God at Eventide

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The Real World. - March 17

Blessed are they that hear My Voice.

Deaf to My Voice man can so often be. Live, My children, more in the Unseen World. There, in the contemplation of Me, your whole nature becomes sensitive to My faintest whisper.

I have told you, I tell you again, the Unseen World is the real world. Realize more and more as you go through this earth-life that this is only a material-plane parenthesis. The real paragraph, chapter, Book of Life is the Spirit-Life.
This point of view will alter your idea of suffering, failure, and the work of life here. It will give you a new view of death. Birth begins the parenthesis, death closes it. Then back to real Life-History. Absorb this.

When you have done so, you will get that same idea about the various periods of your earth-life. Times of struggle; defeat; joy; failure; work; rest; success - Treat them all as parts of a parenthesis in the one Eternal Life of spiritual progress.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Joy from Sorrow. - March 18

I bind up the broken hearts with the cords wherewith men scourged Me in the Judgment Hall; with the whips of scorn wherewith Men have mocked My Love and Divinity down the ages.

Symbol, this, of the way in which, out of seeming obstacles, stepping-stones can be fashioned, and, out of trials undreamt-of, blessings can be wrought.

Share My Life with its longings and tears, with its Joys unspeakable and its heartaches beyond human description.

Share My Joy.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Through the Archway. - March 19

By the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

Obedience is the keystone of your arch of worship. On it depend your Love and Power.

Through that archway shall many pass into My Holy Place. Once therein their questing souls will pass into My Holy of Holies. Is it too much to ask of you: obedience that this may be accomplished?

Do not fret that your life is lived in lowly places. It is not to be lived to impress this earth-plane, but to be so faithful and obedient that those for whom you desire much, shall have THAT much impressed upon them on the spirit-plane.

That much, and more, than you can desire for them.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
First Place. - March 20

I do not promise My followers the world's ease and pleasures. I promise those Joys that the world can neither give nor take away.

I promise that heart-rest found with Me alone.

It does not mean that all the beauties and pleasures of the world must be renounced, but that they must be enjoyed only after the treasures and Joys of My Kingdom have been learned, appreciated and given first place.


Mar 13, 2017
Someone has already made a thread like this..

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Simplicity. - March 21

Be content to do the simple things.

Never think that if you have not the cleverness of the world I cannot use your services.

Pure sparkling wine may be in a silver goblet or in a simple glass, but, to the one who receives, it is the wine that matters, not the vessel, provided that be pure and clean.

It is My Truth that matters, not the person that utters it, provided the desire is there to deliver My Message for ME.

True simplicity is found only as you live in Me and act in my Strength; for only in our close companionship can real value be achieved.
Never accept the values of earth. Be content with simplicity.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Love's Overflow. - March 22

I desire the love of man's heart in abundant measure.

Not because God would be adored for Himself and for His Own gratification, but because I know that only as the love of man flows out to Me does man attain to his purest and best.

That rush of love, which follows the understanding and realization of My Love for man, sweetens and purifies his whole being.

"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." The Love you give to your neighbour is the overflow of your love to Me.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
Someone has already made a thread like this..
Dear Lisa, it was the other way round, A Freeman obviously started this thread last Tuesday which inspired "someone" to create a thread for the God Calling reading on Thursday, likewise starting with March 17 which is New Year's Day on Enoch's Sabbathical calendar based on a solar year. This is important information for those who want to observe God's Feasts according to Leviticus chapter 23.

Both spiritual training books belong together, the God Calling reading for the morning before you let the body get out of the bed and the God at Eventide reading at the end of the day before you give the body the evening meal.

As these times get darker by the minute it is hoped that those who have the ears to hear will find enlightenment and strengthening for the final battle between Go[o]d and [d]evil manifesting all around us.

Peace and Love.


Mar 13, 2017
Dear Lisa, it was the other way round, A Freeman obviously started this thread last Tuesday which inspired "someone" to create a thread for the God Calling reading on Thursday, likewise starting with March 17 which is New Year's Day on Enoch's Sabbathical calendar based on a solar year. This is important information for those who want to observe God's Feasts according to Leviticus chapter 23.

Both spiritual training books belong together, the God Calling reading for the morning before you let the body get out of the bed and the God at Eventide reading at the end of the day before you give the body the evening meal.

As these times get darker by the minute it is hoped that those who have the ears to hear will find enlightenment and strengthening for the final battle between Go[o]d and [d]evil manifesting all around us.

Peace and Love.
You will only find deception in those books not enlightenment. The only light that penetrates the darkness is found in the Bible, God’s inspired Word.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
You will only find deception in those books not enlightenment. The only light that penetrates the darkness is found in the Bible, God’s inspired Word.
God Calling and God at Eventide are in perfect agreement with the Scriptures.

The Bible is meant to be our GUIDE, so we are able to discern what agrees with it and what doesn't, with God's Help.

It isn't our place to judge anything or anyone by any other standard, which is exactly what you're doing by making your false and deceptive claim.


Mar 13, 2017
God Calling and God at Eventide are in perfect agreement with the Scriptures.

The Bible is meant to be our GUIDE, so we are able to discern what agrees with it and what doesn't, with God's Help.

