Illuminating History: from Weishaupt to Marx

Apr 13, 2017
It's been over 7 years since I posted this one on a Vigilant forum. After my blog having expired, VC forums having been deleted entirely unannounced and a computer crash which wiped clean everything I had backed up, by some miracle I was able to find this hidden away deep within an external hard drive. So here it is, more pertinent than ever in this day and age of socio-economic and cultural warfare, an impending New World Order and the infamous Illuminati boogeymen whose absence in conspiracy theories have become unthinkable, divided into chapters since it's quite a lot of literature. It'll revolve mainly around the French Revoution and the machinations of the Bavarian Illuminati or the "Enlightened" behind the subversion. I've tried to hyperlink and source as much as I can, but let it be known that most of the information here stems from French sources and is often personally translated into English. I apologize for any shortcomings in this regard.


“Liberty and Equality are the essential rights that man in his original and primitive perfection received from nature. Property struck the first blow at Equality; political Society, or Governments, were the first oppressors of Liberty; the supporters of Governments and property are the religious and civil laws; therefore, to reinstate man in his primitive rights of Equality and Liberty, we must begin by destroying all Religion, all civil society, and finish by the destruction of all property.” – Adam Weishaupt according to Augustin Barruel in Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, 1798.​
“A specter is haunting Europe - the specter of communism.” - Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto, Chapter 1.​
Karl Marx with the hand of Jahbulon​

“… the French Revolution gave rise to ideas which led beyond the ideas of the entire old world order. The revolutionary movement which began in 1789 in the Cercle Social, which in the middle of its course had as its chief representatives Leclerc and Roux, and which finally with Babeuf’s conspiracy was temporarily defeated, gave rise to the communist idea which Babeuf’s friend Buonarroti re-introduced in France after the Revolution of 1830. This idea, consistently developed, is the idea of the new world order.”The Holy Family by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, 1844.

Here we read a summary of the “illuminist” origins of revolutionary communism and the New World Order.


The purpose here is not to exculpate the monarchy and the excesses of past nobility, but to denounce a cast of cosmopolitan bankers and revolutionaries, their responsibility and instrumentalization of the misery of the pre-revolutionary people of France, and their totalitarian project with which they not only sought to replace kings, but the very place of God.

Conspiracy theories: a derogatory trash concept used to avoid the debate by categorically disqualifying any disturbing alternative theories and their adherents.

To avoid being accused as conspiracy theoreticians, those who expose unspoken parts of official history often specify that they don’t see conspiracies everywhere, and they especially distance themselves from a certain infamous conspiracy theory connecting the dots between the Illuminati, the French Revolution, Marxism and the New World Order. That’s … unfortunate.

It’s strangely for this specific theory concerning the Bavarian Illuminati that terms like “conspiracy theories” were forged. In reality, in face of the evidence we possess, we wonder if it wouldn’t be more sensible to prescribe tranquillizers to the hysterical critics of this conspiracy theory, and to have official history be put in question entirely. The proofs, too many to be ignored, are pushing towards change of the dominant discourse which gradually shifts from “the Bavarian Illuminati are a pure phantasm of paranoiacs” to “yes, they existed, but what difference does it make?” and eventually arrive at “yes, the Bavarian Illuminati are at the origins of Communism and the New World Order and have therefore contributed to the happiness of the human race!”

Various websites speak of the Bavarian Illuminati but often base their stories on conspiracy literature, which doesn’t really allow the reader to form his own opinion. The real pieces of evidence are kept in the archives of the Grand Orient de France, the biggest Masonic lodge on the European continent, to which we lack direct access. However, elements provided to us by encyclopedias, notably the Encyclopédie de la Franc-Maçonnerie and Encyclopédie Universalis, enables an unquestionable judgment that will be largely supplemented by what Marxists themselves have retained from their own history.

The causes of the French Revolution are multiple, contradictory and intertwined. The Bavarian Illuminati are but the device of a totalitarian project among other equally present revolutionary tendencies. To become blind, as some have, to the simplicity of this totalitarian project clearly visible in the roots of the revolution and pretend that the French Revolution sprung from the misery of “this people lying in the dust, like poor Job” as contended by French historian Jules Michelet in History of the French Revolution, is a downright misleading reduction long denied by Albert Mathiez and Albert Soboul, two acclaimed historians, in spite of their communist persuasions.

The weight of the rising bourgeoisie - “A new distribution of wealth opens the way to a new distribution of power”, after the proclamation of Antoine Barnave, bourgeois Protestant and one of the drafters of the Rules of the Jacobin Club – and the contrast between the Nobles of the Robe and the Nobles of the Sword are generally known, but a better understanding of the causes should include for example the role of England with its network of bankers who dreamed of creating a “Bank of France” in the image of the Bank of England they already had, networks of bankers and speculators who had approached the court; the role of the Jansenists; the relevance of Masonic cabals and their so-called “clubs de réflexion”, similar to modern think tanks: … all vital components that lead to a better understanding of this period.

Let's dive into them!

1. The Hunger Riots

The Hunger Riots
Premisse of the French Revolution?

hunger riots.jpg

That there were popular revolts against the inflated prices of bread, called the Flour War, is not being disputed. But unlike the official historical narrative, these revolts were not in opposition to the King or the monarchy, but against the establishment of a free market system, the triumph of speculators who had grown close to the court and to Turgot’s Edict of September 13, 1774 which established the liberalization of grain trade. This liberalization broke with the royal principle which required of the king to ensure the safety of his subjects and their food supply and quickly led to grain markets being drained by greedy hoarders in order to produce bread, then taken elsewhere under the disbelieving eyes of worried mothers, to be sold at higher prices. The prospect these empty markets gave, promising mothers that their sons and daughters wouldn’t survive the coming winter, will be the cause of what will become more or less the only genuine and spontaneous revolts of this period, revolts that will lead to the Flour War which was a lucidly led uprising against liberalism, against “hoarders” and “monopolists”, not against the King or the Church. It would thus be a misinterpretation to solely look for the roots of the French Revolution in these revolts against the liberalization of the price of bread, since the revolution will demand and impose, from the moment of its inception, this liberalization of the price of bread and prices in general.

Speculation on grain was forbidden in the kingdom of France before the abolition of the grain police by the Edict of Turgot, whose duty consisted of ensuring that grain products were passed at the right price from the producer to the people in priority without interference of speculators or hoarders. To justify speculation on grain which would starve the people and get rid of all annoying moral obstructions, the first liberal theories came to life with the Physiocrats, in the wake of the Enlightenment and the fathers of liberalism. (Physiocrats whom we would’ve loved to see explain their theories in front of empty markets facing a bereft crowd of hungry parents with hungry children …)

Following the economic liberalization put in place by the “Enlightened” from the beginning of the French Revolution, almost all people started suffering from the high cost of living: pensioners, artisans, small businessmen, urban workers, rural labourers, … all demanding or hoping for the return of the regulation of subsistence, the return of a maximum price on grain imposed by the regime.

The Jacobins, even The Mountain (Montagnards), more “left-wing” than the Jacobins, took their time to question this new economic freedom and accept this “maximum” price cap as demanded first by Jacques Roux the “Mad” (after his group of left-wing radicals called Enragés (“madmen”)) under popular pressure. Jacques Roux, champion of the cause of the sans-culottes, the proto-communists according to most Marxists, was accused of being a foreign agent and ended up committing suicide in prison with no more than the guillotine to look forward to. This accusation directed at Jacques Roux, a charge we might have expected coming from bourgeoisie fearing for their wealth, may seem unfounded if it wasn’t for the man who vigorously accused him and eventually sent him to prison, no other than Robespierre himself, whose reputation as “the Incorruptible” has remained virtually untainted.

The image of Robespierre sending proto-communist Jacques Roux to the gallows raises the question of ownership of the character of Robespierre by communists as well as the oblivion of these communists of some of their authentic roots. We’ll see which.

It’s now clearly established that the followers of the program of Jacques Roux, the Hébertists, against whom Robespierre adamantly opposed himself, had connections with international finance which sought to radicalize the revolution bolstered by the people. The Hébertists, called ‘les exagerés’ during the revolution, fanatical atheists, would institute their hatred of Christianity as part of the revolutionary movement with the de-Christianization of France, the massacres of the Vendée. They are also behind the Law of Suspects and consequently the Reign of Terror. The Hébertists (Exaggerators), among others, would obtain the return to the regulation of bread prices following the food riot at Etampes where Jacobin mayor Simonneau was killed (1792). This regulation of subsistence called ‘la loi du maximum général’ (law of general maximum), pride of the leftists nostalgic of the revolution, had nothing revolutionary at all, since, as we have seen, it already existed during the Ancien Régime prior to the revolution.

Somewhat later, in September 1793, the law of general maximum would be put to a vote: price limits on all first necessity goods are established. These limits correspond to the price in 1790 increased by one third. But the cap is coupled to a maximum wage: equal to those of 1790 increased by half, which accounted for a decline of 30 to 50 percent of wages during the implementation of the general maximum! In reality, the revolutionary government did not apply strict price caps on food, despite Robespierre, but on the contrary rigorously applied maximum limits on wages which earned this same Robespierre to be welcomed upon his march towards the scaffold with cries sounding “Foutre le maximum!” (F*** the maximum!)

Robespierre on his way to the guillotine​

2. The Royal Palace

The Royal Palace

To further examine and better comprehend the revolution it would be interesting to get acquainted with some aspects of the Royal Palace called Le Palais-Royal, rarely highlighted or sometimes completely ignored by historians of the revolution.

They aren’t scarce, history’s mentions of pre-revolutionary France concerning infernal orgies, overflowing banquets, binge drinking, the outrageous signs of affluence while people lived in misery, starved in the streets. The most scandalous displays of wealth actually took place every day in the Palais-Royal, a city on its own within Paris. At nightfall, banquets gave way to sexual orgies involving the most “sophisticated” members of the Palais-Royal. These endless carousing orgies were well known by the people and received with disgust, all very true. But often overlooked by many a reader is that the Palais-Royal no longer belonged to the King of France (who resided at Versailles during that time) but to one of his worst enemies, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient de France and central figure of the revolution: the Duke of Orléans.

