this and thought I'd share before I go, I have
not had time to look into it yet so take it however Y'all
want,I for one don't doubt for a minute that tptb are always
constantly trying to find ways to kill Us off



Mar 18, 2017
In yet another sign that the covid vaccination agenda of globalist institutions did not do quite as well as they had originally hoped, the Rockefeller Foundation has revealed that it (along with other non-profits) has been pumping millions of dollars into a behavioral science project meant to figure out why large groups of people around the world refuse to take the jab.

The “Mercury Project” is a collective of behavioral scientists formed by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), a non-profit group which receives considerable funding from globalist organizations and governments.
The stated goals of the project are rather non-specific, using ambiguous language and mission statements. However, the root intentions appear to be focused on using behavioral psychology and mass psychology elements to understand the global resistance to the recent covid compliance efforts.

Mercury groups will be deployed in multiple nations and regions and will study vaccine refusal and the medical “disinformation” that leads to it. They are operating with the intent to tailor vaccination narratives to fit different ethnic and political backgrounds, looking for the key to the gates of each cultural kingdom and convincing them to take the jab.

The Rockefeller Foundation and the SSRC note:

“Following the characterization of inaccurate health information by the U.S. Surgeon General as an “urgent threat,” and by the World Health Organization as an “infodemic,” the SSRC issued a call for proposals to counter the growing global threats posed by public health mis- and disinformation and low Covid-19 vaccination rates, and received nearly 200 submissions from around the world.

...With Covid-19 prevalent and rapidly evolving everywhere, there is a pressing need to identify interventions with the potential to increase vaccination take-up.”

The SSRC and the Mercury Project are not only receiving funding from foundations, but also government based institutions. In June of 2022 the Mercury Project received another $20 million from the National Science Foundation, which claims to be an “independent” agency of the United States government. Meaning, fabricating effective covid propaganda is becoming a money train for the small groups of behavioral researchers and psychologists that jump onboard.

The purpose of the NSF partnership with the Mercury Project is outlined on the SSRC website:

“This innovative partnership will support research teams seeking to evaluate online or offline interventions to increase Covid-19 vaccination demand and other positive health behaviors, including by targeting the producers and/or consumers of inaccurate health information and/or by increasing confidence in reliable health information.”

The Mercury Project lists these bullet points as their focus:

“Funded projects will provide evidence about what works–and doesn’t–in specific places and for specific groups to increase Covid-19 vaccination take-up, including what is feasible on the ground and has the potential to be cost-effective at scale. Each of the 12 teams will have access to findings from the other teams while exploring interventions including, but not limited to:

Conducting literacy training for secondary school students in partnership with local authorities to help students identify Covid-19 vaccine misinformation.

Equipping trusted messengers with communication strategies to increase Covid-19 vaccination demand.

Using social networks to share tailored, community-developed messaging to increase Covid-19 vaccination demand.”

In other words, their focus is propaganda, propaganda and propaganda. The very basis of the existence of the Mercury Project presupposes that individuals cannot be trusted to make up their own minds about the information they are exposed to, and that they must be molded to accept the mainstream narrative. It also presupposes that mainstream or establishment information is always trustworthy and unbiased.

The widespread non-compliance against covid vaccination mandates despite extensive government pressure is perhaps one of the most underappreciated events of the past century. It is likely the reason why political elites and the corporate media went from a non-stop fear campaign against the public to almost no mention of covid within a matter of weeks. It was as if the populace was being put through two years of waterboarding and then one day the torture simply stopped without explanation.


May 15, 2017
I can't no more whats next the coffee
ulf I'm sure many would be terrified with
that one,Ya would have all timmies and
s,tarbucks outta business in no time lol

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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
I can't no more whats next next the
coffee ulf I'm sure many would be
terrified with that one,Ya would have
all timmies and s,tarbucks outta business
in no time lol

Let me guess, they all took the jabs.


May 15, 2017

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Peer-Reviewed Study: 94% Of Vaccinated Patients With Subsequent Health Issues Have Abnormal Blood

Screenshot 2022-09-13 at 06-26-35 Peer-Reviewed Study 94% Of Vaccinated Patients With Subseque...png

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019


May 15, 2017
no time for trials we need the eniccav now
because we have a situation now,don't know anything
with any certainty about what this new eniccav even
offers but we need it now why though why do we need
it now and as title mentions who is this we he keeps referring

of course it's likely to be a one shot a yr but we also may have
different variants that will again require the eniccav,have to mention
the hesitant,anti's and of course never forget them nutty no minds
ctheories and get them all listening to the facts of science

We Know the only science they give Us though is paid for by them
and so called scientists that will go along with or apart of the clubs

wonder if anyone makes drinking games outta these interviews using
the .we/xav words as that's most the interview

looking for another link too that says this yr tptb want Us to take
our ulf/divoc xav on the same day as that's why We have two arms
one for each

wow right it's gotta be so safe to do this kinda thing eh specially
since they are two totally different types of xav and Your stacking
on the same day what's the worse that can happen since the ulf xav
is old no testing needed so none of Us will Know if they've added some
arnm crap to em but I have a feeling they will if they don't just outright
put false labelling on the vials and use the divoc xav poison in both
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