It isn't our place to judge anything or anyone by any other standard, which is exactly what you're doing by making your false and deceptive claim.
People need no other book than the Bible for I do about God. God even tells us to not add or subtract to His word...and you are adding to it if you are saying people need to read the false stuff you and none of you are churning out.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
People need no other book than the Bible for I do about God. God even tells us to not add or subtract to His word...and you are adding to it if you are saying people need to read the false stuff you and none of you are churning out.
Nothing has being added to the Bible by posting these loving messages from our Creator, written down by Two Listeners.

On the other hand, don't you routinely and very hypocritically add to the Bible with your anti-Christ message that we don't have to obey The Law/Commandments of God?

If you don't wish to read the thread and be inspired by it, then don't read the thread.


Mar 13, 2017
Nothing has being added to the Bible by posting these loving messages from our Creator, written down by Two Listeners.

On the other hand, don't you routinely and very hypocritically add to the Bible with your anti-Christ message that we don't have to obey The Law/Commandments of God?

If you don't wish to read the thread and be inspired by it, then don't read the thread.
Only they aren’t from our creator...one must be discerning ya know! But then you are already fooled...

It’s hard to find inspiration from demons...but I‘ve done what I’ve come to do here..which is warn about the things you are posting...

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Only they aren’t from our creator...one must be discerning ya know! But then you are already fooled...

It’s hard to find inspiration from demons...but I‘ve done what I’ve come to do here..which is warn about the things you are posting...
For your master Satan. Unwittingly or otherwise.

God Bless.

None of you

Jan 17, 2020
You will only find deception in those books not enlightenment. The only light that penetrates the darkness is found in the Bible, God’s inspired Word.
There are so many ways that God chooses to speak to our souls. Think of a glorious sunset, or the song of a bird in spring, or the colourfulness of a flower meadow, or the peaceful tranquillity of a small stream, or the loving smile of a grateful person.
For many, music is also the language of God.

All these examples are not suitable for discussion. They are very personal experiences that you can have once you have opened your spiritual eyes and ears. Open-mindedness is a key factor, of course.

Flesh and blood will not reveal unto us what God wishes to express and which ways He chooses, but only our Father which is in heaven - Matthew 16:17. Conviction must be of the heart, so you cannot simply judge these books without knowing them.


Mar 13, 2017
There are so many ways that God chooses to speak to our souls. Think of a glorious sunset, or the song of a bird in spring, or the colourfulness of a flower meadow, or the peaceful tranquillity of a small stream, or the loving smile of a grateful person.
How does God use those things to speak to our souls?
Why not read the Bible if you want to know about God?

All these examples are not suitable for discussion. They are very personal experiences that you can have once you have opened your spiritual eyes and ears. Open-mindedness is a key factor, of course.
God tells us that..
Romans‬ ‭10:17‬ ‭
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.​

No open mindedness needed but faith.

Flesh and blood will not reveal unto us what God wishes to express and which ways He chooses, but only our Father which is in heaven - Matthew 16:17. Conviction must be of the heart, so you cannot simply judge these books without knowing them.
They aren’t the Bible..therefore not inspired by God and I’ve heard they were inspired by demons instead..one must be careful about what one reads and believes in...God’s word warns us not to be deceived because many deceivers have gone out into the world.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
There are so many ways that God chooses to speak to our souls. Think of a glorious sunset, or the song of a bird in spring, or the colourfulness of a flower meadow, or the peaceful tranquillity of a small stream, or the loving smile of a grateful person.
For many, music is also the language of God.

All these examples are not suitable for discussion. They are very personal experiences that you can have once you have opened your spiritual eyes and ears. Open-mindedness is a key factor, of course.

Flesh and blood will not reveal unto us what God wishes to express and which ways He chooses, but only our Father which is in heaven - Matthew 16:17. Conviction must be of the heart, so you cannot simply judge these books without knowing them.
Beautifully said, thank-you.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
No Personalities. - March 23

Deal with each difficulty as you must.

Then live above it. Say, "In Him I Conquered."

The fight is ever between you and evil, never between you and another. Never make it a personal matter.

If you are fighting with the weapons of the world (Satan's) - envy, resentment, anger - you cannot use those of My Kingdom - Prayer, Love, Peace - which would give you a God-given conquering strength.

It is the endeavour to call both God and mammon to your aid that makes for lack of success. The world looks on in scornful pity, and My followers themselves doubt and wonder.

So often they do not see their own error, but attribute to suffering for My Sake that which may not be according to My Will.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
If it Offends - - March 24

Question yourself as to your weakness. What caused your failure? To continue to bemoan your folly is in itself a weakness. My followers must be strong, not in themselves, but in Me.

The look at 'Self', however penitent, cannot give strength.

Look unto Me, and, whatever the seeming sacrifice, be ruthless with what hindered or caused you to fall.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Sift Your Motives. - March 25

Walk in My Ways. Follow the path I have bidden you tread.

Humble yourselves before Me, and keep My Laws, so shall you have perfect peace.

I am with you to give you the needed strength. Go forward unafraid. Grow in Grace, and in the knowledge of Me, your Master and your Friend. Count all the learning of earth's wisest as nothing, compared with the Wisdom that I, your Lord, would show you.

Love and learn. You have much, very much to do for My Kingdom. So seek to become perfect. Sift your motives. All that is unworthy cast aside, uproot its inner growth.

You are freely forgiven. Forgive freely, largely, wonderfully.