Duc d' Orléans.jpg
Duc d'Orléans Council at the Palais-Royal​

We could look at the history of the Palais-Royal from a never discussed perspective: the Palais-Royal and the descent of Madame de Montespan. This angle of approach could be historically insignificant, but it’s not forbidden to take it into account.

In 1692, King Louis XIV gave the Palais-Royal to the Duke of Chartres, his nephew Philippe II, son of Philippe of Orléans, to offset the humiliation of being forced to marry Mademoiselle de Blois, a.k.a. Françoise Marie de Bourbon, the youngest legitimized daughter of the king and his chief mistress Madame de Montespan. Montespan was the king’s favourite with whom he had seven children. She appeared to be getting her way with the King up until 1680 and the Affair of the Poisons revealing the existence of a huge Satanic network that had infiltrated the court and church, a network involving poisoning, witchcraft, black masses and child sacrifice. To try the accused of this scandal, the king had re-established the Chambre Ardente (burning chamber), a special court traditionally used for the trials of heretics, held in a dark room draped in black, lit only by candles and torches. The Lieutenant General of Police of Paris, Nicolas de la Reynie, informed the king that the most relevant testimonies accused Madame de Montespan of having participated in black masses to receive the blessings of the king upon her and their illegitimate children. During these black masses Montespan uttered Christian prayers in reverse while lying naked on a table, with satanic priest Étienne Guibourg standing over her, slitting the throat of an infant whilst invoking the demons Ashmedai and Astaroth.

Black mass.jpg
A Black Mass, inversion of the Catholic Mass​

To prevent this affair from going public, the king dissolved the burning chamber again before the accusers of Montespan could be tried. Louis XIV decided this case to remain in an “eternal oblivion” and in 1709 ordered to burn before his eyes the 'twenty-nine big packages of various records', records and police reports that he had been holding onto in a chest since 1682. Louis XIV had the remaining embarrassing accused locked up by 'lettre de cachet' (royal warrants), but Montespan wasn’t worried. The king simply distanced himself from her while continuing to visit to see his children, whom were thus left to Montespan’s care and therefore subject to her education and passing of her values.

Later at the Palais-Royal, which had actually become the Palace of the Orléans, Françoise Marie de Bourbon (Mademoiselle de Blois), daughter of Montespan, proudly wore the nickname “Mrs. Lucifer”. One may wonder if this nickname was in fact given to her by her husband, Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, simply to tease her, as written by historians. The fact remains that the descent of Louis XIV was at the origin of a very serious crisis for French royalty: almost all legitimate descendants of King Louis XIV had died to which he decided to strengthen the royal family by an edict of July 29, 1714, which gave the right of succession to two of his legitimate sons he had with Montespan. The king was no doubt only concerned with ensuring the kingdom to his descendants, but this incredible decision which created the possibility for two sons of Montespan to become King of France, wishes pronounced by Montespan to the demon Ashmedai would have gone fulfilled … if parliament hadn’t reversed this edict after the death of the king.

That is how a few decades later, during the French Revolution, we naturally find the direct descent of Montespan in the Palais-Royal together with its owner, the new Duke of Orléans who would eventually name himself Philippe Égalité. This “bastard” descendant of Louis XIV and Montespan, deprived of royalty by parliament, finds himself “very concentrated” in the Palais-Royal, since his mother and father, as well as the mother and father of his wife (who is the richest heiress in France), are all four grandchildren of Montespan! Philippe “Equality” is very concentrated Montespan-juice indeed.

Despite having become one of the richest men of France after the death of his father and due to his marriage, the Duke of Orléans became heavily indebted to a point where he restored order in his finances by surrounding the gardens of the Palais-Royal with shops for rent, luxury stores, especially jewelry and clockwork. It is said that this is the true birthplace of the typical restaurant with à la carte menus. Stock markets were installed attracting international financiers and speculators. Gambling houses were so numerous that the Palais-Royal resembled one large casino. Orgies and drinking bouts were infinite. The top floors of the Palais-Royal housed an army of prostitutes who descended in the evening, easily making a living from the enormous amounts of money flowing through it.

Philippe “Equality”, officially named Louis Philippe II of Orléans, equally became the first Grand Master of the Grand Orient de France, which brings us to the following anecdote provided for our own pleasure and those interested: the Freemasons claim descent from Tubal-cain, related to Ashmedai, the demon summoned by Montespan, demon of fortune, gambling and prostitution.

With Philippe of Orléans, the Palais-Royal quickly became a hotbed of agitation by hosting the most radical revolutionary clubs, the most leftist of the revolution as we will see. It is precisely at this Palais-Royal where Camille Desmoulins, journalist and politician, harangued the crowds (in reality no more than renters and clients of the Palais-Royal) on July 12, 1789, and prompted the march towards the infamous Bastille on July 14, 1789, with people carrying the busts of the Duke of Orléans and banker Jacques Necker at the head of the procession. The Duke himself heavily speculated on grain, contributing, causing even, famine in Paris and we find him next in the middle of the crowd of the October March complaining about the high prices and scarcity of bread, an event described as the great march of the starving women of Paris, but was in reality surrounded by prostitutes and transvestites from the Palais-Royal paid for by the Duke himself. What a travesty!

October March, concubines marching on Versailles

In the news edition of Journal de Paris of February 22, 1793, the Duke had declared to part with Freemasonry, disappointed by its lies and secrets: “I was attached to Freemasonry which offered an image of equality, as I was attached to parliament which offered an image of liberty. I have since traded this phantom for reality … Since I do not know how the Grand Orient is made up and since I also believe mysteries or secret assemblies have no place in a Republic, especially at the beginning of its establishment, I no longer wish to involve myself with anything of the Grand Orient, nor any assemblies of Freemasons.”

This statement was met with bitter cold and followed by the 'Masonic degradation of citizen Equality by having him resign and stripped of his title of Grand Master.' The Duke of Orléans was guillotined that same year.

3. The Financiers of the Revolution

Financiers of the Revolution

The most tragicomic denial of reality by the left in face of mounting evidence is the one that denies the facts linking the birth of the Revolution, and subsequently its most radical elements, with high finance. Discussions about the French Revolution prior to the existence of the internet with history enthusiasts, all armed with the sole knowledge available at the time, ie. commercial literature, rarely, if not ever, included some of the most dim characters and shady actors of this revolution, and their names were often completely unknown.

International bankers perpetually operating from the shadows have no need to codify a pyramid scheme like the Illuminati had to. A pyramid scheme comes natural to them: the more the banker becomes important or the closer we get to a financial source, the less we hear about the banker/financier in question. The same is true for the French Revolution, which had its share of international networks of bankers hidden in the shadows of one particular man: Isaac Panchaud.

Isaac Panchaud the Banker

A reoccurring pattern and implacable logic is systematically verified in the history of revolutions for over two centuries: when the most powerful financial player, ie. the international bank, ends up achieving the creation and obtaining the control of the biggest wealth creation device imaginable in the country in revolution, namely the central bank and the creation of money, the revolution ends. The French Revolution was no different.

Isaac Panchaud, a Swiss banker, close with the Physiocrats, big grain speculator and admirer of the financial reformations in England following the Glorious Revolution (Panchaud also had the English nationality), would become the counselor of and bridge between, on one hand, all of France’s ministers of Finance under Louis XVI, from Turgot to Perregaux through Necker, Calonne et al … and on the other hand a network of international bankers of which he himself was an important pawn. In 1776, Isaac Panchaud relied on Turgot’s connections to create a discount bank, Caisse d’Escompte, the predecessor of the Bank of France, except that this bank did not yet have the lever to limitless wealth: the right to coin money.

It’s due to this bank, where he introduced his network of international bankers, that Isaac Panchaud would push the finance minister Calonne to borrow more and more expensive than any of his predecessors, which would plummet France into unsustainable debt while making the fortunes of his fellow cosmopolitan bankers swell. This excessive borrowing of minister Calonne had cost the state of France so dearly that, according to historian Louis Blanc (1811-1882), the purpose of it all was to bankrupt the monarchy in order to coerce parliament and privileged members of society to accept radical reforms made to the country’s economic and financial structures.

Finance Minister Jacques Necker (who also made his fortune speculating on grain), consistently supported by the network of bankers introduced in the Caisse d’Escompte by Isaac Panchaud, continues to ruin the country by convincing the king to finance the American War of Independence through loans at high interest rates because state credit was still at a low level. It is estimated that American Revolutionary War was the most expensive in the history of France with a total cost of nearly one billion French livre, but Necker assured the king its finance was possible without increasing taxes. On the eve of the French Revolution, half of the state’s budget would be devoted to reimbursing the debts accumulated during the American Revolution. On July 11, 1789, Louis XVI, perhaps as a last effort, dismissed Jacques Necker.

It wouldn’t be long before Isaac Panchaud’s network of bankers reacted: On July 12, 1789, Camille Desmoulins, close to the Duke of Orléans, and via Mirabeau close to Panchaud, mobilizes the masses and initiates the Revolution in a famous speech at the Palais-Royal against Necker’s dismissal.

Camille Desmoulins at the Palais-Royal​

The storming of the Bastille came in close succession. It is from here on that we must pay closely attention to the following creature of Isaac Panchaud: another banker who went by the name of Jean-Fréderic Perregaux.

Perregaux received financial assistance from Isaac Panchaud to found his own bank in association with, to a lesser extent, fellow banker Jean-Albert Gumpelzheimer. Immediately following Necker’s dismissal, Perregaux would assume an important role in the Revolution: he will be seen handing out guns to passersby to take the Bastille.

Perregaux, who never displayed his actual opinions, never published articles in the press, would nonetheless become the banker of the most extreme left-wing revolutionaries, the Hébertists, the so-called representatives of the sans-culottes, champions of the de-Christianization of France. He became the banker of the Committee of Public Safety and could also be found in the finance committee of the National Constituent Assembly together with his cosmopolitan banker friends (Boyd and Ker, Cottin, Le Couteulx, Delessert, Boscary, Jauge, Girardot, Greffuhle and Montz, etc.).

It’s this same Perregaux who financed the coup of 18 Brumaire, bringing Napoleon to power to which he received in return the right to establish the Bank of France in 1800, built entirely on private funds. This bank where Perregaux would become governor, obtained on April 14, 1803, the hallucinating privilege of issuing currency with the penalty of death for all counterfeiters. The international bankers had finally achieved their goal and this period is generally regarded as the end of the revolution.

