Iman boosters (true stories)


Jun 28, 2020
A sheikh from Saudi was making a stop at a mosque in Egypt.

He called the imam ahead of time. Told him he'd be arriving late and asked him to leave the mosque open at night. So he could come in, pray a few rakat and stay until the morning. Imam said no problem and left the door open that night.

The sheikh arrives late. He finds the masjid open and all of the lights are on. Entering he sees a man in prostration crying profusely and calling upon the Almighty in a weird way. He was saying "Ya Allah, enough". "All the doors have been closed, I've got no one but you, why have you forsaken me.".. The sheikh watches, wondering why he is speaking to the Almighty like this? Then he realizes this man is not seeking repentance, but he is in need. So the sheikh waits until the man finishes and he approaches him.

Sheikh gives the man a hug and asks him why he is making dua like this? The man replies, my wife has an operation at 9am in the morning. It costs $15, 400. and he says by God i don't have a single $1 in my pocket. He said her sickness has been developing for awhile and it has reached a point where she must have this operation.

He said he delayed the operation again and again as he went from organization to organization, charity to charity. Relative to relative and no one gave him a single $1. He said until he could no longer delay the operation anymore and he had to book it. Come this night i have been walking the streets like a mad man not knowing what to do until i found this mosque open. So i walked in and threw myself into sujood and made dua to the King.

The sheikh looked and him and said by God i have nothing to help you with. Other then to tell you to keep making dua to the Almighty. For surely he hears you and will never reject you.

So the sheikh prays a couple of rakat and goes to sleep in a corner of the mosque.

In the morning the imam gets the sheikh to lead the prayer. After the prayer he gives salaam and see's a man rushing at him from the 2nd row. This man hugs him and tells him he had just bought a unit upstairs 3 months ago and he always watches his lectures on tv. The man says when i heard your voice leading the prayer i rushed down to meet you and to speak to you because i have a question.

The man says I'm a very successful business man. I have a very large factory and i gathered my zakat a long time ago (Zakat is an annual charity where Muslims give, 2.5% of their annual earnings). He says every morning when i leave the house my wife tells me to pay my zakat and the man says, no no. I want to use it on something big. I want to use it all at once on something major.

So the sheikh asks him... how much is your zakat? How much does the man say?... $15,400.

The sheikh said he had to hold back his tears. Instead of telling him what happened he looked around for the man from the previous night. He found him in the corner of the first row, far enough away to where he couldn't have heard their conversation. He calls him forward and he says you were crying last night and you had an issue. What was your issue?

The man got agitated. All he had mentioned, all that crying and you forgot? But the sheikh was trying to get him to relate his story to the other man. So the man says, i told you my wife, she needs the operation. Its $15,400. Its in 2 ,3 hours at 9am.

As soon as he said the number the other guy with the zakat burst into tears and then they hugged one another, not even knowing each other.

What are the chances of this man walking past that mosque that time of night? That particular mosque, being open this specific night for that sheikh? ... and the person who is going to save this mans wife is in the upper floor of that building?

سبحان الله

Source of the story


May 20, 2017
Just another site

The story of the hairdresser of Pharaoh’s daughter
Lecturer: Sheikh Billal Asad
Transcription: Ash-Shifaa​

