Crazy Stuff--Insert Here


Jun 9, 2022
Yup, supernatural ish, aliens, crypto-zoology... this stuff was on the far-flung fringes of mainstream media until a few years ago... now its suddenly front page news. For my money though, that pic looks like an underfed hipster in a "furry" costume lol
looks like something escaped from skin walker ranch. I saw a documentary about that place a couple of years ago and can’t remember where or the name of it and there are too many of them but this one was actually really scary. Might have been that showtime doc from last year in 4 or 5 parts? One of the episodes focused on the ranch and the descriptions by people who actually stayed there overnight couldn’t believe what they were seeing/hearing. It’s like a haunted house outdoors with aliens and HP lovecraft like monsters walking around the place doors slamming like crazy. I would not stay there overnight if I was offered millions of dollars.


May 15, 2017
I Seen that too @SomaticBanshee
it was an interesting watch a lot of Peoples
who have Seen/Heard strange things forever
now at that place

I believe there are a lot of things in this World We are
not aware of/believe as it's been hammered into
Us that it's all fictional/myths,there are Creations We
cannot See in Our World and not all are bad/evil

that terrifies me,if w/e can move/affect things around
Ya/Your house then it's capable of causing harm too

I will never understand how Peoples think it's oh so cool
to connect/interact with these things,most the time
it seems like the Peoples wanna connect with the bad/evil
entities as that's what gets the views/likes online and they
feed into it until the entities are powerful enough to start
moving/doing things
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Jan 29, 2018
looks like something escaped from skin walker ranch. I saw a documentary about that place a couple of years ago and can’t remember where or the name of it and there are too many of them but this one was actually really scary. Might have been that showtime doc from last year in 4 or 5 parts? One of the episodes focused on the ranch and the descriptions by people who actually stayed there overnight couldn’t believe what they were seeing/hearing. It’s like a haunted house outdoors with aliens and HP lovecraft like monsters walking around the place doors slamming like crazy. I would not stay there overnight if I was offered millions of dollars.
I got my own... uh... theories about that Skinwalker Ranch lol


Jun 4, 2017
SpaceX employees recently referenced that tweet in a open letter complaining that Musk's tweets were giving SpaceX a bad name. They were fired.
Good for him!
That wasn't a very smart move for the authors of the letter, though.

I'm not familiar with his other tweets.
The problem is this tweet has no context. Is he just making fun of his out of shape appearance, or... is he questioning his "gender."
It may be neither... but idk-- can't tell.

There is so much treachery for which Gates can legitimately be nailed-- opting for the easy insult comes off as terribly pedestrian.

Imho, anyway. ☺
It is entertaining, watching him tell the liberal bedwetters to get bent... but I don't believe he's on anyone's side, other than his own.


May 15, 2017

Children may learn/access this ability easier
only because they have not been in the system
as long to be trapped within that system thinking
every single person in Our World can it's a matter
of remembering and learning once again

I believe that since We are awake it maybe easier
for those who wanna try,We need to practice to
regain that which We have lost/forgotten and been
told is impossible,science fiction,make believe

We need to regain that Child like belief of being able to do
the impossible,as We did when We were Children before
the system/tptb beat Us down and beat out Our Natural
abilities of Healing and so much more

We need to unbrainwash Ourselves to get Our minds back
to stop tptbs programming that has been done for the last
at least 100yrs(I believe longer)We Know tptb want Us dumb
and reliant on them for every single thing needed to survive

I'm starting to practice using a deck of normal playing cards

it's simple try to See if it's black/red,monitor Your results
keep at it until it becomes a reality for Ya and Ya can See
the cards using Your Light given abilities
then move on to other things,which I'm not sure will be yet
as I go along I can update Y'all if Ya's wish me to


Jun 9, 2022
Probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen. Elevator phobia? Didn’t it used to be just claustrophobia? More word-magic by the elites to destroy language.



Jan 29, 2018

Children may learn/access this ability easier
only because they have not been in the system
as long to be trapped within that system thinking
every single person in Our World can it's a matter
of remembering and learning once again

I believe that since We are awake it maybe easier
for those who wanna try,We need to practice to
regain that which We have lost/forgotten and been
told is impossible,science fiction,make believe

We need to regain that Child like belief of being able to do
the impossible,as We did when We were Children before
the system/tptb beat Us down and beat out Our Natural
abilities of Healing and so much more

We need to unbrainwash Ourselves to get Our minds back
to stop tptbs programming that has been done for the last
at least 100yrs(I believe longer)We Know tptb want Us dumb
and reliant on them for every single thing needed to survive

I'm starting to practice using a deck of normal playing cards

it's simple try to See if it's black/red,monitor Your results
keep at it until it becomes a reality for Ya and Ya can See
the cards using Your Light given abilities
then move on to other things,which I'm not sure will be yet
as I go along I can update Y'all if Ya's wish me to
I agree with you about the value in utilizing a childs state of perception, but I dont think we need anyone to guide us or a third eye... I think its totally within us already. You post some gems here homie and even when I dont agree 100%, I can still learn a lot from your info and perspectives!


May 15, 2017
I agree with you about the value in utilizing a childs state of perception, but I dont think we need anyone to guide us or a third eye... I think its totally within us already. You post some gems here homie and even when I dont agree 100%, I can still learn a lot from your info and perspectives!
Thank Ya TempestOfTempo

Your a 100% We don't need anything We only need
for Our bodies/mind/Soul to remember
I do try posting things I find interesting in Hopes
others might too so am Happy Ya do:)
how boring would this place be if We all agreed on
everything a 100% lol