This truly makes one wonder: by what kind of sorcery does a nation agree to hand over the creation of money to private banks until its own total demise, the ruin of its children’s futures, to the point of being ashamed, not for having been scammed into the most grotesque of all deceptions, but for not being able to pay off the interests of the debt created by this abhorrent scam?! It doesn’t take a genius in economics or math to understand that such a system where the nation must borrow money from private banks in order to carry out public works and services, creates a mass of monetary assets that always ends up in the pockets of the private money lenders to whom this money belongs, with as absurd result that the people of a nation, after having built, by the sweat of their brows, the strength of their arms, hospitals, schools, bridges, roads, et al … must pay back more than what they have built themselves! And not just once, but the whole nation is forced to repay up to three, four, five times its own achievements!

But as long as we react like cattle, we are but livestock. The international bankers are aware and have since long aspired to manage the world as if it were a farm, by a much more radical and totalitarian project. The Bavarian Illuminati were charged with laying the foundations for this project.
Last edited:
Apr 13, 2017
4. The Bavarian Illuminati

The Bavarian Illuminati

The influence of the Bavarian Illuminati on the radical players of the revolution, materialists and ultra-rationalists, and the affiliation to the Bavarian Illuminati of what we call ‘revolutionary communism’ is since recently (we’ll see why recently) clearly confirmed, something which we will demonstrate by relying primarily, as announced, on the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and the Encyclopedia Universalis.

The Encyclopédie de la Franc-Maçonnerie (pocket edition) is written by a group of international authors including English, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese and French experts. It comprises contributions of organizations dedicated to Masonic research, particularly Quator Coronati Lodge No. 2076, the Institute for Masonic Research and Studies, the museum of the Grand Orient de France, writings of Villard de Honnecourt and Points de Vue Initiatigues. For France specifically, it relies on professors and researchers from the universities of Poitiers, Rouen, Aix, Toulouse, Le Havre, Paris North, the French West Indies and Guiana, Artois and the Ecole pratique des hautes études.

Serious stuff.

To begin, we will let the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry introduce the Bavarian Illuminati, highlighting key points to keep in mind for the remainder of this essay.

The Bavarian Illuminati

(extracts from the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, pg. 417)​

The infamous society known as the Illuminati of Bavaria was founded on May 1st, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. This former Jesuit pupil drawn in by the culture of Enlightenment, Professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt, has attempted to conceive an effective instrument for battle against religious obscurantism in a very Catholic Bavaria.
His association claims nothing from Freemasonry which he observes with a certain disdain. It is presented in a pyramidal fashion and under control of Weishaupt himself who bears the title of General.
Only the directors of the society know its secrets and the materialistic, anticlerical intentions thereof.
At the base, the recruits called “Apprentices”, form a “Colony”, and are compelled for a probationary period of approximately two years to a rigid discipline, ordered to take an oath engaging their complete discretion on the Order.
The first steps of the Order proved difficult, conflicts of authority erupted because of the violent temperament of its founder and serious financial problems hindering its development. Until 1780, its influence remained confined within Bavaria itself and recruitment numbers, with but a few dozen members, were insufficient.
To enlarge his audience among those he called the “rich and powerful nobles”, Weishaupt decided to find inspiration in the wealth of Freemasonry. Behind his indifference and contempt for Masonry lies a desire to take advantage of Masonic rituals and ceremonies and infiltrate certain German lodges. Hiding behind the mask of Freemasonry would be a convenient method to spread anti-clerical propaganda.
The major turning point arrived soon with the rallying of Baron Adolph von Knigge. This Hannoveran deist joined the Illuminati in November 1780. He quickly seemed to have become Weishaupt’s most serious rival. Knigge, Freemason since 1773, was the architect of a more complex organization consisting of three classes.
Adolph Knigge with the hand of Jahbulon​

The top, the third class called the Mysteries, is reserved for the association’s elite and allows the “illuminated” access to the secrets of the order. It is divided into two sections with the Lesser Mysteries (Priest, Prince or Regent) and the Greater Mysteries (Magus or King). Egalitarian and rationalistic ideas were overtly exhibited. So an 'enlightened masonry' was born, ideologically tiered and progressively accessible by the confidant.
The philosophical principles set out by Knigge, inspired by Rousseau’s thinking and built on their ideal of asceticism, advocate the return of man to his natural state. In fact, the Order of the Illuminati hopes to take advantage of the crisis in German Freemasonry in order to revitalize it with its own views.
It also envisions the creation of a renewed Masonic institution and on October 25, 1782, a Provincial Grand Lodge is constituted.
Knigge develops a manifesto calling upon all German lodges to accept a common ritual and code. The society of the Illuminati is at its peak, extending into the Rhineland, Austria and Switzerland. This is where Weishaupt starts to dream of federating the large majority of German lodges under his authority. We hear him say: “I dream of establishing a system of confederate lodges … It is in our greatest interest to establish an eclectic system within Freemasonry … We will have all that we want …” (Letter of January 1st, 1783).
But a conflict disrupts the order because the founder of the Illuminati seeks to remain the only master on board and rejects the growing role held by Knigge in the society. The pretext of this controversy was the ritual of the Illuminati grades developed by Knigge. It reminded him too much of Catholic liturgy.
Accused by Weishaupt of “religious fanaticism”, Knigge withdraws from the Order in April 1784 and publishes a justificatory memoir, dismissively condemning the anti-clerical ideas of the leader of the Enlightened and most Areopagites. (the Areopagites were members of Adam Weishaupt's 'supreme council', his elite companions)
However, the outbreak of the French Revolution gives a second life to this secret society, only this time as far as historiography is concerned.
Jean-Pierre Louis de Luchet de la Roche du Maine, Marquis of Luchet (Essai sur la secte des Illuminés, 1789), worried about German influence brought to France by Masonic sociability, already denounced that European Masonry was controlled by an occult power in charge of the Illuminists who had their minds set on French lodges. The legend of the conspiracy of the Illuminati, predecessors of the Jacobins and even the Babouvists, becomes thus a masterpiece in the demonstrations of counter-revolutionary theoreticians.
Barruel would depict the Illuminati as the instigators of a true conspiracy against the society of the Ancien Régime. The Illuminati earned an unmerited reputation of a revolutionary society: they are permanently related to the architects of hidden lodges that would become, according to the Jesuit [Barruel], those responsible for the Revolution.
The journey of Bode to Paris in 1787 in response to an alarming call of the Philaléthes does the rest … even if the presence of only two Illuminati members at the Convention, Bode and von dem Bussche, renders difficult to believe the theory of a plot capable of toppling thrones. The unflagging interest of many masonologists and historians in the society of Weishaupt made it possible to resituate more accurately the reality of the Illuminati’s actions. If the conspiracy theory which explains the overthrow of the throne must then be rejected, we now know that the Illuminati marked quite a few points after Bode’s journey. The latter, a skillful proselyte, ushered “important” men like Savalette de Langes or Tassin of Étang into the Order; but above all laid the foundation of a French arm of the Illuminati known as the Philadelphians.
The fact still remains that Weishaupt was not able to find the necessary resources to realize a project reflecting his inordinate ambitions, even if the structure he put in place was not without inspiring many secret organizations of the 19th century like those brought to life by Buonarroti.
- Encyclopedia of Freemasonry​

To specify: “… we now know that the Illuminati marked quite a few points after Bode’s journey … [he] laid the foundation of a French arm of the Illuminati known as the Philadelphians”, refers to an event that critics of conspiracy theories don’t shout from the rooftops: the recent release of the Russian archives, which are in fact Masonic archives from France seized during the German occupation in WWII and then taken and held by the Russians until the year 2000, containing evidence of secret agreements, denounced by Barruel, between the Philalethes and the Bavarian Illuminati through their emissary Johann Joachim Christoph Bode. We now know that these accords resulted in the creation of a back-lodge, the French version of the Bavarian Illuminati: the lodge of Philadelphians.

The same reference on these recent findings confirming these secret agreements is made by this encyclopedia on the subject of Barruel himself:

The fact remains that Barruel was informed, in spite of the amalgams and simplifications in his work, and the judgments made on him ought to be put up for review. It is clear that the contradictory actions of Freemasons do not explain the Revolution. Nevertheless, we now know that it’s true that in the movement of the Philaléthes, a hidden lodge had been formed in 1787 that wanted to duke it out with the monarchy. When we realize that this lodge was rooted in the lodge Amis Réunis, which gathered all senior representatives of the monarchical state apparatus, we should at least give it some thought.

Medaillon of the lodge Amis Réunis
with the Tetragrammaton in the middle​

The encyclopedia equally specifies on Johann Bode, emissary of the Bavarian Illuminati:

During his travels in Germany and France, Bode uplifts the spirits, as in Strasbourg in 1787 and recruits new members. Invited to participate by the Philalethes at the Convent of Paris of 1787, he arrives in June against his will, too late. His meetings with Savalette of Langes and key members of the Philalethes proved, however, rich and fruitful. They lead, as evidenced by Bode’s “Journal de voyage” [travel diary], to the founding of a secret nucleus of Philadelphes, French equivalent of the German Illuminaten (Bavarian Illuminati).
We will nonetheless retain of this second convent of Wilhelmsbad the long memory of Bode, member of the Order of the Illuminaten, that is to say, on the rationalist and radical fringes of German masonry and especially, the creation of a secret lodge (the Philadelphes) no longer devoted to the search for the philosopher’s stone, but decided to work for the good of mankind in the spirit of Enlightenment. Analyzed in political terms, this Convent is presented as the taking over by the Grand Orient of Freemasonry and its involvement in the revolutionary process. It is additionally significant that in January 1789, the Philaléthes suggested the resumption of the last Convent because of the convocation of the Estates General!

One of the principal arguments of critics of the conspiracy theory saying that the Bavarian Illuminati could not have realized their ambitions in France, due to Bode’s late arrival at the Convent of Wilhelmsbad, no longer holds true because we now know that Bode realized a goal of huge importance for the Bavarian Illuminati, the implementation of a secret lodge in the heart of the French state apparatus, initiating Freemasonry’s commitment in the Revolution.

