Finsbury Park Terror Attack- London

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

I am sorry @Haich that I got distracted by petty shit and failed to respond directly to the original post.

I too, am glad that they are saying he is a Terrorist but I have noticed around where I live they do not want to say the same. People really disgust me. They same people saying to ban all Muslims are the same that turn a blind eye when Muslims are the victims and are attacked.
I think everyone would be better trying to stand back and look at what is happening. By causing chaos IS may wish to establish a global Caliphate but are more likely to hand the 'elites' an excuse for global technocracy. Likewise the far right 'warriors' who want to hit back and give them a taste of their own medicine just manage to provide justification for further attacks. Like kids that squabble over 'who started it' they really ought to simply stop! Sadly the message of history is that people fail to learn it's lessons.


Mar 15, 2017
The only reason there hasn't been a rush to call this a false flag is because the attacker's name is Dan and not Abdel or Muhammad. If you guys can pretend all those other attacks have nothing to do with Islam than I can certainly pretend this one has nothing to do with it, too.

Who's pretending? We know there's an issue with people claiming to be muslim, then killing other Muslims and innocent people. This is not Islamic, Muslims don't condone these guys and Islam doesn't preach hate. If you want to come to that conclusion, I really don't care, you're an Israel sympathetic, which tells me from the get go all I need to know about your stance on these kinds of topics.

It's probably worth turning off that TV, murdoch and all the Zionist newspapers clearly convinced you Islam is the bogeyman.