Extinction Rebellion symbolism


Oct 14, 2019
Can anyone please shed some light on the meaning behind the symbols and things that are repeated in Extinction Rebellion activities? Not just what their people or mainstream information sources tell the general public, but the obvious pagan roots, please.


Mar 26, 2017
I researched a little and found this site: https://www.lilligreen.de/sanduhr-extinction-rebellion-symbol/
You have to translate it probably.

The important text is this:

Even the old alchemists recognized the concept of equilibrium in the hourglass. Its shape consists of two triangles that balance each other. The alchemists interpreted these triangles as two aspects of nature: the upper triangle represents the sky, while the lower triangle represents the earth. The hourglass thus also symbolizes the mystical, ancient formula from the "Tabula Smaragdina" of Hermes Trismegistus: "That which is below is like that which is above, and that which is above, like that which is below, is eternally lasting Miracles of the One. "In this sense, the hourglass symbol can also be understood as a kind of yin-yang symbol, with two opposing and yet interrelated forces or principles: female and male, life and death, black and white.

As a symbol of the time and inevitability of mortality, the hourglass symbol also has a somewhat somber connotation; The hourglass was also used as a symbol of pirate flags to show that the pirates have nothing left to lose and are ready to fight to the death. The parallel with the current Extinction Rebellion movement is interesting: the activists are showing that we are running out of time to do anything to save life on our planet, and accordingly the "rebels" will take radical measures to to enforce their goals.

So, in conclusion, it's about dualism. I think this fits the most. If this is correct, then we might know where all this comes from. But that's just speculation at the moment. Time will tell I'd say.


Oct 14, 2019
As above so below, male/female duality... nice catch.
I’m not anti Jew, but I suspect there are those whom have deliberately infiltrated and dragged down the name of Israel from within her own people.