Besides, the argument of Bode’s delay is as relevant as saying that the United States could not impose its plans on France because Barack Obama had missed his flight.

5. The French Illuminati

“Deceived people, or those who could be, learn that there is a conjuration in favor of despotism against liberty, of incapacity against talent, of vice against virtue, of ignorance against light! It was formed in the heart of the thickest darkness, a society of new beings who know each other without being seen, who understand each other without explanation, who help each other without friendship. This society aims to rule to the world, …” - Essai sur la Secte des Illuminés by Jean-Pierre-Louis de Luchet, 1789.

The Piladelphes

After having taken control of Freemasonry in the Rhineland and Austria, the Bavarian Illuminati creep into the heart of French masonry by creating the secret lodge of Philadelphes planted upon the lodge of Amis Réunis, which gathered all senior representatives of the French monarchy. The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry offers us very significant details concerning the lodge Amis Réunis:

This is one of Paris’ most prestigious lodges from 1771 to 1891; it was founded by the Garde du Trésor Royal Savallette of Langes. Based initially in Rumigny, a small village in Thiérache, by a magistrate of the Parliament of Paris exiled by Chancellor Maupeou, the lodge settles permanently in Paris in 1773. Savalette of Langes would turn the Amis Réunis into the cenacle of worldly cosmopolitan masonry by the end of the Age of Reason.
But the specificity of the Amis Réunis is the substantial number of its members who belong to the financial world: 37% of the lodge, or 84 members, are in fact businessmen. There are no fewer than 15 bankers and racketeers, 13 receiver generals, 7 farmer generals, 7 treasurer generals including those of the navy and warfare, 4 paymaster generals, 19 members of the Court of Finances in Paris, 7 senior officials of the Royal Treasury, and finally, 11 brothers who deal with public finances. On the eve of the Revolution, the houses of the Amis Réunis has the highest concentration of financiers.

The proximity between high finance and the Enlightened advocating the search for human happiness by the abolition of superstitions (religions) is confirmed. This means one of two things: either most of the major bankers genuinely had everyone’s happiness in mind (sounds familiar; today we call them philantropists), or happiness for all is but a pretext to establish a world dominated and ruled by the banks. Although the first proposition looks like a bad joke, it’s nonetheless what we are being told and sold by people like French-Jewish “intellectual” Jacques Attali, who reminds us that lending money at interest is the highest form of charity, and that Jerusalem would be the elegant and natural capital of the New World Order. Bad joke or not, we’re splitting our sides (as we await the great catastrophe).

To establish the connection between the Philadelphes and the birth of Communism, which won’t take long, one just has to discover the most important revolutionary agent of the Philadelphes, with whom the history of revolutionary communism begins. His hard work will extend the influence of the Illuminati throughout France and Italy and weave a web of networks spreading their influence to pretty much all of Europe by creating lodges, or infiltrating already existing secret societies.

Philippe Buonarotti


Extracts from the Encyclopédie Universalis and Encyclopédie de la Franc-Maçonnerie on this man:

A Freemason, he is affiliated with the Bavarian Illuminati (whose rationalist, political and social orientations were the most advanced amongst masonic or paramasonic currents). Enthused by the Revolution, he rushes to France and goes propagating the spirit of revolution in Corsica. Expelled from Corsica (where he studied systems of property, with a special interest for collective ownership), he traveled to Tuscany (where he was imprisoned for a while); he returns to Corsica and finds himself in Paris in 1793 after the victory of the Paolists. Robespierre, who estimates him highly and admits him into his circle of familiars, charges him with the task of forming revolutionary agitators for Italy. The activists he shaped in a kind of school frame on the border of Nice will prove their value in the subsequent years.
- Encyclopédie Universalis 2005​

Buonarottian secret societies, very hierarchical, only reveal their true objectives to members of the supreme body who set the course of action to which all followers obey.
- Encyclopédie de la Franc-Maçonnerie​

Under the guise of Freemasonry (he sequentially founds, among others, the lodges of the Sublimes Maîtres Parfaits and the French Carbonari), he relentlessly organizes the networks of secret societies across France and Italy, and even all over Europe, without ever losing sight of the Babouvist ideal of egalitarian communism. As the bridge between Italy and France, bridge between Robespierre’s democratic revolution and Babeuf’s social one, bridge between the old masonry of Enlightenment and Carbonarism of which he was one of the creators and leaders, bridge between the revolution of the 18th century and the one of the 19th (his encounter will have a decisive influence on the young Blanqui, by the admission of the latter), Buonarotti is the very type of these semi-obscure people who facilitate a great future. Changing residence at the discretion of the police who is better evaded going from Geneva to Brussels and from Brussels to Paris (where he dies), he is additionally the first to truly launch the type of profession which the 20th century will make us familiar with: that of the professional revolutionary.
In 1808, Buonarotti founds the Masonic lodge Sublimes Maîtres Parfaits which will become a breeding ground for young revolutionaries and is constituted as international Carbonarism. Supervision of this society is formed by “territorial deacons” and “mobile deacons”. Members, necessarily equipped with the first three grades of symbolic Masonry, bear the titles “Adelphes” and “Philadelphes”. Each group or “Church”, is run by a “Sage Président de Réunions” and an “Astre Vice-Président des Réunions”. It also consists of “Synods” and “Academies” where we find “Consuls” and “Perfect Masons”.
In 1787, Buonarroti publishes the universal Gazette which allows him to diffuse his progressive ideas; he will equally found and publish L’amico della liberta italiana and Gironale patriotico de Corsica.

- Encyclopédie Universalis 2005​

There is reason to wonder where all these “people’s representatives” and "grassroots rebels" find the money to found and publish newspapers, especially considering the example of the financing of Jacques Hébert (eponym of the Hébertists), master and lord of popular press, with his championing journal in antichristian hatred Le Père Duchesne of which certain issues were released by the hundreds of thousands of copies. It approaches the very meaning of a pseudorevolutionary, one who is nothing more than a “sponsored revolutionary”, one who founds a newspaper.

His [Buonarotti] new secret society, Le Monde [The World], is an internationalist organization founded on the principles of Freedom and Equality … and again Masonry appears in Buonarotti’s strategy as a template for its clandestine and sheltering structure behind which his conspiracies of armed struggle can be concealed. Highly stratified, this Buonarottian secret society only reveals its true objectives to members of the supreme body who fix the course of action to which all adepts obey. It’s during his years in Brussels where he published 1828 “Histoire de la Conspiration pour l'Égalité dite de Babeuf " [“History of Babeuf's Conspiracy for Equality”].
- Encyclopédie de la Franc-maçonnerie.​

In that book, Buonarotti tells of his participation during the French Revolution in the failed attempt to overthrow the Directory (five-headed government of the French First Republic) led by François-Noël Babeuf who, like the Illuminati, gave himself an antique name: Gracchus (like for example Adam Weishaupt who called himself Spartacus). We will see that this book written by Buonarotti, main revolutionary agent of the Illuminati, developed the first ultra-totalitarian communist program which became the bible of pre-Marxist revolutionary communism, as later became Das Kapital of Karl Marx, or Mao’s Little Red Book.

Mainstream history, including Marxist historians, unaware of Buonarotti’s affiliation to the Illuminati until recently, only retain the character put forth by Buonarotti in this Conspiracy of the Equals: Gracchus Babeuf. Remember that, “highly stratified, this Buonarottian secret society only reveals its true objectives to members of the supreme body who fix the course of action to which all adepts obey”. Gracchus Babeuf develops his theories at the Panthéon Club where Buonarotti, who was its chairman, had introduced him. We also have numerous manuscripts from the hand of Buonarotti drawing up egalitarian theories. This is why the masonic encyclopedia, which contains more on his incredible revolutionary “curriculum vitae”, recognizes in Buonarotti “the true theorist of the insurrectional project”, that is to say, the theorist behind the Conspiracy of the Equals.

"Gracchus" Babeuf​

The Conspiracy of the Equals, the plan to overthrow the French Directory, was denounced to the police by one of its leaders while still being in stage of preparation, and was aborted. Buonarotti would recount this 'minor event' of the French Revolution which had fallen into oblivion, in aforementioned book of 1828, to elaborate upon his revolutionary aims. That the communist program developed by this Illuminati agent is similar in every respect, even though less subtle, to the manifesto later developed by Marx is sufficient proof that the endless Marxist theories merely justify a program selected beforehand.

The analysis of a problem (the theory) must always precede the solution to this problem (the program). Otherwise the theory is, at least, superfluous.


“… the French Revolution gave rise to ideas which led beyond the ideas of the entire old world order. The revolutionary movement which began in 1789 in the Cercle Social, which in the middle of its course had as its chief representatives Leclerc and Roux, and which finally with Babeuf’s conspiracy was temporarily defeated, gave rise to the communist idea which Babeuf’s friend Buonarroti re-introduced in France after the Revolution of 1830. This idea, consistently developed, is the idea of the new world order.”The Holy Family by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, 1844.
Last edited:
Apr 13, 2017
6. History's First Communist Manifesto

A careful reading of Buonarroti's communist program will leave one flabbergasted in the face of the monstrous, murderous
totalitarianism it contains, but the incredible gall with which this program tries to impose on the people a childish "heads I win, tails you lose” scenario is astonishing. I can already imagine the author(s) of this first revolutionary communist program, contorting their faces on inside jokes stifling their laughter while brainstorming how far they could push the people into total submission. It all ends up leaving you speechless, the thought that this idea has been taken seriously for about 200 years, given to us by fascists under the pretext that it was going to liberate people everywhere from royal absolutism and religious intolerance! This must be a dream.

But no! This is reality! All the more reason we need to put this nonsense to bed sooner rather than later. We give you:

The Conspiracy for Equality, Manifesto of the Liberation of Humankind
Or How to Manage Your Cattle !

by Philippe Buonarroti


(You can find the full text here, starting at page 418)

Art. 1
There shall be established in the Republic a grand national community.

(So far so good.)

Art. 2.
The national community holds proprietorship of the possessions hereinafter mentioned:

The possessions which, being declared national, were not sold up to the 9th Thermidor of the Year II.

The possessions of the enemies of the Revolution, which the decrees of the 8th and 13th Ventóse of the Year II had vested in the unhappy poor.