There was a women called Mashit of Firoun (Pharoah). She was a women who was the hairdresser of Firouns daughter, Pharaoh who said, I did not know any god but me, and Mashit of Firoun, this hairdresser, she had embraced Islam in secret.
And when she was combing the hair of the daughter of pharaoh the king, one who said that he is god, the comb fell to the ground and then she automatically sub consciously picked up the comb, and said, Bismillah, in the name of Allah.
And this Mashit of Firoun this hairdresser had five children and one of them was still breast feeding.
And then the daughter of Firoun said, Allah Abi, are you saying Allah my father?
And she said, “No! Allah, the god of your father and yourself and me”
And she became angry, she went to her father and said to him: “Father, this woman worships another god besides you”
He said: “What? She knows another god besides me, who is that? Call her to me”
And they called her to him, and she came and stood, a woman, a women brothers and sisters in front of this great Pharaoh.
And he said to her, “Who is your god?”
And she said, “Allah is my lord”.
He said “Who is Allah?”
She said “Allah is my God and yours”.
Yes, she was cornered and put in a place, when she had to answer, she answered. This how the state of the Mumin in the past and present are,when they said, “Allah is my lord”, they were tortured.
But we don’t care. Because we know what were heading towards. We know who are Lord is and we say what we believe, were not liars.
She said “Allah, Allah is my lord and yours”.
And they said “What? Bring the chains!”
They brought the chains, they begun to punish her and whip her.
“Who is your lord?” and she will say “Allah is my lord and yours”.
And so he ordered for them to bring a large container and he spilt boiling oil in to this container, large container like a swimming pool, and then he said, bring me all her children!
And they brought them one by one and he said “Worship me, I am your lord”.
She said, “Never!..”
So he brought her first son and he threw him in to the oil, in front of her eyes, his meat and his flesh fell of his body and his bone disintegrated,
And then they brought her next son and she was firm, “Allahu Akbar!”
They burnt him; she could not stop them, and then her third and then her fourth
And finally her fifth, he was on her arm, and she was about to pull back, she was about to pull back in front of the eyes of all the people. And when all of a sudden and this is the Hadith of the prophet Muhammad (SAW), He said, all of a sudden, Allah (SWT) from above seven skies made her child speak while he was in the cradle,
He said: “Be patient my mother, you are in the truth, Allah Allah has promised you with a great heaven, keep going mother”.
And then they threw her son in to the boiling oil and she was next. She knew that she was going to die, and then she begun to cry.
And Pharaoh said, “Why are you crying?Stop!”
And she said, “I was crying because I want to ask you to do something for me, and I don’t know if you’re going to do it”
He said, “Ask me for whatever you’d like”
She said, “Once you throw me in to the oil, then I want you to gather whatever is remaining of our bodies and I want you to bury us together in the same grave, because I want to be resurrected with my children and I want to go to Jannah with my children”
The Story of Firoun's (Pharoah's) Daughter's Hairdresser



Jun 28, 2020
A sheikh in the UK was hired at a masjid and he was made the imam there.

He says he would take the bus from his home to this town area and then walk to the masjid from there because it wasn't far. The imam says one day he got on this bus and there was a new driver. Someone he's never seen before.

He says he paid the bus driver for his fare and the driver gave him his change. The imam says he didn't really look at the change until he went to the back of the bus and sat down. When he sat down he looked at the money and realized he had 20 cents extra. The driver had given him too much change.

Then the conversation started happening in the imams head. He's thinking its only 20 cents, its nothing, don't worry about it, don't embarrass yourself.

So the imam is sitting there for the entire trip thinking its 20 cents. Should i return it, shouldn't i?

The bus reaches his stop and he gets up walking to the front, still debating if he should return it, don't give it, give it back. As soon as he got to the bus driver he says look man, you gave me 20 cents extra.

The driver says nah, i didn't give you 20 extra. I gave it to you intentionally. The imam says why did you give it to me intentionally?

The driver says for 3 years I've been looking into Islam. He said when i seen you and i seen you dressed the way you were dressed i knew you were an imam. So today i was gonna make my decision. If you were honest, if you were honest i was gonna embrace Islam. But if you kept that money then I'd know you're liars like everyone else lies.

So the sheikh gave him the money. Got off the bus and when the bus drove off he started crying.

When asked why he was crying. The sheikh said because he almost sold his religion for 20 cents.

This is a pretty famous story, told by brother Muhammad Hablos who personally knew the skeikh.
May 15, 2017
A sheikh in the UK was hired at a masjid and he was made the imam there.

