LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)


Jul 27, 2017
Who me? Nah, I had a dad but he wasn't much good, he was a workaholic- literally- and sent himself half-nutty with overwork, he once told my mam- "That shoe factory's my life".
He used to go ballistic at the slightest thing, like when as a kid I threw some orange peel down the toilet but it wouldn't flush because it was too buoyant, so he started ranting and raving and kicking me like a dog, what a stone cold loser..:)
Damn mate!

I can see why you have the mentality you have. Regardless of our differences I appreciate your care free attitude. Seems you had to rely on that to get past the abuse


Jul 27, 2017
Most Christians and Jesus would rather put a noose round peedos necks..:)-
Jesus said- "if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Matt 18:6)
Why do catholics worship jesus but are pedos?
What’s the difference between catholicism and christianity.

It seems anytime someone does something wrong they create a religious excuse.
Oct 2, 2017
But mate, even the Koran admits the Old T prophets and Jesus were something special, so try telling muslims the Koran is a pack of lies if you dare.. :p

[Koran 2.136]- "We believe in Allah and in that which had been revealed to us, and in that which was revealed to Ibrahim [Abraham] and Ismail [Ishmael] and Ishaq [Isaac] and Yaqoub [Jacob] and the tribes, and in that which was given to Musa [Moses] and Isa [Jesus].."

[Koran 2.253]- "Allah..gave clear miracles to Isa [Jesus] son of Marium [Mary], and strengthened him with the holy spirit."
The old testament stated there would be a prophet that would be the son of god, but this is where Islam, Judaism and Christianity split off. Islam said Jesus was important but not the son of god, same with the Jews, Christians as we know see him as the son of god but then also cant get their facts straight so split off into a dozen other religions.
At the time of Jesus there were hundreds of Jewish prophets proclaiming their divinity. Many scholars even comment that the Guy talked about in the different books in the new testament could possibly be different men, due to the fact that their personality, attitudes and aggression/passivity changes so much. One minute hes wanting peace and quiet then hes bringing war and swords. In a way the Jesus of the new testement is like Robin Hood in the UK. There are loads of different stories about men attacking and stealing money from the barons/rich, over time those stories all merged together creating a fantasy, a guy called robin hood


Jul 27, 2017
The old testament stated there would be a prophet that would be the son of god, but this is where Islam, Judaism and Christianity split off. Islam said Jesus was important but not the son of god, same with the Jews, Christians as we know see him as the son of god but then also cant get their facts straight so split off into a dozen other religions.
At the time of Jesus there were hundreds of Jewish prophets proclaiming their divinity. Many scholars even comment that the Guy talked about in the different books in the new testament could possibly be different men, due to the fact that their personality, attitudes and aggression/passivity changes so much. One minute hes wanting peace and quiet then hes bringing war and swords. In a way the Jesus of the new testement is like Robin Hood in the UK. There are loads of different stories about men attacking and stealing money from the barons/rich, over time those stories all merged together creating a fantasy, a guy called robin hood
How old is the bible? It’s naive to think that the book hasn’t been tampered/tainted and altered to form. Considering religion is the one thing a lot of the population holds to their heart.
I would not be surprised to know the elites up top sprinkled in their stuff
Oct 2, 2017
How old is the bible? It’s naive to think that the book hasn’t been tampered/tainted and altered to form. Considering religion is the one thing a lot of the population holds to their heart.
I would not be surprised to know the elites up top sprinkled in their stuff
Unofficially its mean to be 6000 years old. Offically no one really knows.

We know for a fact the bible has been tampered with. The council of Nicaea was formed just for that purpose Constantine brought Christian bishops together to decide which books would be added to the new testament. Some were edited, some completely removed, the most famous one that was removed was the testament of Mary Magdalene. Some scholars believe Christianity was meant to be female led, there is even archaeological proof of early Christianity being led by women Bishops/priests due to Jesus seeing Mary as his second in command and leader after his assention/death. Then theres the dead sea scrolls other texts omitted by Constantine because they detail Mary Magdalene as his wife (not da vinci code the proper story is interesting)
Also we have to take into account the old testament was only written down centuries after Judaism was created, the original stories were passed down by word of mouth and as we know retelling stories can become distorted very easily.

Cristian history is very interesting, even from an atheist point of view. I personally find it interesting, but its very dark and crooked.


Jul 27, 2017
Unofficially its mean to be 6000 years old. Offically no one really knows.

We know for a fact the bible has been tampered with. The council of Nicaea was formed just for that purpose Constantine brought Christian bishops together to decide which books would be added to the new testament. Some were edited, some completely removed, the most famous one that was removed was the testament of Mary Magdalene. Some scholars believe Christianity was meant to be female led, there is even archaeological proof of early Christianity being led by women Bishops/priests due to Jesus seeing Mary as his second in command and leader after his assention/death. Then theres the dead sea scrolls other texts omitted by Constantine because they detail Mary Magdalene as his wife (not da vinci code the proper story is interesting)
Also we have to take into account the old testament was only written down centuries after Judaism was created, the original stories were passed down by word of mouth and as we know retelling stories can become distorted very easily.

Cristian history is very interesting, even from an atheist point of view. I personally find it interesting, but its very dark and crooked.
It is crooked and I seriously do think a lot of practices today are false and giving energy to bad shiz.

Society is what it is today cause people lost the basic human element of empathy. Everyone is scared of a rapidly changing society so trying to adapt is like stepping foot onto a hardcore carousel. We’re holding onto what we know for identity and meaning and everything we hold dear is being challenged.

Only hope is to just jump in, be strong and do your best to do good.