The lodgings occupied by the needy citizens, ...

The possessions which may be voluntarily abandoned to the Republic by their present owners.

(We don't have to wait until all of our property is confiscated, we can also surrender everything to the republic. How thoughtful.)

The usurped possessions of such as have enriched themselves in the exercise of public functions.

The possessions of which no use is made by their present holders.

Art. 3.
The right of succession, whether by inheritance or will, is abolished. All the wealth actually possessed by individuals shall lapse, at their decease, to the national community.

(Thus, in any case, in a generation at most, the whole of France will be totally dispossessed.)

Art. 5
Every French person, of either sex, who makes a voluntary surrender to his country of all his effects, and devotes to it his body, and whatever service he is capable of, is a member of the great national community.

(It is not enough to surrender everything, one must also devote to the "grand community" his person and all the work of which one is capable of doing!)

Art 6.
Old men who have attained their sixtieth year, and the infirm, if they are poor, are, of right, members of the national community.

Art. 7.
As also, all young persons brought up in the national houses of education.

(We therefore know, thanks to articles 5, 6 and 7, who becomes a member of the "grand national community": those who have nothing and those who have surrendered everything! Dying of laughter ...)

Art. 8.
The possessions of the national community are employed in common by all its valid members.

Art. 9.
The grand national community maintains all its members in an equal and honourable mediocrity; it provides them with everything they want.

("Equal and honest mediocrity" is what the supreme administration offers to those who will have surrendered everything and who will offer it all the work which they are capable of.)

Art. 10.
The Republic invites all good citizens to contribute to the success of reform, by a voluntary surrender of their possessions to the community.

(Buonarroti insists, he still "invites" us to give up everything.
Reminder: if we don't give up everything we don't become a member of the grand national community!)

Of Occupations in Common

Art. 1.
Every member of the national community owes to it such labour as he is capable of, in agriculture and the useful arts.

(Buonarroti likes to remind us that we will have to offer all the work we are capable of.)

Art. 2.
Are excepted, old persons of sixty years, and the infirm.

(Rare were those over sixty years old at the time.)

Art. 3.
Citizens who, by the voluntary abandonment of their possessions, will become members of the national community, shall not be subjected to any painful labour, if they have attained their fortieth year, and if they did not exercise a mechanical art before the publication of the present decree.

(Buonarroti feels that his invitation to give up everything would be more effective if it comes with a little threat and an unclear little promise.)

Art. 6.
The law determines, for each season, the daily duration of the labour of the members of the national community.

Art. 11.
The supreme administration
(Guess who will be in the supreme administration ...) condemns to forced labour, under the surveillance of communes nominated for the purpose, individuals of both sexes, whose in civism, idleness, luxury, and dissoluteness, set pernicious examples to society; their possessions are appropriated by the national community.

(Wait. There is more!)

Of the distribution and use of the possessions of the National Government.

Art. 1.
No member of the national community can enjoy or use anything but what the law assigns him, by the actual delivery of the magistrates.

Art. 2.
The national community guarantees, from this stant, to each of its members. A healthy, commodious, and well-furnished habitation; Clothing for work-hours, and clothing for the hours of respite, linen and woollen, conformably to the national costume; Washing, lighting, and firing;

(Nice! We will have wooden furniture and woollen clothes. In his writings Buonarroti specifies that the clothes for work and those for times of leisure or partying must be identical.)

A sufficient supply of food in bread, meat, fowl, fish, eggs, butter or oil, wine, and other drinks, used in the different climes or regions; vegetables, fruits, seasoning, and other articles, the due combination of which constitutes a competent and frugal state of comfort. Also, medical aid and attendance.
("A competent and frugal (frugal = a small amount) state of comfort")

("Medical aid and attendance"; free healthcare, the great pride of Communists. For the explanation of this burst of generosity from Buonarroti, see the following article)

Art. 5.
Every member of the national community who receives pay, or hoards money is punished.

(For the ones who hadn't yet understood why members of the "grand national community" no longer have to pay the doctor. lol)

Art. 6.
Members of the national community can receive the common ration only in the arrondissement where they are domiciled, except in cases of removal authorised by the administration.

(Traveling without permission = starvation; ... freedom, freedom ...)

Art. 8.
There are, in each commune, magistrates charged to distribute, at the respective domiciles, to the members of the national community, the productions of agriculture and of the arts.

Of the administration of the National Community

Art. 1.
The national community is under the legal direction of the supreme administration of the state.

Art. 6.
The supreme administration determines (according to law) the kind and quotation of distributions to be made to the members of the community of each region.

Of Commerce

Art. 1.
All private commerce with foreigners is forbid; any merchandize so acquired will be confiscated to the profit of the national community; contraveners will be punished.

Art. 4.
The supreme administration negociates with foreigners through its agents; it makes the latter deposit the superfluities to be exchanged, in the entrepôts, where it receives from foreigners the commodities agreed for.

(Only the supreme administration can do business, get rich, with foreigners.)

Of Contributions.

Art. 1.
Individuals not belonging to the national community are alone subject to contribution.

(As a reminder: the members of the community had to give up everything and are no longer entitled to any salary.
But Buonarroti, in his infinite mercy, does not require taxes from them!)

Art. 2.
They are liable to the contributions already stated.

Art. 3.
These contributions will be gathered in kind, and paid into the magazines of the national community.

Art. 4.
The total of the quotas
(amount of the contribution) of those liable to contribution, for the current year, is double of that of last year.
(The tax doubles every year. If the supreme administration takes 20% of the superfluous the first year, it will demand 320% the fifth year. This is not an exaggeration. Article 6 is more direct.)

Art. 5.
This total will be divided and levied amongst the departments progressively,” on all rendered subject to it.

Art. 6.
The non-communionists may be required, in case of need, to pay into the magazines of the national community, on account of future contributions, their superfluous provisions or manufactured articles.

Of Debts

Art. 1.
The national debt is extinguished for all Frenchmen.

(Reminder: community members had to give up everything and are no longer entitled to a salary, so how could they pay off their debts in the first place?)

(Attention! Buonarroti clearly and ruthlessly dictates in the following articles 2, 4 and 5 what to do with the debt owed to international bankers!)

Art. 2.
The Republic will pay over to foreigners the capital of the funded debts it owes them. Meanwhile, it appropriates to its use both the perpetual dividends and the life-interest annuities payable to foreigners.

(Good Lord! The supreme administration flat on its stomach in front of the international bankers! While waiting to reimburse the debt we will pay off interest rates without the slightest discussion!

I'm positive that while Buonarroti was writing the text, Rothschild was preparing his coffee.)

Art. 4.
The Republic charges itself with the debts due from the members of the national community to foreigners.

(Even better! The supreme administration will personally ensure that international bankers collect absolutely everything, even individual debts!)

Art. 5.
All fraud in this respect is punished with perpetual slavery.

(Perpetual slavery for any failure to reimburse debts owed to international bankers.
We understand even better now why the banks finance ultra-revolutionaries from the start.)

Of Money

Art. 1.
The Republic coins no more money.

(Nope. That honour befalls on private bankers who finance revolutions. After this, there'd be no more revolutions to finance!)

Art. 2.
The monied metals
(gold and silver), or materials which may lapse to (read: get confiscated by) the national community, will be employed to purchase the commodities it will require.

Art. 3.
Every individual not participating in the community, who will be convicted of having offered any species of money to one of its members, will be severely punished.

(Some sources say "punished with death".)

Art. 4.
There shall be no more gold or silver introduced into the Republic.

(Gold and silver confiscated and expatriated!)

"I don't pay for healthcare either. Mooo!"​

7. Bonneville's Revolutionary Messianism

In summary, we have seen that the Universalis encyclopedias and the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry confirm that after having spread in the Rhineland, Austria and Switzerland, the secret order of the Bavarian Illuminati, of which "only the directors of the society know its secrets and the materialistic, anticlerical intentions thereof", seeps into the heart of the French state apparatus.

“Bode, then at the head of the Bavarian Illuminati, invited to join the Philaléthes in the Convention of Paris of 1787, goes there reluctantly and arrives on June 24, too late to participate in the works. His talks with Savalette de Langes* and the main members of the Philaléthes were however rich and fruitful. They lead, Bode's "Travel Diary" attests, to the foundation of a secret nucleus of Philadelphians, the French equivalent of the Bavarian Illuminati, no longer dedicated to the search for the philosopher's stone, but determined to work for the happiness of mankind in the spirit of the philosophy of the Enlightenment. Analyzed in political terms, this Convention presents itself as the taking in hand by the Grand Orient of high masonry and its commitment to the revolutionary process.”
- Encyclopedia of Freemasonry​

The main revolutionary agent of the Bavarian Illuminati, Philippe Buonarroti, had never ceased to create secret societies. "Very hierarchical, the Buonarrotian secret society only reveals its true objective to members of the supreme body who fix the course of action to which all the followers obey.” - Encyclopedia Universalis

It is towards the end of his life, in 1828, that Buonarroti publishes The Conspiracy For Equality, book which tells of a project, the Conspiracy of the Equals, to overthrow of the directory in 1796, project led by Babeuf but of which Buonarroti was the true theorist as confirmed by the Universalis encyclopedia, which specifies:

“All the more remarkable is the underground organization that Babeuf set up in 1796. In the center, the ruling group, supported by a small number of tried and tested militants; then the fringe of patriotic and democratic sympathizers of year II*, kept from the secrets and seemingly not sharing the same new revolutionary ideal; finally the masses themselves, which is a question of training. Organized conspiracy par excellence.” - Encyclopædia Universalis​

* Year II refers to the second year of the French Republican calender which started on October 6, 1793 and ended September 21, 1794

This project of taking power, which remained at the stage of reverie of a small group of men, was only a non-event of the French Revolution. It was a reverie which quickly fell into oblivion and would have remained there without the book by Buonarroti.

It is in this book where the first totalitarian communist program is developed, where Buonarroti introduces the idea of the communist revolution into history, as Marx himself confirms in his book The Holy Family:

"Undeterred by this examination, the French Revolution gave rise to ideas which led beyond the ideas of the entire old world order. The revolutionary movement which began in 1789 in the Cercle Social, [31] which in the middle of its course had as its chief representatives Leclerc and Roux, and which finally with Babeuf’s conspiracy was temporarily defeated, gave rise to the communist idea which Babeuf’s friend Buonarroti re-introduced in France after the Revolution of 1830. This idea, consistently developed, is the idea of the new world order."