He says he would take the bus from his home to this town area and then walk to the masjid from there because it wasn't far. The imam says one day he got on this bus and there was a new driver. Someone he's never seen before.

He says he paid the bus driver for his fare and the driver gave him his change. The imam says he didn't really look at the change until he went to the back of the bus and sat down. When he sat down he looked at the money and realized he had 20 cents extra. The driver had given him too much change.

Then the conversation started happening in the imams head. He's thinking its only 20 cents, its nothing, don't worry about it, don't embarrass yourself.

So the imam is sitting there for the entire trip thinking its 20 cents. Should i return it, shouldn't i?

The bus reaches his stop and he gets up walking to the front, still debating if he should return it, don't give it, give it back. As soon as he got to the bus driver he says look man, you gave me 20 cents extra.

The driver says nah, i didn't give you 20 extra. I gave it to you intentionally. The imam says why did you give it to me intentionally?

The driver says for 3 years I've been looking into Islam. He said when i seen you and i seen you dressed the way you were dressed i knew you were an imam. So today i was gonna make my decision. If you were honest, if you were honest i was gonna embrace Islam. But if you kept that money then I'd know you're liars like everyone else lies.

So the sheikh gave him the money. Got off the bus and when the bus drove off he started crying.

When asked why he was crying. The sheikh said because he almost sold his religion for 20 cents.

This is a pretty famous story, told by brother Muhammad Hablos who personally knew the skeikh.
Basing your choice on 20 cents... Wow silly
Mar 22, 2017
A sheikh in the UK was hired at a masjid and he was made the imam there.

He says he would take the bus from his home to this town area and then walk to the masjid from there because it wasn't far. The imam says one day he got on this bus and there was a new driver. Someone he's never seen before.

He says he paid the bus driver for his fare and the driver gave him his change. The imam says he didn't really look at the change until he went to the back of the bus and sat down. When he sat down he looked at the money and realized he had 20 cents extra. The driver had given him too much change.

Then the conversation started happening in the imams head. He's thinking its only 20 cents, its nothing, don't worry about it, don't embarrass yourself.

So the imam is sitting there for the entire trip thinking its 20 cents. Should i return it, shouldn't i?

The bus reaches his stop and he gets up walking to the front, still debating if he should return it, don't give it, give it back. As soon as he got to the bus driver he says look man, you gave me 20 cents extra.

The driver says nah, i didn't give you 20 extra. I gave it to you intentionally. The imam says why did you give it to me intentionally?

The driver says for 3 years I've been looking into Islam. He said when i seen you and i seen you dressed the way you were dressed i knew you were an imam. So today i was gonna make my decision. If you were honest, if you were honest i was gonna embrace Islam. But if you kept that money then I'd know you're liars like everyone else lies.

So the sheikh gave him the money. Got off the bus and when the bus drove off he started crying.

When asked why he was crying. The sheikh said because he almost sold his religion for 20 cents.

This is a pretty famous story, told by brother Muhammad Hablos who personally knew the skeikh.


Jun 28, 2020
Basing your choice on 20 cents... Wow silly
This is what separates us seek.

I have a co-worker who takes copper home from jobs. Generally we get alot of copper from replacing older wires. Upgrading services and what not. We save the copper from all the jobs and eventually the company cashes it all in at once. Sometimes we get a cut. We do get jobs where the copper is 100's of pounds. Massive wire as thick as your wrist. My co-worker figures a pound here and there doesn't hurt anyone so he takes a piece here and there. $5 here, $10 there. Over time it adds up. My co-worker is basically stealing from the company. My boss (A Muslim) is aware of it and he says God will deal with it, and hes absolutely right.

Yet to someone who actually fears God, someone who doesn't just give lip service. He takes "though shall not steal" literally.

Whether it be a quarter or a $50 bill. I'm sure you already know but this man, my co-worker, claims Christianity. Seems you two think alike, as in its just 20 cents. Right?

God guides whom he wills.