Mar 4, 2020
I’ve already stated my opinion that this stuff you constantly quote has more than likely been tampered with through out history.
C’mon mate, you claim to be a rebel but you fall for verses that have passed more editing than an auto tune pop song in pre production.

Prove it.. :p
Let's just recap- you say the Bible and the Koran have been messed about with, anything else while you're at it?
Look mate, VC is a discussion forum, so discuss and produce your evidence, VC is not 'Paranoid Central' where people can wander in off the street and make themselves look stupid by talking bullshine without proof..;)

WIKI- "Paranoid personality disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis characterised by a pervasive and long-standing suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others"


Mar 4, 2020
Why do catholics worship jesus but are pedos?
What’s the difference between catholicism and christianity.
It seems anytime someone does something wrong they create a religious excuse.

Catholicism is satanic to the core, for example they don't like girls-

And Catholics pray to Jesus's human mum and to human "saints", which is an occult practise, because Jesus said pray directly to God himself- ("Our Father which art in heaven..."), so Catholic prayers are totally wasted like firing blank rounds.


Jan 11, 2020
Look mate, VC is a discussion forum, so discuss and produce your evidence, VC is not 'Paranoid Central' where people can wander in off the street and make themselves look stupid by talking bullshine without proof..;)
But you can do that.
People do it all the time, and then come back as an alt to do it again.


Mar 4, 2020
Christians as we know see him as the son of god but then also cant get their facts straight so split off into a dozen other religions...

Sure there are many wack-a-doodle "christian" sects and cults, but they can't get under the radar..:)

"For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." (2 Cor 11:13/14)
"If anyone preaches a perverted gospel they're accursed" (Gal 1:6-9)
"Beware men who spoil you with enticing words, deceitful philosophy not after Christ" (Col 2:4-8 )
"Ignorant people distort things, to their own destruction" (2 Pet 3:16/17)

"Don't get carried away by strange teachings" (Heb 13:9)

Hence Jesus's reminder- "Call nobody teacher except me" (Matt 23:8-10)


Jul 27, 2017
Prove it.. :p
Let's just recap- you say the Bible and the Koran have been messed about with, anything else while you're at it?
Look mate, VC is a discussion forum, so discuss and produce your evidence, VC is not 'Paranoid Central' where people can wander in off the street and make themselves look stupid by talking bullshine without proof..;)

WIKI- "Paranoid personality disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis characterised by a pervasive and long-standing suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others"
Awwww cute response mate :p
Prove that the verses you post are actually from Jesus. Prove historical accuracies. You don’t have a problem trying to bring down other religions. Funny how you seem to put down muslims, but are now referring to the quran. Hmm.

C’mon you little rebel. You’re starting to make me suspicious Tidal.


Jul 27, 2017
Catholicism is satanic to the core, for example they don't like girls-

And Catholics pray to Jesus's human mum and to human "saints", which is an occult practise, because Jesus said pray directly to God himself- ("Our Father which art in heaven..."), so Catholic prayers are totally wasted like firing blank rounds.
Praying to multiple entities? I can agree with you there
Oct 2, 2017
It is crooked and I seriously do think a lot of practices today are false and giving energy to bad shiz.

Society is what it is today cause people lost the basic human element of empathy. Everyone is scared of a rapidly changing society so trying to adapt is like stepping foot onto a hardcore carousel. We’re holding onto what we know for identity and meaning and everything we hold dear is being challenged.

Only hope is to just jump in, be strong and do your best to do good.
in a way Christianity has human sacrifice and eating. People drink wine and eat wafers as if they are the blood and flesh of Jesus. People nail themselves to crosses and whip themselves for their religion. It seems very dark and evil.
this does not seem like the religion of love

then theres the fact if Jesus is real, he was against wealth, pro helping the poor and quite modern when it comes to womens rights. Can we say any christian religion follows his teachings
The current pope does try to be less ostentatious than the last but i dont know i dont trust him. Protestants (the middle image) try to be less like the Catholics but still horde money and well the mormons...

Can we really believe the people who brought us witch trials, tribe/native slaughter and the Spanish inquisition are the good guys?

I have the below book and it goes into detail about the history of the bible and well it is really dark

Oct 2, 2017
Prove it.. :p
Let's just recap- you say the Bible and the Koran have been messed about with, anything else while you're at it?
Look mate, VC is a discussion forum, so discuss and produce your evidence, VC is not 'Paranoid Central' where people can wander in off the street and make themselves look stupid by talking bullshine without proof..;)

WIKI- "Paranoid personality disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis characterised by a pervasive and long-standing suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others"
There have been plenty and as i said the council of Nicaea is the most obvious and well documented

The stories in the bible were all word of mouth until written down sometimes thousands of years after the occasion, even the testaments of Jesus's disciples are either second/third hand accounts or written 60+ years AFTER Jesus was dead/ascended. Even all the churches admit this
Oct 2, 2017
Catholicism is satanic to the core, for example they don't like girls-

And Catholics pray to Jesus's human mum and to human "saints", which is an occult practise, because Jesus said pray directly to God himself- ("Our Father which art in heaven..."), so Catholic prayers are totally wasted like firing blank rounds.
And protestants really care about women? yeah there are women in the priesthood but they have still been brutal to women. Salem and the witchfinder general were protestant, all the witch trials in the UK, US and many in Europe were protestant led. Women are still expected to be subservient and they still teach sexist and abusive stories from the bible that involve women. Protestants also had orphanages and Magdalene laundries where thousands of women and children were, abuse, tortured, raped, molested and buried in unnamed graves.
The catholic church may be dirty but the protestant church isnt much better