Marx attributes the origin of the communist revolutionary action to the enlightened Buonarroti. But by attributing the origin of the revolutionary movements to the Social Club, Marx designates the origin of ideas as the root of the movement, that is to say at the origin of the communist revolutionary action.

We will see that the Social Club, a real laboratory of ideas, think-tank avant la lettre, was in reality the upper jaw of the device put in place by the Bavarian Illuminati, the lower jaw being the revolutionary action concocted by the Philadelphes under Buonarroti’s leadership.

Albert Soboul, communist historian, rightly says in his Historical Dictionary of the French Revolution that:

“The Social Club is “a mixture of a revolutionary political club, a masonic lodge and a literary salon. The Social Club holds its conferences at the famous Palais-Royal circus, bringing together between 5,000 and 8,000 people every week.”

The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry specifies:

“The Social Club thus succeeds in the midst of a revolutionary period in carrying out its initial project which is to constitute a “literary salon open to the general public” and to bring political debate down to the City.”

The proceedings of the Social Club conferences are published by its own newspaper “The Mouth of Iron", a newspaper which takes its name from the mailbox of the Social Club in the shape of a lion's mouth where everyone could file suggestions or denunciations, which gave the Social Club the possibility of appearing as if reporting the desires of the people, while selecting themselves the ideas worthy of being debated at the conferences.

It is to The Mouth of Iron that we owe the dissemination of the following quote, often attributed to Diderot: “When the last king is hanged with the entrails of the last celibate priest, mankind may hope to be happy.”

Albert Mathiez, communist historian whose work on the French revolution served as a base for generations of historians, clearly places the Social Club above other revolutionary societies. This great historian writes about the organization of these various political clubs in the era of the Federation:

“The assistants are guests, they do not partake in the direction of the club which remains in the hand of a secret directory, the Social Club proper, masonic lodge of which Nicolas de Bonneville, fierce and bold spirit, is the great chief. The main purpose is to educate, to prepare the minds for profound changes that we limit ourselves to announce in veiled and mysterious terms. Friends of Truth (another name for the Social Club) appeal to men of all nations. They are essentially cosmopolitan and they dream of a kind of universal republic, where there would be no longer rich or poor, nor positive religions, but a virtuous and civic training.

The Friends of the Rights of Man are neither the Friends of the Constitution nor the Friends of Truth. Their ambition is more modest, their object more precise, more practical.
The Jacobins are primarily responsible for drafting laws, the Cordeliers for their implementation. Friends of Truth formulate theories, Friends of the Rights of Man are concerned with facts of everyday life.”

As Raymonde Monnier of the Institute for the History of the French Revolution (University of Paris) and research engineer at the CNRS confirms in Paris au printemps 1791, les Sociétés Fraternelles et le problème de la souveraineté, it is indeed from the Palais-Royal that the wind of agitation comes; revolutionary, helped by the press which actively supports the creation of “fraternal” societies, supposedly popular, but always structured in a pyramidal fashion and supervised by the Social Club, led by the enlightened Nicolas de Bonneville, disciple of Bode, the head of the Bavarian Illuminati:

“The section of the Théâtre-Français remained in 1791 the epicenter of the democratic movement. Several societies meet at the directory of the Social Club, Rue de Théâtre-Français. The Café Procope in Rue de l'Ancienne Comédie, was, as we know, the meeting place for revolutionaries in the neighbourhood after having been the meeting place for philosophers and lovers of spectacle. The main patriotic sheets were printed in the district which was also, with the Palais-Royal, the great center for the dissemination of public papers. It was from Chevalier's shop, Rue Percée, that the town criers and hawkers from newspapers came to get supplies there at dawn” or even: “The development of fraternal societies is favoured by a movement of opinion and a particularly active press campaign at the beginning of 1791.”

Voltaire and Diderot at Café Procope​

"A central committee of patriotic societies will be set up on the initiative of François Robert, financial speculator and supplier of the armies, he is also one of the founders of the Club des Cordeliers. This central committee will quickly pass under the influence of Bonneville." - Monnier Raymonde​

Since it’s impossible to classify aforementioned encyclopedias and historians in the category of extreme right-wing conspiracy theory (Sobul and Mathiez are communist historians), we can therefore conclude that the most revolutionary ideology is born and remains overseen by Nicholas Bonneville and the Social Club of which he is the leader.

Let us remember that, as Albert Mathiez specifies, only the management of the Social Club knows the true aspirations while the other assistants are only guests (between 5,000 and 8,000 people per week) among whom these ideas are propagated to serve their agenda.

So who is Nicolas de Bonneville and what’s his agenda?

To stick to what interests us most, Nicolas de Bonneville is a member of the Bavarian Illuminati. On this subject the Encyclopedia Universalis agrees with Marx as for who were at the origin of the most revolutionary ideas:

“We nonetheless find a number of former enlightened people (from Bavaria) among the revolutionaries and especially among those who pushed social demands the furthest: Nicolas Bonneville, writer and journalist, who was already demanding an agrarian law (sharing of lands) under the National Constituent Assembly, Isaac Lange, in whom Jaurès sees one of the first precursors of communism, and especially Buonarroti.”

Bonneville is not just any member of the Illuminati but close to Christophe Bode, the leader of the Bavarian Illuminati, who was on a mission in France to propagate their program. Bonneville was the disciple in whom Bode had found the perfect vehicle to propagate the ideology of the Illuminati in France. It is moreover the conclusion of a study devoted to the trip of Bode to Paris published in the only regular scientific publication in the world to be entirely devoted to the history of the French Revolution:

“... (Bode) made an enthusiastic disciple of his ideas in Nicolas Bonneville who seems to have been, as an "associate", member of the Amis Réunis. But in French Masonry in general, he has changed almost nothing. And besides, neither "enlightened" Masonry in Germany, nor "enlightened" masons in France could go further and come into contact with the people. None of them, with the exception of Bonneville, was able to free themselves from this elite spirit to unreservedly support truly revolutionary action.” - Claus Werner, Annales historiques de la Révolution française Le voyage de Bode à Paris en 1787.

Small parenthesis for the many adherents of the legend about the link between the Bavarian Illuminati and the Jesuits forming a plot to overthrow the kings. This theory is so absurd that it is really necessary to have read only this theory to continue to believe it: the Illuminati vowed an obsessional hatred of the Jesuits whom they wanted to drive out of Freemasonry at all costs (Jesuits who in fact sought to "catholicize" Freemasonry, but that is another subject), a hatred transmitted by Bode to Bonneville who wrote books on this very topic: "The Jesuits Expelled from Masonry” and “Dagger Shattered by the Masons”.

On this subject Claus Werner reports a text to us which proves that it is the chief of the Bavarian Illuminati, Bode himself, who is at the origin of the thesis of the stranglehold of the Jesuits on Freemasonry:

"The archaeologist Charles- Auguste Boettiger, director of the Weimar gymnasium from 1791 to 1804, wrote in a handwritten note which is in the library of Dresden: "Bode, at the instigation of the Convent of Wilhelmsbad, where the most bearded men stood up to ask, to the surprise of the beardless: "where are we?", had for the first time fixed in writing his ideas on the birth and trends of Freemasonry, ideas which gained more and more credibility and likelihood as he continued his research (...) He had little by little built a Masonic library of about 800 volumes; thanks to the extent of his studies, he had collected there the rarest writings on the Jesuits to which he attributed the greatest influence on the creation and propagation of English and German masonry and on all secret brotherhoods of all times and from all countries (…) Bode himself had translated these writings into French and he took them to Paris, where he read them in the Lodge Amis Réunis, whose Grandmaster was Bondy; he struck with astonishment all these old masons, highly educated and well versed in the history of the order. It did not occur to him, however, that this could have led to the spread of the ideas of the Enlightenment and sparked the revolution, as some vile German pamphlets indicted. There are certain errors in this Boettiger account which we will return to, but the main point is correct. It is therefore to Bode that we should attribute this idea of "Jesuit Freemasonry" which made so much noise.” - Claus Werner​

The encyclopedia of Freemasonry specifies in this regard:

"The crisis of crypto-catholicism in the Germanic countries which quickly turns to the psychosis of a papist plot aiming at the conversion of the Protestant princes and the suffocation of Protestantism, psychosis widely maintained by the press and the writings of Bode or Bonneville, could not fail to deteriorate the conditions for dialogue between Catholics and Protestants within the quintessential Christian Freemasonry, that of the Strict Observance.

Let us hereby end the parenthesis on the “Jesuit-Masonic" legend that Bonneville defended and see what the ideals are that make the Social Club and Bonneville the heralders of this communist "new world order” as confessed by Marx himself.

Let us neither hope to find in Bonneville a program as clearly established as that of Illuminati agent Buonarroti (ultra-totalitarian communist program published in 1830), since, as the historians cited above note, this program was not intended to be exposed to the general public. It is however possible to discern the main features through the innumerable publications of the Social Club and the books of Bonneville.

As a good disciple of the enlightened people of Bavaria, the Social Club is "essentially cosmopolitan and dreams of a kind of universal republic” (we will see below in whose hands Bonneville, in his revolutionary messianism, imagines handing over this world government), “where there would be no longer rich or poor, nor positive religions, but a virtuous and civic training”, as summed up above by Albert Mathiez.

The Social Club propagates, popularizes the most revolutionary theses by organizing conferences, by publishing numerous works, in particular the Universal Republic of Anarcharsis Cloots, "perhaps the first to advocate a world parliament, long before Albert Camus and Albert Einstein, he was a world federalist and an internationalist anarchist, nicknamed "orator of mankind", "citizen of humanity" and "a personal enemy of God"" ; the first feminist pamphlets of Etta Palm d'Aelders, resident of the Palais-Royal, or of the feminist libertarian Olympe de Gouges. The Social Circle gladly addresses the topics on divorce, adoption, education, oppression of minorities, etc ...

Nicolas Bonneville calls for freedom of the press, the abolition of Catholic worship, the sharing of land, questions heritage, goals which he proposes to achieve little by little, without abrupting history, without violence.

