Jeffrey Epstein. Hello?


Jan 29, 2018
Bill Gates Gets Really Awkward When Asked About His Ties To Jeffrey Epstein
“Well, he’s dead, so, uhh, in general, you always have to be careful.”


“You had a number of meetings with Jeffrey Epstein, who — when you met him 10 years ago — he was convicted of soliciting prostitution from minors. What did you know about him when you were meeting with him, as you’ve said yourself, in the hopes of raising money?” Woodruff asked.

“Uh, you know, I had dinner with him. I regret doing that,” Gates answered. “He had relationships with people he said, you know, would give to global health, which is an interest I have. Not nearly enough philanthropy goes in that direction.”
“Those meetings were a mistake,”
he added. “They didn’t result in what he purported, and I cut them off. You know, that goes back a long time ago now. There’s — you know, so there’s nothing new on that.”
“What did you do when you found out about his background?” Woodruff asked.
“Well, you know, I’ve said I’ve regretted having those dinners, and there’s absolutely nothing new on that,” Gates said.
Asked if there was a lesson from the experience, Gates said: “Well, he’s dead, so, uh, in general, you always have to be careful, uh, and, you know, I’m very proud of what we’ve done and very proud of the work of the foundation. That’s what I get up every day and focus on.”

It can be interesting to watch him, Allen, Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg and etc. devolve into their sputtering true selves when they are pressed... no amount of money can buy class or cool, and theirs just evaporates so easily lol
Apr 11, 2017
It can be interesting to watch him, Allen, Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg and etc. devolve into their sputtering true selves when they are pressed... no amount of money can buy class or cool, and theirs just evaporates so easily lol
Well he's dead now, is he though?? I'm not a super sceptic weirdo that thinks every dead person is alive, but Epstein I believe was an Israeli Mossad agent who was collecting blackmail on behalf of the Zionists, pair that with the fact that he had a prior relationship with attorney general Barr's father and Trump the president and attorney general at the time of his arrest and the fact that Trump was good friends with Zionists and also pardoned another Israeli spy, did he secretly release him to israel?
Apr 11, 2017
It can be interesting to watch him, Allen, Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg and etc. devolve into their sputtering true selves when they are pressed... no amount of money can buy class or cool, and theirs just evaporates so easily lol
I wasn't saying that you were saying he's dead I was just generally respond to the article by the way sorry if I didn't make that clear


Jan 29, 2018
Well he's dead now, is he though?? I'm not a super sceptic weirdo that thinks every dead person is alive, but Epstein I believe was an Israeli Mossad agent who was collecting blackmail on behalf of the Zionists, pair that with the fact that he had a prior relationship with attorney general Barr's father and Trump the president and attorney general at the time of his arrest and the fact that Trump was good friends with Zionists and also pardoned another Israeli spy, did he secretly release him to israel?
Im apt to believe Epstein was subject to an extraction, not and execution (if high-level assets cant trust that their handlers and masters will get them out of a jam, they wont be very effective operators) but I could also see it going either way (ex: perhaps he was too much of a risk). I was mainly remarking about Gates & co. losing their cool so easily when pressed though lol
Jan 27, 2018
This article is pretty old but really elucidating and horrific:



May 15, 2017
How many recognizable names
I would say everyone knows at least a few names on that list
no matter where your located
how many will say they had no idea he was what he was
birds of a feather right
I don't care how much a celebrity/or w/e ya wanna call em is liked/love
if they hang out with people that prey on anyone
they are just as sick


Jul 28, 2021
I was reading a bit about Ghislane Maxwells sister who is tied to the World Enslavement Forum ( ),
In 2007, Maxwell married Al Seckel .
"In 2009, Seckel was involved in organizing a science conference with financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. The Mindshift conference took place in early 2011 on Epstein's private island Little Saint James. In attendance were scientists Murray Gell-Mann, Leonard Mlodinow, Gerald Sussman and Frances Arnold, in addition to the actor and cryptocurrency proponent Brock Pierce " ( theoretical physicist and mathematician ) ( physicist, received the 1969 Nobel Prize in Physics ) ( Professor of Electrical Engineering has been involved in artificial intelligence (AI) research at MIT since 1964. ,) ( chemical engineer and Nobel Laureate. )



Jul 28, 2021
Boy did i do some lousy research yesterday ,i totally missed something . I did some more reading on Frances Arnold ,and daaaamn.

"Since January 2021, she serves as an external co-chair of President Joe Biden's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology "
"She has been on the corporate board of the genomics company Illumina Inc. since 2016 " (they make DNA sequencers)
"In 2019, she was named to the board of Alphabet Inc., making Arnold the third female director of the Google parent company. " (Alphabet is also making biggest DNA database ever)
Oct 20, 2021

Everyone involved is dying, and pizzagate is a conspiracy theory as there is no "concrete evidence".
In article it says Maxwell family is concerned for her safety in jail lol. As if she has ever been in jail. Never seen one picture of her in jail. If anyone else has please post them.


Apr 13, 2019
The people who know too much when these cases get exposed always get killed, 26 witnesses were even killed in the Dutroux case! It's madness and so out in the open I can't believe people still deny the possibility of a network.


May 15, 2017
Not sure if it's the right thread
it's discussing the gniciffart topic so

After watching a bit more I am gonna say
view at your own discretion as this is
actual people selling their children for monetary gains
they do not see them as human in any way
I myself am watching in pieces as I am getting
so angry and just heart broken at these people
how do ya get to make this and no one is punished
or the sites shut down I am so disappointed in humans
when I see/hear about this topic

Having watched it now I have to warn
there is descriptive graphics which
I myself had skip over a lot as I just
cannot take that topic at all

We all need to remember when
crap hits the fan that this
is the kinda people we are dealing
with and show no mercy just as they
have with their victims
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