Bonneville’s ideals come to him from a messianic vision of the revolution, a vision imbued with esotericism and Masonic symbolism. The same is true for his ideal of sharing land and all goods:

"The square and the compass which form the social symbol herald the most equal sharing of all the goods and all the hopes of the earth.“ - Bonneville, the spirit of religions​

Masonic Square and Compass​

It is therefore difficult to deny the esoteric and Masonic origin of Marxism since it is Marx himself who traces revolutionary communism back to the Social Club of Bonneville. It is also in messianic visions that Bonneville draws his dream of a community of women, a world where women belong to all, community of women advocated later by the communists:

“Image of Jehovah his father, he said to all men: I am for all. Take and eat, this is my body. What he did? Raised within the Egyptian priesthood, whose Hierophant was called the Almighty, the sun, the savior and the father of men, he came to ask for the community of women and the most equal sharing of the goods of the earth.“ - Nicholas Bonneville, The Spirit of Religions​

"Did you observe the principles of all these early legislators who came from Egypt? Lycurgus establishes in Sparta the largest community of women, and a division of land. So it was with all the others.“ - Nicholas Bonneville, The Spirit of Religions​

Bonneville here refers to Lycurgus, legislator of Sparta who, Plutarch tells us, had established in Sparta the community of goods and the sharing of land. In fact, Lycurgue did not really advocate the community of women, but it was because he considered children as a common good belonging to the state that Lycurgus actually advocated the community of the womb of women, for a selective procreation, more effective for the common good:

"And again, a worthy man who admired some woman for the fine children that she bore her husband and the modesty of her behaviour as a wife, might enjoy her favours, if her husband would consent, thus planting, as it were, in a soil of bountiful fruitage, and begetting for himself noble sons, who would have the blood of noble men in their veins. 8 For in the first place, Lycurgus did not regard sons as the peculiar property of their fathers, but rather as the common property of the state, and therefore would not have his citizens spring from random parentage, but from the best there was." - Plutarch, The Life of Lycurgus

Removing children from their parents, dissolving the notion of ancestral and familial filiation, to reduce the child to a common good belonging to the state is a living ambition which has its roots in the Masonic lodges, a project presented in particular in the plan d national education of Louis-Michel le Peletier, a figure gravitating around the famous "Fraternal Society of Patriots of Both Sexes" and member of the Phoenix Lodge. Abducting children from parents by devaluing the concept of natural parentage in an eternal concern for equality, is exactly what our elites inoculate us with their "marriage for all".

The idea of a community of women made pre-Marxist Communists the laughingstock of their adversaries. Thus Engels, in a text which was to serve as a foundation for communism but which was not retained by the League of Just, very roughly tried to pass this project of community of the women by ensuring that it would not be applied immediately, but only if necessary but that, in any case, these changes would be imperatively made after the abolition of private property:

Question 20: Will not the introduction of community of property be accompanied by the proclamation of the community of women?​
Answer: By no means. We will only interfere in the personal relationship between men and women or with the family in general to the extent that the maintenance of the existing institution would disturb the new social order. Besides, we are well aware that the family relationship has been modified in the course of history by the property relationships and by periods of development, and that consequently the ending of private property will also have a most important influence on it.

It was not the text of Engels that was chosen to serve as the basis of the communist revolution, but the "manifesto" of Marx, in which Marx does not really defend and somehow dodges the question of the community of women by asserting that this already exists, but hypocritically, in the bourgeoisie:

"Bourgeois marriage is, in reality, a system of wives in common and thus, at the most, what the Communists might possibly be reproached with is that they desire to introduce, in substitution for a hypocritically concealed, an openly legalised community of women. For the rest, it is selfevident that the abolition of the present system of production must bring with it the abolition of the community of women springing from that system, i.e., of prostitution both public and private." - Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto

On the other hand, after having seen to what extent Buonarroti doesn’t care about the people by developing his totalitarian communist program, one can easily see the grotesque deception with which, in his Manifesto, Marx wants to take away children from the parents to put them in compulsory labor while looking like a savior:

"10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc, etc." - Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto

It is worth reading carefully: "Combination of education with industrial production."

Here he is, the father of modern progressivism, proudly announcing free public education, and stating that this "free" education includes the participation of children in industrial production. For those who can read, Marx actually says that children will not have to be paid to go to work ... Since this work is part of their free education ... and there is talk of compulsory work for all children since he talks about education, public and free work for all children.

Marx wants to educate children by employing them in big industry. This is what Marx clearly explained to the socialists of the congress of Gotha who, not having understood it, wanted a ban on work for kids :

"A general prohibition of child labor is incompatible with the existence of large-scale industry and hence an empty, pious wish. Its realization -- if it were possible -- would be reactionary, since, with a strict regulation of the working time according to the different age groups and other safety measures for the protection of children, an early combination of productive labor with education is one of the most potent means for the transformation of present-day society." - Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Programme

You read it right: Marx squarely considers that the abolition of child labor would be a reactionary measure, that is to say counter-revolutionary ...

And Marx, for whom the traditional family, which he calls bourgeois, is only a form of violence stemming from private property, answers ironically to those who are worried about Communists wanting the abolition of the family:

"The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital. Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty." - Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto​

Serpent ...

Freemasonry aimed at the reconstruction of Solomon’s temple, a Bonneville soaked in masonic symbols, dreaming of a universal republic where all religions would have given way to a universal religion. Bonneville actually signs for the submission of the world to a well-known messianic project where the keys to the meaning of life, to the future of all mankind, would be in the hands of a caste which has since the dawn of time a pact with the Prince of this world. This project is so identifiable in Bonneville’s ideology and that of the Bavarian Illuminati, that one wonders why it is still necessary to specify it. But, since Bonneville himself specifies it in a very obscure, forgotten text, let's read it ourselves. It is too good:

“People who see in the Bible the grand picture of all that was to happen and all that will happen (he speaks of an "oppressed" minority here), say they are convinced that the French are the instrument of the Lord: that the kings, princes and potentates must to be punished by them for having neglected his Law; the priests will be more severely struck because they are more guilty because they have altered the worship and erased the rules of morals…. There will be a fusion, a perfect blend of the two peoples, Jewish and Frankish. The princes of the earth will hand over their scepter and their crowns to the Lord or be confused. Bonaparte is a messiah who, by the sword and by the Law, will have God’s chosen triumph” - Marcel Dorigny, Bien Informé, nr. 28, September 30, 1796

I’ll leave it at that.

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Feb 22, 2020
what we are seeing play out in much of today is a conflict between 2 factions of Freemasonry.

If you look at an early conspiracy theorist and promoter of "jewish conspiracies" Nesta Webster

you will see that she has a problem with one faction of Freemasonry yet is fine with the other

Webster differentiated between "Continental Freemasonry" and "British Freemasonry"; while the former was a subversive force in her mind, she considered the latter "an honourable association" and a "supporter of law, order and religion".[14] Masons of the United Grand Lodge of England supported her writings.

Nesta Helen Webster (24 August 1876 – 16 May 1960) was an English conspiracy theorist, who revived theories about the Illuminati.[1][2][3] She claimed that the secret society's members were occultists, plotting communist world domination, through a Jewish cabal, the Masons and Jesuits.[2][4] She blamed the group for events including the French Revolution, 1848 Revolution, the First World War, and the Bolshevik Revolution.
In 1920, Webster was one of the contributing authors who wrote The Jewish Peril, a series of articles in the London Morning Post centred on the document The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

So we have 2 factions of Freemasonry, on the surface, at odds with one another

the "British Freemasonry" is the older lodge which can be associated with the Fascist International in which David Livingstone identified while, the "Continental Freemasonry" is associated with the "Globalists"

you will see that Webster accused what she calls the "illuminati" (Continental Freemasonry/Globalists) are responsible for the French and Bolshevik revolutions.

You will also find that the "Jewish conspiracy/Protocols of Zion" is a narrative pushed by the lodges of "British Freemasonry" against the "Continental Freemasons" (Nationalists vs Globalists) (Fascists vs Liberal Democracies) (Trump vs Hillary) (Right vs Left) (Alt media vs MSM)

everything we see today is in this same context as these 2 factions of freemasonry attempt to control the entire narrative and dialectic of world events.

the "jewish conspiracy" is always weaponized in a way for the fascist lodge of masonry to attack the more liberal lodge, even though ironically there are plenty of Jews working for the fascist lodge.

more on Webster

The publication of antisemitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion led Webster to believe that Jews were the driving force behind an international conspiracy, which in World Revolution: the Plot Against Civilization she developed into a "Judeo-Masonic" conspiracy behind international finance and responsible for the Bolshevik revolution.[10] Following this, she became the leading writer of "The Patriot", an anti-Semitic paper financed by Alan Percy.[15]

Winston Churchill praised her in a 1920 article entitled "Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People,"[16][17] in which he wrote "This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution."[18]

Webster became involved in several far-right groups including the British Fascists,[19] the Anti-Socialist Union, The Link, and the
British Union of Fascists

You will find that the old school British elites are fascists who fully supported the "protocols of Zion" narratives and even published them in newspapers. At some point it was the Continental Masonry who seized control of much of the media and newspapers, but the fascist lodges have come back with the "alt media" as their pulpit.

Churchill is identifying all of the intrigue by the Continental lodges or the "jewish conspiracy", what today they would call "globalists" while the old school British/Fascist lodges pretend to be the protectors of civilization and tradition. Churchill above is describing how Jews can either join forces with

a) Continental Freemasonry - Bolshevism, Progressiveism, internationalism, revolution, womens rights, equality


b) British Freemasonry - Fascism, Zionism, inequality, traditionalism, status quo

that is the dialectic


Oct 2, 2017
The guillotine was named after its inventor, a freemason. Dr Joseph Ignace Guillotin.

Here they say only the name came from him and someone else invented it.

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Jun 17, 2020
Thank you for starting this thread.

Take notice on why it is called the "New World Order". Do they hint that there was an "Old World Order"? To my knowledge the answer is yes, one reason is that because there was an empire called Tartary back then, at around 18th century, located mainly in Russia region. They had own language, flag, emperor etc. And there are historical hints that Tartary was also present in North America, making it one global power.

In short, what I'm saying is that the "New World Order" is just repeating of past history. And also, perhaps those who were in charge of the "Old World Order", still in charge today.

Source: stolenhistory

Don't want to derail, but let me know if you want to know more about it.
Apr 13, 2017
what we are seeing play out in much of today is a conflict between 2 factions of Freemasonry.

If you look at an early conspiracy theorist and promoter of "jewish conspiracies" Nesta Webster

you will see that she has a problem with one faction of Freemasonry yet is fine with the other

Webster differentiated between "Continental Freemasonry" and "British Freemasonry"; while the former was a subversive force in her mind, she considered the latter "an honourable association" and a "supporter of law, order and religion".[14] Masons of the United Grand Lodge of England supported her writings.

Nesta Helen Webster (24 August 1876 – 16 May 1960) was an English conspiracy theorist, who revived theories about the Illuminati.[1][2][3] She claimed that the secret society's members were occultists, plotting communist world domination, through a Jewish cabal, the Masons and Jesuits.[2][4] She blamed the group for events including the French Revolution, 1848 Revolution, the First World War, and the Bolshevik Revolution.
In 1920, Webster was one of the contributing authors who wrote The Jewish Peril, a series of articles in the London Morning Post centred on the document The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

So we have 2 factions of Freemasonry, on the surface, at odds with one another

the "British Freemasonry" is the older lodge which can be associated with the Fascist International in which David Livingstone identified while, the "Continental Freemasonry" is associated with the "Globalists"

you will see that Webster accused what she calls the "illuminati" (Continental Freemasonry/Globalists) are responsible for the French and Bolshevik revolutions.

You will also find that the "Jewish conspiracy/Protocols of Zion" is a narrative pushed by the lodges of "British Freemasonry" against the "Continental Freemasons" (Nationalists vs Globalists) (Fascists vs Liberal Democracies) (Trump vs Hillary) (Right vs Left) (Alt media vs MSM)

everything we see today is in this same context as these 2 factions of freemasonry attempt to control the entire narrative and dialectic of world events.

the "jewish conspiracy" is always weaponized in a way for the fascist lodge of masonry to attack the more liberal lodge, even though ironically there are plenty of Jews working for the fascist lodge.

more on Webster

The publication of antisemitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion led Webster to believe that Jews were the driving force behind an international conspiracy, which in World Revolution: the Plot Against Civilization she developed into a "Judeo-Masonic" conspiracy behind international finance and responsible for the Bolshevik revolution.[10] Following this, she became the leading writer of "The Patriot", an anti-Semitic paper financed by Alan Percy.[15]

Winston Churchill praised her in a 1920 article entitled "Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People,"[16][17] in which he wrote "This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution."[18]

Webster became involved in several far-right groups including the British Fascists,[19] the Anti-Socialist Union, The Link, and the
British Union of Fascists

You will find that the old school British elites are fascists who fully supported the "protocols of Zion" narratives and even published them in newspapers. At some point it was the Continental Masonry who seized control of much of the media and newspapers, but the fascist lodges have come back with the "alt media" as their pulpit.

Churchill is identifying all of the intrigue by the Continental lodges or the "jewish conspiracy", what today they would call "globalists" while the old school British/Fascist lodges pretend to be the protectors of civilization and tradition. Churchill above is describing how Jews can either join forces with

a) Continental Freemasonry - Bolshevism, Progressiveism, internationalism, revolution, womens rights, equality


b) British Freemasonry - Fascism, Zionism, inequality, traditionalism, status quo

that is the dialectic
You should stick to what Webster said and not superimpose your perception of today onto it. There was a Masonic awareness of Illuminati infiltration, both in English masonry as continental masonry. It wasn't and still isn't an active particpation in a global dialectic and neither is nationalism or traditionalism part of the ideology of English masonry. Masonry, including the British, is a vehicle to abolish all national boundaries, replace the spirit of Christianity and eventually all religions with a universal republicanism, and amalgamate all cults into one. Except one cult, obviously.

It also says alot about you that you post your opinion and not address anything in the article, before the entire article has been posted.
Apr 13, 2017
Thank you for starting this thread.

Take notice on why it is called the "New World Order". Do they hint that there was an "Old World Order"? To my knowledge the answer is yes, one reason is that because there was an empire called Tartary back then, at around 18th century, located mainly in Russia region. They had own language, flag, emperor etc. And there are historical hints that Tartary was also present in North America, making it one global power.

In short, what I'm saying is that the "New World Order" is just repeating of past history. And also, perhaps those who were in charge of the "Old World Order", still in charge today.

Source: stolenhistory

Don't want to derail, but let me know if you want to know more about it.
I was under the impression that the Old World Order refers to the era where minds were attuned to religious (in this case Catholic) teachings. The New World Order would refer to a world and era where those minds are detached from that dominant spirituality and the goal was to replace said universalism with a universalism that didn't need a Church or book, so to speak.

I have never seen the Tartary empire being designated as the Old Order though. Didn't know they were that relevant around the time period you mentioned. But feel free to create a topic of the Tatars and I'll gladly take a look.


Jul 27, 2017
Thank you for starting this thread.

Take notice on why it is called the "New World Order". Do they hint that there was an "Old World Order"? To my knowledge the answer is yes, one reason is that because there was an empire called Tartary back then, at around 18th century, located mainly in Russia region. They had own language, flag, emperor etc. And there are historical hints that Tartary was also present in North America, making it one global power.

In short, what I'm saying is that the "New World Order" is just repeating of past history. And also, perhaps those who were in charge of the "Old World Order", still in charge today.

Source: stolenhistory

Don't want to derail, but let me know if you want to know more about it.
History repeats itself is cause we collectively don’t learn from it. CivilIzations fall into the same traps as civilizations prior. The US for example. We’re a country overall that our citizens are considered pampered by living standards compared to other countries. Overall we’re a complacent society that has never really had to deal with hardcore threats. We’ve always been under the assumption our elected officials would settle things down. However that complacency has led to leniency. As a result we have social unrest and an almost green light to break laws.
Feb 22, 2020
If you believe the "old world order" was actually Christian, then you are completely out to lunch and haven't learned a thing.


Jul 27, 2017
If you believe the "old world order" was actually Christian, then you are completely out to lunch and haven't learned a thing.
Even if they were christian. I just think the bible has been re written through out history. The simple message by Jesus was to learn to love one another. We don’t necessarily have to get along, but at least have a certain expectation of respect where you’re not harming people for the hell of it.

We have a lot to learn from overall.
Feb 22, 2020
You should stick to what Webster said and not superimpose your perception of today onto it. There was a Masonic awareness of Illuminati infiltration, both in English masonry as continental masonry. It wasn't and still isn't an active particpation in a global dialectic and neither is nationalism or traditionalism part of the ideology of English masonry. Masonry, including the British, is a vehicle to abolish all national boundaries, replace the spirit of Christianity and eventually all religions with a universal republicanism, and amalgamate all cults into one. Except one cult, obviously.

It also says alot about you that you post your opinion and not address anything in the article, before the entire article has been posted.
Webster spoke of the good freemasons and the bad ones.

The good ones to her, were the conservative "christian" "traditional" masons and the bad ones were the Jewish ones who sought to overturn the monarchies.

You dont find her point of view and clear bias problematic ?

Did the world's problems begin with Adam Weishaupt like these "conspiracy theorists" would have you believe ?
Apr 13, 2017
Webster spoke of the good freemasons and the bad ones.

The good ones to her, were the conservative "christian" "traditional" masons and the bad ones were the Jewish ones who sought to overturn the monarchies.

You dont find her point of view and clear bias problematic ?

Did the world's problems begin with Adam Weishaupt like these "conspiracy theorists" would have you believe ?
No to both questions.
Feb 22, 2020
No to both questions.
well if the world's problems didn't begin with Weishaupt, then I fail to see the signifiance of his Illuminati, and I fail to see why this specific incident in history is so heavily focused on by Webster and later conspiracy theorists.

Well I know why, and thats why you dont have a problem with her bias.

They are trying to pin all evils on "liberals" and everything progressive.

Its frankly silly and juvenile, and people should really be above that kind of simplistic thinking.

Clearly you embrace it though.
Apr 13, 2017
well if the world's problems didn't begin with Weishaupt, then I fail to see the signifiance of his Illuminati, and I fail to see why this specific incident in history is so heavily focused on by Webster and later conspiracy theorists.

Well I know why, and thats why you dont have a problem with her bias.

They are trying to pin all evils on "liberals" and everything progressive.

Its frankly silly and juvenile, and people should really be above that kind of simplistic thinking.

Clearly you embrace it though.
Why don't you start by reading the article first, comment after?
Feb 22, 2020
Why don't you start by reading the article first, comment after?
Yes the Jacobins, the Illuminati, and progressive freemasons overthrew the French monarchy, and put them to the guillotine, and the right wing reactionary forces thought it was the end of the world. I've read all about this, its literally one of the first things I came across after "waking up" over 10 years ago. I get it. I dont think it was the end of the world or the beginning of some grand conspiracy, and I prefer representative democracy to tyranical monarchies. It's a small improvement.
Apr 13, 2017
Yes the Jacobins, the Illuminati, and progressive freemasons overthrew the French monarchy, and put them to the guillotine, and the right wing reactionary forces thought it was the end of the world. I've read all about this, its literally one of the first things I came across after "waking up" over 10 years ago. I get it. I dont think it was the end of the world or the beginning of some grand conspiracy, and I prefer representative democracy to tyranical monarchies. It's a small improvement.
You mean that's the first thing you came across in your militant Marxist years. Just mention a string of buzzwords and ready knowledge from and pretend you know stuff. Sure, got me convinced.
Feb 22, 2020
You mean that's the first thing you came across in your militant Marxist years. Just mention a string of buzzwords and ready knowledge from and pretend you know stuff. Sure, got me convinced.
Yes one of the first things I read about was the Bavarian Illuminati conspiracy to take over Europe by Adam Weishaupt the Jesuit, and his plans being found after one of his couriers got struck by lightening, or something to that effect. Seems rather convenient.

then they carried out the French and Russian revolutions, pushed cultural marxism and now want to carry out "white genocide"

Anything else you'd like to inform me of ?